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Daily Prepper Report
12 years ago

Well done Jack. This is clearing up some things for me (listening right now), and I’ve been shooting all my life. Keep up the great work.

12 years ago

Wow, haven’t even listened to this yet but the description is totally spot-on for anyone who is a beginner or even has a basic understanding of firearms… can’t wait!

John Michaels
John Michaels
12 years ago

Some of the info you are giving is not factual. Not a major issue unless someone tries to use the information to reload. My understanding is that 9mm is .355″ while 38 spl is .356″ and .357 magnum is .357″ in diameter. I know that if you are using solid lead bullets (even hard cast) having a projectile slightly (one to two thousanth’s) larger is feasible, but if using jacketed bullets, that small difference can cause major issues and damage.


Chris Fox
Chris Fox
12 years ago

Thanks for the great show Jack. As you were explaining all I could hear in the back of my head was my father complaining on how we never moved over to the metric system. Shotguns are even crazier, using mass to measure length. Love my Remington 870 18.53mm shotgun.

Val Anderson
Val Anderson
12 years ago

Yes, very good show! I know there is a lot of info to cram into a show –
one thing I think listeners should know about is the difference between
.38 Special and +P. I brought my .38 back from Viet Nam (swapped a
knife for it with a Coast Guarder.) I have shot +P in it (steel wheel) but
not on a regular basis.

Christopher F
12 years ago

Is the .300 blackout cartridge just a 5.56 cartridge “necked up” and “shortened” to hold a .30 caliber bullet? Also is there a standard rule to figure out if a bullet weight is too heavy for feeding in a magazine-fed firearm?

12 years ago

That was a great summary for people who are just learning about firearms. For those who are interested, here’s three more things that might be helpful:
1) To convert from caliber to mm, multiply by 25.4. Divide by 25.4 to go from mm to calibre. A .25 becomes 6.35mm. A 9mm becomes a .354.
2) Survivalblog has a good table of common converstions between caliber and mm here: http://survivalblog.com/2011/06/understanding-metric-and-inch.html
3) This site: http://www.ballisticsbytheinch.com/index.html shows the effect of barrel length on common calibers.

12 years ago

So as an ex-marine I get most of the time when you talk about firearms. But at tomes you do lose me. This was a really get show. Thank you now I can let the wife and mother in law listen to this and they can understand.

12 years ago

Great show Jack! Now what about Hydrostatic shock as a factor in stopping power? That is the main reason I have been flip-flopping between the .357 Sig and the 40 SW. That and my only real experience is with the Navy issued 9mm. Thanks!

12 years ago

Your .22 stats fall inline with that school shooting in Ohio. 10 shots fired. 6 students hit. 3 died. 50% death ratio, but sounded like the shooter was very close. Super sad without a doubt, but reenforces .22 as self defense weapon for those who don’t have another option.

Greg Harvey
Greg Harvey
12 years ago

Thanks for the informative show. It cleared up a lot of fog for me.
Quick story on dove hunting. I once shot at a dove and thought I missed but my dad said it just flew into the ground. When we cleaned it, just one pellet had hit it and went through the heart. I thought about that when you talked about how deadly .22’s were. Even a small bullet can get the job done.

12 years ago

This is a great show. I have a friend who has been looking at a carry sidearm for his mom and though she needed bigger but maybe the link to Buckeye will give him some real info, instead of that guy at the gun shop saying a .380 is worthless.
Mr. Spirko once again you got those gears turning in my brain.

12 years ago

Jack, great show. Do you have a link to the study data you quoted in the show? Found it fascinating, but it went by kind of quickly. Thanks.

12 years ago

Great show!

"Top" W. Kone
12 years ago

Thank you for a great show. I’ve been shooting since i was a kid and taught Basic Rifle Marksmanship for three years as a Drill Sergeant. I thought I was well educated in weapons till I was playing this show on the way down to my Battle Assembly.

