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13 years ago

Great show.

I’ve got a shop on my place that has its own electric meter, which costs me monthly even when I’m not using it. I’ve been inspired to start looking for an inexpensive generator to do a proof of concept on powering that building from gasification. If I can get that going I’ll look into supplementing my home electric needs (especially during the arkansas summer!).

Doug Simpson
Doug Simpson
13 years ago
Reply to  bluprint

Where in Arkansas? I live in southwest AR.

13 years ago

Big thumbs up to who suggested Mr. Harris. I’ve seen a few of his videos in the past, he really knows his stuff. Crazy cool interview and all of the projects that will result. Thanks to Mr. Harris and always to Jack for a great show.

13 years ago

Excellent show! So much information on what we can do to improve our lives, and the lives of others. Loved the positive messages about how simple these methods of generating power can be. Can’t wait to hear him again! I will be buying some of his books and other materials, using my MSB discount, of course:)

13 years ago

Outstanding! So much great new info my head almost exploded. Going to replay and take more notes and order some books. I’ve got oak trees, oak brush, a big honkin’ wood chipper and all the manure I can haul – gonna make me some energy!!! Big thanks to Steven for doing the MSB thing too.

jay warn
jay warn
13 years ago

Great show want to hear more

13 years ago

Jack you know if I have to have someone in my head I’m glad it’s you. I don’t know how to express all that you have empowered me to do. Maybe I will have to mail you the “book” about all the ways you have helped. I thought you couldn’t be any more spot on amazingly enough yesterdays show had events name age and situations exactly. I know why some say you are a Yoda. I say guardian angel. You couldn’t possibly top yesterdays bulls eye. Uh YES you did. Todays show!!

My hubby and me last night were having a huge “talk” about back up energy. The normal route gas propane generator solar wind. I say solar is not practical why pen $25k to save $150 per mo He say gas and generator. I say you can’t store gas and it is way to dangerous. So Propane & generator. Propane stores well it’s safe not all that expensive. But to have everything wired for the well pump and breaker box we are looking at $5000 by the time is all said and done. I am putting my foot down on that. Unless he can poop gold nuggets. I said I know I have heard about gasifiers people use to use them on their cars after the war. If they can do it why can’t we? I turned to him and said I bet Jack will have the answer. Poof there it is!!! Thank you thank you thank you. I really did not want to spend the whole week end debating this issue. I am going to order the books and do it myself if I have to. There is just no way I am prepared to spend $$$ on a “back up system” that is really dependency on a different system.

For hubby he is thanking you more than me because he REALLY did not want to face this well lets just say discussion. If he were writing this he would say
” Thanks man you got my back. Interesting show. ” Guess being a woman I am just wordy.

13 years ago

Great show. Lots of information to digest. I’m not sure at this point how I can implement many of the ideas where I live now. Thanks for the information and it will give me the basis for much investigation and thought.

13 years ago

Yeah good show today jack, very informative trying to remember this guest because I work for Chrysler and my memory not as good as it use to be LOL looking forward to future shows with him as a guest.. Cya Brent

13 years ago

Great show! The FEMA Gassifier plans and lots of other resources are at the link below and free. I would still buy the book for tips and tweaks but this can give you an idea of how to get started. *I am not in any way affiliated with this site or FEMA 😉

13 years ago
Reply to  BUB

Say, did you catch which of Steve’s books covered construction of the wood gasifier from “home depot parts”?

Clayton Jacobs
13 years ago

What a great show!
I remember seeing a gasifier in the back of the barn that my grandfather built himself… a long time ago… he explained how it worked to me when I was 11. I have posted the FEMA document for free download on my site. Great show Steve!


Cheers and enjoy!

Evan Young
13 years ago

Awesome show, you have to get him back for me details on a specific system. I have to point out that the energy payback on solar only applies to mono and poly-crystalline (spelling??) systems. Amorphous and CIS solar panels require far less energy in production and thus have a greater energy return over the life of the panels. But i totally agree with Steve that PV is not the be all and end all of ‘alternative energy’. Loved the info on Biogas!!

