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Randy from People's Republic of MA
Randy from People's Republic of MA
12 years ago

…OK, OK…I’ll shut up when my not-as-reluctant-as-a-month-ago spouse continues to slowly get on board 🙂

12 years ago

Talking to sheep about prepping is really bad for OPSEC – so I don’t

Sun Tsu says: “Bury your preps”

just saying

12 years ago

Never said I was going it alone. I have some family and really good friends who know (2 who also prep) and would join together with them if ever gets that bad. But trying to make converts out of neighbors ahead of time will more likely than not get a guy killed post collaspe. (I’m talking about pandemic / EMP scenario) I know most of my neighbors and will work together when possible, but them knowing I’m a prepper is out of the question. IMHO of course…

12 years ago

btw I really enjoyed your show today as usual – just I am very cautious about what is said to who and from the way you laid it out it sounds like you are as well…as you take baby steps with them and you just maybe going further than I would.

rich hutchins
rich hutchins
12 years ago

anyone else having the podcast feed not getting today’s file in itunes?

Keith Thomas
Keith Thomas
12 years ago
Reply to  rich hutchins

Mine came down through iTunes as usual – and it was great, just great! See Cavegirl’s post – that’s how I felt too.

rich hutchins
rich hutchins
12 years ago
Reply to  rich hutchins

now its coming..not sure what happened.

12 years ago

Jack your closing to today’s show damn near brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for reminding me just why we do what we do! And yes, my great-grandparents also came from the “old-country” and I always thought my grandparents were a little kooky for all of the toilet paper and can goods they stored in their “root cellar”! This lit my fire to get back to some of the things I have been slacking doing! Thank you for a wonderful show!!

12 years ago

Hahaha Jack said “tra la la la la” great show today

Chris Fox
Chris Fox
12 years ago

I’ve use the “crack” of prepping, gardening. Most people garden and when I bring fresh fruit/vegetables/eggs/rabbit, they ask about it. That gets us talking. And talking to people who I wouldn’t usually group with. The old lady in HR who grows petunias, the hippy vegan chick, or the redneck who grew up on a farm. Get them to grow vegetables and they end up with a huge surplus, they come and ask what to do with it and I’ve got them : )

Radicalized American
Radicalized American
12 years ago

I think I have actually been making progress with my fam damily, maybe its because there is a big difference between how they see me act, and what they see on tv
I am not sure the producers are having to make the people look like nut jobs though, I have a military surplus store close to me, and they even advertise that “we watch doomsday preppers, how about you?”
They could star in the show..

12 years ago

With respect to OpSec and assuming most other people to be sheep, you needn’t expose everyone to everything, but nearly everyone can probably relate to at least one of the planks of modern survival.

Gardening is obvious in the TSP community. Gun guys can also be fairly easy, what with some of the big national firearms/ammo catalogs jumping on the bandwagon and front-paging long-term storage food buckets.

Some people aren’t into gardening or guns. Some people are into personal finance. Talk to them about debt reduction, if they’ve properly insured their lives and the objects in them, inflation, etc. Talk to them about investments in things other than stocks and bonds – durable goods and precious metals. Ask them if they think of their house as an investment, an ATM, or a place to live.

Most people who feel they need a ‘shepherd’ already have one. Most everyone can use sheepdogs. People in the TSP community can be the sheepdogs who help corral the ‘sheep’ to one of the many trailheads of the many paths of preparedness. Once on the path they can walk the rest of the way on their own. One day they may be trying to bring you more into the fold. You can nonchalantly say “Yeah, I ought to think about doing some of that.”

12 years ago

Good Show Jack! Lady I work with is getting ready to move to OK. She saw one of my big tubs in the back of my truck and commented how she wanted to pick up a box like that to put together a “tornado kit”. I opened the box and showed her what was in the box. Sleeping bag, few MREs, First Aid stuff, cook kit and stove, water, ect. She got interested fast. Wanted to know where she could buy MREs. She asked about local surplus stores. I told her to buy them on line. She was still interested, so I told her I knew this guy with a Podcast show that talked about this stuff in a practical way. I said if she paid for a membership on the site, she would get discounts to some of the best places on line to buy stuff like that. Told her I would email her a link to the website. I suggested a few shows to start with and told her to let me know what she thought. Hooked!


[…] April 24th 2012-After listening to Jack Spirko for five days a week over the last six months, inspiration from the topics that many of his podcast are dedicated to has been motivating. But today’s topic and podcast hit home in a lot of ways. Check out Episode-887- How to Talk to Others About Prepping […]

dan vamos
12 years ago

I refer to myself as a homesteader…and I insert the prepper things as I build rapport with the person. I find that the approach works well, even if I am not “true” to their literal definitions…

12 years ago

Just downloaded Zello. Looking forward to checking it out.

Capt Cook
Capt Cook
12 years ago

Well i downloaded Zello and already chatted with w TSP listeners. There are several Survival Podcast channels for different areas. I’m going to play around with this and see how it works out but so far it has been interesting!

12 years ago

Jack, Im on zello but cant seem to find the TSP channel you mentioned. It looks as if there are several listener generated zello channels, which one is yours?