
Expert Council Q&A for 2-24-22 – Epi-3040 — 4 Comments

  1. Bee’s: buy a bee box NOW. Put it 8-15 feet high, level it the best you can. Put a tiny amount of lemongrass oil or swarm attractant inside 2-3 inch opening. You will very likely catch a swarm.I caught 4 swarms on top of my garage last spring (2 have survived the winter so far) you will be more likely to get a mentor if you can say “hey I have this hive I need help with, you can have the honey if you help me( he will give you some honey)

  2. Expert Council Q&A for 2-24-22 – Epi-3040 segments
    This is the Label Txt file
    The column on the left is the start time for each topic break in seconds, center column is end time and last column is file name.
    Import #3040 into Audacity (free download)
    Import label txt file (below) “edit/labels/edit labels/import”
    Create folder “Expert Council Q&A for 2-24-22 – Epi-3040” in your music folder
    Export episode: “file/export/multiple (ctrl-shift-L) into the #3040 folder.
    0.000000 154.627000 3040-1
    154.627000 254.238000 3040-2
    254.238000 354.479000 3040-3
    354.479000 772.313000 3040-4
    772.313000 1106.980000 3040-5
    1106.981000 1347.920000 3040-6
    1347.919000 1504.360000 3040-7
    1504.360000 1796.290000 3040-8
    1796.289000 2291.190000 3040-9
    2291.188000 2686.830000 3040-10
    2686.825812 3107.980000 3040-11
    3107.981000 3242.240000 3040-12
    3242.240000 3561.850000 3040-13
    3561.853000 4576.760000 3040-14
    4576.757000 5520.440000 3040-15
    5520.436000 5655.980000 3040-16

    • This won’t work, I need to upload the txt file as it is in column format which I can’t do by just pasting copy.