Tony from NH
Tony from NH
13 years ago

Well Jack you’ve done it again….. If only you could use your mind-reading abilities to make even more money for yourself!! I was sitting around thinking to the winter as it comes quick in my country(New Hampshire), concerning myself with heating and powering in an emergency situation. We get a lot of ice storms and lose power from time to time. I have a gas powered generator as a backup and stored fuel that I rotate on a regular basis. My heating and hot water in the house are provided by Biodiesel that I have been making for years, but this is still dependent on certain aspects of aspect of the “Matrix” to sustain.

Anyway, I have been looking into rocket stoves and gasification, as I am surrounded by PLENTY of free biomass and POOF! you bring on Mr. Harris! This is exactly what I needed to get started! I have been doing a ton of research on the net, but everything I find is “experimental”. I was looking for someone with a “I am doing this and it definitely works” take on it. Not an “it MAY work for you’ attitude. This system will give me the ability to continue to make biodiesel even in outages as well as powering our home.

What a GREAT episode! Thank you and Seven Harris for giving it to us and for all the hard work you put in for us, Jack.

I am MSB and I am drag0nking on the Forum


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13 years ago

Jack, Loved the show. It was very informative, however, the part about every wastewater treatment plant having the ability to produce its own power is not completely correct. My father-in-law has been an operator of one for over 30 yrs and has stated multiple times that garbage disposal usage has created problems for their systems. I am not sure of the technical reasons but I would advise those that have garbage disposals to call and check with their local utility service to see if it would be recommended to use for this purpose. Hope this helps.

Shannon Moore
Shannon Moore
13 years ago

Incredible! I’ll be buying books for sure… More of this guy Plz.

Richard Sitz
Richard Sitz
13 years ago

I have several of Steve’s books and the rocket stove. He is the real deal folks! Listen to his “family preparedness” tape; it is outstanding and you will learn several new ideas to make prep cheaper and easier.

Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison
13 years ago

Definitely one of the top 5 shows you’ve done, Jack. Thanks for getting Steve Harris as a guest. I can’t believe that I’ve never heard of him before this, but I’ll definitely be checking out the books he publishes — his newer stuff and the older titles. My mind is swimming with ideas after listening to this show. I have to say that I actually went back to listen to it a second time immediately after the first!

I have to second Josh’s comment about wastewater treatment plants. I actually work on NYC WWTP’s in the engineering and construction management field, and to my knowledge, none of NYC’s plants work on the methane that they generate. The processing of human waste on the scale required to support a city of 11 million people actually requires overwhelming energy inputs for the sole purpose of moving it all around.

I’ve also worked in landfill construction/capping/remediation, and it’s sickening how much methane is wasted just through flaring it off at those facilities. Most of them actually have to have a natural gas connection to the flare in order to keep it going at times that the landfill sees a drop in gas production — talk about wasting energy. At the time that I got out of solid waste, there were moves toward capturing methane for purposeful use — but this was before gas prices shot up and the economics still weren’t that great.

Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison
13 years ago

An old Mother Earth News article (1981) on Chinese-style biodigesters: http://www.motherearthnews.com/Renewable-Energy/1981-05-01/Sichuans-Home-Scale-Biogas-Digesters.aspx

Working diagram of the biodigester from the article gallery: http://www.motherearthnews.com/multimedia/image-gallery.aspx?id=67848&seq=1

13 years ago

WOW. What a fantastic guy. Really enjoyed the show. I think I need to listen to it a few more times in order to take everything in.
Just listened to his free lecture on family preparedness and was completely blown away. It turns everything I have learned about prepping on it’s head.

Get him back on

Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison
13 years ago

An older (1985) technical manual on the construction and use of Chinese biodigesters from the US Peace Corps: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED329422.pdf

13 years ago

Fabulous Interview!

Steven Harris
13 years ago

Wanted all of you guys to know…that all of the show notes and all of the links to everything Jack and I (Steven Harris) talked about is at

I had the greatest time with Jack and I am looking to coming back to the show soon…. Jack and I have something special coming up for you guys from me NEXT week… and he’ll announce it.

All my best, you guys are awesome !
Steven Harris
CEO KnowledgePublications http://www.USH2.com

13 years ago

I am playing catch up and finally listened to Steven’s interview. great show!
I am interested in some larger scale devices, I am anxious to see how it will power my 8000 watt generator. I was planning on a propane conversion kit, this idea makes more sense, will help stretch my propane supply. Can’t wait for the next show Steven does with Jack.