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Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
8 years ago

The blood pressure explanation was new info for me. I saw a dental surgeon for removal of a cracked tooth two years ago. The initial consultation included a blood pressure test, since the anti-inflammatory was going to increase my blood pressure. I was a whopping 220/120. I am 5’6 and I was 190lbs, light bone frame. So he said you may have white coat pressure, check it over the next few days and if it stays high, go to a doctor. The long and the short of it is, I drastically reduced carbs to drop the weight. I’m not paleo, but very rarely do I eat wheat now, and when I do, I get sluggish, tired and cranky..oh wait, thats normal 🙂

Im now down to 155. My lowest reading is now 122/68 on average. I was unaware of the carbs association. I now walk about 5km a day (3 miles). I had not been to a doctor in over twenty years, so when I got one here, she said “I would rather you do this with diet and lifestyle”, but she did put me on 25mg of Apo-Hydro, which is basically a diuretic. I am still on the 25mg dose, but hope to be off it at some point. Great explanation Gary. It seems obvious but you explained it quite well. Thanks

8 years ago

Bryan Blackital of ITS Tactical.

Marcus Greybeard
Marcus Greybeard
8 years ago

Closing track could have been Pink Floyd’s “Welcome To The Machine” : )

8 years ago

Why not have the real medical professional, doc bones, answer these questions instead of wanna be doctor Gary with his over the top anti medical BS.

What a wasted effort.

Sam Williams
Sam Williams
8 years ago

I would to thank Gary Collins for his observation on blood pressure. After having nearly died from mainstream medicine I prefer to do naturaly what others depend on drugs for.

8 years ago

In the Bryan Black EDC segment he mentions the fact that he did not like the Wave opening feature on the Emerson because it “does not work under all circumstances.” This came from Michael Janich (friend of the guys at Emerson and Spyerdco) who is very respected in the world of edged weapons training. My cousin did some training with him and while talking about the wave Michael told him to put his back against the wall and draw the knife. When he did it successfully and Michael saw how, he no longer had problem with the feature. I own the Spyderco Endura Wave and I can tell you that the wave is a very convenient feature.

What will the unnecessary people do in the age of automation? The same thing they are doing now. Sitting on their lazy asses while a robot is splicing the fiber optics to their shack instead of me. At least the machine won’t be pissed off that 1/3 of it’s productivity is going to provide for that lazy sack of shit.

8 years ago

Re: being paid to pursue one’s interests instead of having a job

I absolutely would LOVE the idea of being paid to ditch my well-paying but crappy & unfulfilling job and instead learn, read, and create whatever happens to be in line with my interests and without giving away any creative control. Universities may have offered something like that a long time ago, but my time in college made it clear it wasn’t worth the extra years to get a Phd in engineering in the hopes of getting one of the coveted research positions AND regularly going around hat in hand for research grants.

If I were Elon Musk rich, just for shits-and-giggles I’d create something like an inventor’s/scientist’s/creator’s/artist’s campus with some basic tools, equipment, computing resources, a decent library (print & digital), a department to help participants create a business and market & sell things they create, and a respectable wage that covers cost of living plus some extra for savings and funding for bigger or extra projects.

The rules would be those of basic common sense, respect for fellow researchers and their projects, and the campus/institute getting a small percentage of profit from any marketable technology, designs, or saleable artwork. Would be interesting to see if such an endeavor would turn out to be profitable over the long term and how many of it’s participants would more than pay for themselves over their time there.

Anyway, back here on Earth it still looks like running my own business is the closest thing to this that’s available to me or most people, so that’s what I’m moving towards. Less than two months to go!

8 years ago

“Before long, the robots will be able to build more robots, so the owner will just make another robot if one breaks.

3D printers can already make many of their own mechanical components, and they’ll continue to progress up the industrial food chain. I’m guessing the last vestige of mass production will be computer chips, as it will be a long time before we can print one of those. But they’ll still be coming out of automated fabs with very few humans employed. If Moore’s Law ends, there won’t even be many jobs designing them, though customizing them for specific users might keep a lot of engineers employed.”


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdSRUG4KTPA (self-driving 18-wheelers)

8 years ago

Jack, to your comment that any company with more than a few dozen employees can find one or several that could be cut without missing them: while I am certain that is true in most companies, I can’t think of one person in the company I work for that can be gone for more than a day without being missed — gone for a week and their absence is felt by all. I won’t give the name of the company I work for but will say that we are a small “David” in service industry niche where the “Goliath” is significantly larger than we are — they certainly would fit the bill of having persons they could part with without concern. They cut 1/3 of their employees during the big recession while we cut 0. My department of 7 does the same work that their similar dept of 300 does. We have felt the ripple effects of the publishing industry’s painful move from print to electronic publications and have had to adapt our services to keep up.

Even though we are a small company with zero “fat” to trim, I am always aware that our world is changing, technology is changing the face of many jobs, mine included. It is dangerous to ever think one’s position or career is “safe” or “indispensable”.

And, as a 50-something lady, the idea of being paid to pursue my vocational interests rather than a job gives me mixed feelings. Sure, I would love to have 40 extra hours a week to do what I feel more passionate about. But, honestly, the idea of being paid to not work goes against my grain. But, as I get older and more “crickity” it would be nice to have a more secure future financially (which seems like a oxymoronical idea really — is there such a thing as a “secure” future?).

Jose Garcia
8 years ago

Hello Erica,

Do you have any recommendations to minimize the smell of vinegar when used as a cleaner? I mix it with water to clean glass and tile surfaces.


Erica / Northwest Edible Life
Reply to  Jose Garcia

You can cover the vinegar smell a bit by adding essential oils to the vinegar; orange EO is typically cheap and strong smelling, and also a grease cutter in and of itself. Be very careful about using it for personal care, though – the citrus oils can be quite irritating. Peppermint is also nice. However, the vinegar smell should dissipate naturally as it dries; if you find even that initial smell too strong, you can switch to citric acid dissolved in water for a natural DIY acidic cleaner.

For cleaning windows specifically, one tip I love is using old newspaper (black and white only) or junk mail paper to “polish” the glass – the paper is totally link free and leaves a great, streak-free shine.

8 years ago

A question about the short shelf life of chlorine bleach. Since swimming pool chlorine tablets are stable for a long time, perhaps these tablets could be stored and with the proper math, they could be converted into a gallon size of sterilizing bleach. A SHTF storage item?

8 years ago
Reply to  Mrlenja

I love that idea!

Erica / Northwest Edible Life

This is a truly GREAT idea, Mrlenja. Some research would be needed to establish that the granular or tablet form of bleach has the same disinfecting power as the liquid (I think it’s a slightly different chemical makeup), and of course the dilution ratio would be important to get right – but if those things are ok, I think this is an even better bleach solution for a SHTF situation.