
Episode-27- Equipping the Survival Vehicle Beyond the Bug Out Bag — 3 Comments

    At NAPA I opened the bag to be sure
    I had v-bars. A youngster at my elbow
    asked incredulusly, ” Where you going
    you need something like that??”
    With v-bars on all four you can go through
    snow, ice, mud when noone else
    is moving.

  2. Vlad – also need to comment that many do not realize you need to DEFLATE you tires to 15 pounds to get through many holes that have you struck in them. This is mandatory for offroading, and always worked perfectly. Nothing else needed.

  3. Wonderful info, just one additional thing. Good leather gloves. Nothing worse than trying to pull a slippery road kill out of your steering linkage or a piece of tire with the little sharp wires sticking out all over thats hung under your car. They will be a life saver too on hot hoses and radiator caps. A few pair of nitrile or latex gloves are great too for helping at an accident scene or just having to get wrist deep in something you are unsure of or trying to stay clean on your way to work when you have to do repairs. These take up little space and should be in every car. They are a great adder to the 72 hour bag also. I have them in both.