
Error with Today’s Show — 6 Comments

  1. Oh you are so gonna pay!
    Have a good time in Tx brotha!
    Any chance of hearing Mrs Dorothy on TSP?

  2. No sweat. I’ve been up and back down from Microsoft IE 9. (Don’t make the journey.) I figured it was my fault. Looking forward to the show.


  3. Congratulations on selling your house!!

    Hey David, My computer didn’t like IE9. I kept getting “display driver stopped responding” messages and they totally went away when I uninstalled it.

  4. I walk four miles most mornings listening to you. Now what am I gonna do – listen to the birds? heh heh

  5. Jack,

    Check out Teamviewer. I have it on my home computer so I can log into it from work if I need to get to something; or more likely, left my email open on my computer so I’m not getting any email on my phone. They also have a mobile version (for android at least). I’m happy with it so far.