Episodes 1-75 of The Early Years Now Fully Restored
As long time listeners know the growth of the show caused the need for quite a few server migrations. At this point we are rock solid on our dedicated server but somewhere along the way episodes 1-75, the true early years of the show were lost.
Well they were not lost, broken is more accurate of a term. Fixing this was time consuming but it was a project worth doing. It required me to manually go through each of the 75 episodes and link them one at a time. I also reformatted the episodes to the modern formatting we use now such as epi-0001 at the beginning of episode one so they will order nicely on ipods and other players in sequential order.
So if you had been wondering what the really early years were like you can now listen to them by using the archives links in the right column under the tag cloud. Of course MSB Members get Zip Files of every episode for easy downloads but everyone can now listen to every episode I have ever done if you so desire. If you do notice any further broken episodes let me know. Restoring one or two isn’t a big deal and can be done pretty swiftly.
Ahhhhhh….vintage TSP. It started off with just a man with a dream.
Miss the Road Rants!
Jack this is great! I love the old podcasts. I just listened to #3 The Survival Drill which is a great idea to test our preps. Have you thought about making that an annual thing and we all test our stuff at the same time. The idea that comes to mind is the Amateur Ham radio operators Field Day, where the hams all go on emergency power to communicate from the field. Maybe we could even do the survival drill on the same day as Field Day which is held annually the fourth full weekend in June. With you promoting “Survival Drill Day” it just might turn into a really big thing and get lots more people involved.
Excellent news. I think it’s pretty daunting for some people to jump right into the middle of something as big and long-standing as TSP is now, and those old shows have a lot of the basic info in them that new people will want.
Good work.
The “download” link for episode 74; downloads episode 73.
In service,
@Duncan, problem rectified thanks for finding it. You may have to do a full restart to get the right episode if your browser cached the other one.
I have the earley podcasts arcived on thum drives
Really enjoying some of the early shows.
The one on the green greenhouse has particularly inspired me to get on with my geodesic Dome project
Thanks Jack
Hey Jack,
I just noted that the new file name format for episodes 1 through 24 is different from higher numbers. As you can see below, 24 and below is missing the extra zero where 25 and above has it.
In service,