
Episode-2876- Expert Council Q&A for 5-21-21 — 4 Comments

  1. To the aspiring knife sharpener.. I’ve been a professional knife sharpener for 4 years now. The onion sharpener is a homeowner type product. Get a tormek wet wheel sharpener. With the accessories. You can get the wen or the grizzly for a quarter the price but spend the money in the tormek wheel. It’s easy, fast and keeps the blade cool. I sharpen at farmers markets so I don’t get them hair shaving sharp, but they’re really sharp and I don’t get any complaints.

  2. Well if the extremist training was a psy op it worked for me. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Honestly I haven’t been happy serving for the last 10 years or so after going through and learning about anarcho capitalism. So after 33 years of service I turned in my retirement request for Oct 1st, 2021. Between the maskhole crap, the gene therapy propaganda and now the neo Nazi extremist training I’m done.

  3. On the extremism topic; I am an E-6 in the USAF and will be retiring in a little over a year. My first instinct when reading the brief was to tell everyone to bail as soon as they could. Another angle of the Psy-op is with the internship program that is now offered, you have little one-on-one interaction with others once you are “safe” to speak your mind. I will be letting everyone I can know that the military is no longer an organization to be associated with, including my children.