
Expert Council Q&A for 4-4-24 – Epi-3474 — 5 Comments

  1. Hello Jack,
    me , b link was not available at, please have a great weekend and thanks for all \\you do,
    for today’s Flashback Episode, I had to go to survival and play it, no shame, no blame.

    Thank you for all that you do.

    Suggestion for a few weeks of flashbacks, The battery bank/ power generation episodes ?

  2. Hello Jack,

    For Flash back episodes, have you considered the series that you and Steven Harris did a while back?

    As to the Flashback for 5 April 2024, there was not link, so I went to the Audio section at and listened to it from there.

    • I still do not understand, what do you mean there was not a link, not a link WHERE?

      As to Harris, while BANNED from the TSPC community, we will get to him when we get to him. The interviews are in order from oldest to newest.

      • Okay I get it now it isn’t a link the damn show just didn’t publish. I have no idea what happened. It was scheduled to publish at 0900 on Friday, it didn’t it stayed as “scheduled” and there was no way to unstick it. I redid the post and it is there now. When Tom gets home he’ll have some sorting out to do. Weird, 16 year and this has happened one time.