
Expert Council Q&A – Epi-3566 — 7 Comments

  1. I had heard that carbs give energy also. I am not totally sure what the truth really is but it also seems commonly stated that if you eat excess protein then it will also raise blood sugar levels, it may just take a little longer for it to happen

    • Yes, your body converts protein into sugar. That’s why the only way you force true ketosis is to keep protein capped. It involves eating mostly fat calories.

  2. I was surprised to hear you say we don’t store carbohydrates. Perhaps a brain fart? We store them as glycogen. In all our muscles cells and in our liver. It’s our easiest fuel for the body to use quickly. It is why runners often eat a big meal of spaghetti the night before a big run. To fill up glycogen stores. They also usually take gels etc for really long runs as when you get to a certain percentage of glycogen stores left, your energy starts to drop. This is the energy wall people hit when starting low carb diets also. And it’s why you lose a lot of weight suddenly on low carb or very low calorie diets- you lose the water that is stored with the glycogen. Fat is the longer term energy storage. There is also a small amount of carbohydrate released from fat cells as they are burned if I remember correctly. It’s been a while since I reading into all that.

      • Well I am just going to keep judging the results of diets and lifestyles vs. the opinions of people who got us into a place where half of society is obese, 80% of people are are drugs for LIFE that didn’t even exist 25 years ago and life expectancy in the past decade in the country has declined.

        But that said you do you and let’s go Brandon.

    • Fast and loose with the word “store” there. For how long? And how much?

      Answer is very short term and not much, otherwise there’d be significant carbs in say beef and we’d not even have this discussion.

      And a big meal of spaghetti is a fad one that thankfully has passed long ago to the most remotely informed.

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