You explained several things that I had never even thought about as well as many things I “knew” but did not really know. I was able to use some of this new knowledge to help a young Soldier grasp why things are as they are and she qualified for the first time in three years.

Thanks again for a great show. This is the “caliber” of show we have come to expect from you. 😉

12 years ago

This was just a strait up awesome show. I would and will recommend it to every newbie who has a gun or has interest in reloading. Cleared up a number of things for me even. Thanks for all that you do and the great show.

12 years ago

Great show Jack. I almost didn’t listen to this one because I figured it might be the same as one of your older shows on this topic. Man, I’m glad I did. Turned out to be a very interesting show that I will probably listen to again.

12 years ago

One thing to remember is a pistol is designed to stop and a rifle is designed to kill. All in all great show.

Shalali Infante
12 years ago

I may have missed it, but you were going to talk about the difference between a clip and a magazine. Did you? I do need to listen to this again. Thanks for the great information.

12 years ago

here’s a great explanation:

(kind of complicated!)

12 years ago

Jack skipped defining the difference..

12 years ago

no offense taken at all

I was always confused about what a clip was when I read WWII history as a kid (‘..we were down to 2 clips per man..’) and didn’t know myself. So i asked my friend google.

I’m sure knowing this little bit of trivia will have absolutely no effect on my gun handling skills.. =)

12 years ago

Thanks for this show. In my opinion, from my level of knowledge, this was one of the most useful shows. How about a “level2” and “level3” show? I’d also be really interested in big picture briefing on gun laws. In my case, I wasn’t aware that there is a federal law limiting gun rights within 1000 feet of a school. I live within 1000 feet of a school. I can easily comply with this law now that I understand it, because I stumbled on it (luckily while researching my first gun buy -so I was never in violation) but I guess my concern is that I don’t know what else I may not know if that makes sense, and I intend to comply with the law 100percent. I understand you can’t give legal advice or know the ins and outs on every state law…but possibly a “be aware of this” or ” look into this for your state” level show. Thanks for all your work.

12 years ago

Anyone ever watch “Swamp People” on The History Channel? Anyone ever notice that the VAST majority of the alligators are taken with a .22LR or a .22 magnum? Sure the “sweet spot” is the size of a quarter and they are trying to shoot it from inches to maybe a foot away, but it gets the job done. I think shot placement is way more important. I don’t want to be shot with anything, but I’ll take a .45ACP in the arm or leg over a .22LR through the eyeball any day.

12 years ago


I noted a minor distinction in this show as I was listening today. Caliber does not refer to only sizes as a measurement of a fraction of an inch. I remember from my trips to the USS North Carolina as a kid that the secondary armament (5″ guns) was 38 caliber. Not .38, 38. So I fired up wikipedia and found:

BB-55 USS North Carolina armament

9 × 16 in (410 mm)/45 caliber Mark 6 guns
20 × 5 in (130 mm)/38 caliber dual-purpose guns

I asked a veteran about the measurement but alas I cannot recall his explanation. It was only 30 years ago. Anyway, caliber can be more than .38 or .45 but you gotta have Uncle Sugar buying your ammo.

12 years ago
Reply to  MrDan

wikipedia says:

In some contexts, e.g. guns aboard a warship, “caliber” is used to describe the barrel length as multiples of the bore diameter. A “5-inch 50 caliber” gun has a bore diameter of 5 inches (127 mm) and a barrel length of 50 times 5 inches = 250 inches (6.35 m).

Dexter Sensui
Dexter Sensui
12 years ago

How do you compare AK-47 to the M-1 and why is the AK seem so popular weapon?


[…] begun writing this series of articles last week but before I could finish, Mr. Jack Spirko over at The Survival Podcast did an excellent episode on the same subject. It filled some holes in my knowledge and gave me some […]


[…] was until…  I heard an episode of my favorite podcast, The Survival Podcast (one of the best all around survival education resources). The premise of this podcast (by Jack […]