Episode-621- Steve Palmer of ShelfReliance.com on Food Storage and Global Events
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Steve Palmer is co-founder of ShelfReliance.com a company specializing in food storage, storage rotation, and emergency preparedness products. Their goal is to help families prepare for whatever tomorrow may bring, allowing them to feel confident if disaster strikes. The primary goal of ShelfReliance.com is to educate people on how to become self-reliant and create redundancy in their lives.
Steve and I also discuss a variety of global issues today such as pandemic threats, food supply issues, peak oil, unemployment, inflation and other reasons that a food storage plan just makes sense for all Americans. We also discuss what’s behind many of the current shortages in long term storage foods.
Join us today as we discuss…
- The story of the founding of ShelfReliance.com an unusual entry into self reliance
- The story behind the ShelfReliance rack systems and how much they really hold
- Why long term storage food should be food you would be happy to eat in good time or bad
- Why variety should be a key part of your food storage plan
- Setting caloric goals for your food storage needs
- Why you should store more than you think you will need
- A story of how a customer used Thrive Food to feed others in a disaster
- How food storage mitigates hyper inflation
- The difference between storing and hording
- Making apples to apples comparisons between food storage brands
- Understanding product storage life and how temperature effects it dramatically
- How a lot of inflation is currently held up in the supply chain but will eventually hit consumers
- Why the threat of a pandemic is best addressed with a food storage program
- How peak oil (not no oil) will impact food prices in the future
- The concept of “capital deferral” brought to the household environment
Additional Resources for Today’s Show
- Members Support Brigade
- TSP Gear Shop
- Join Our Forum
- Silver and Gold Shop – (sponsor of the day)
- Fortress Self Defense Consultants – (sponsor of the day)
- Info on the Private Q&A With Gary Vaynerchuk
- ShelfReliance.com Thrive Food Storage Products – (Remember MSB Members get 5% off all purchases)
- ShelfReliance.com Shelving Systems – (Remember MSB Members get 10% off all purchases)
- I Can’t Believe It’s Food Storage – (Cookbook Mentioned By Steve Today)
- The ShelfReliance.com Blog
- My Review of the ShelfReliance Harvest 72
- My Review of the ShelfReliance Consolidator Pantry System
- Ron Hood’s Survival.com Magazine
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
I purchased a pantry system and am very happy with it. Even my wife who is not completely on board thought it was a neat idea. Wanted to share something too. The way these racks go together the structural members form a lip on the top. If you order one of the shorter sytems you can cut a piece of plywood or particle board and make a shelf on the top of the unit. We use this to store boxed items and extra cans. I just formed a line for different types of cans and can easily slide them forward for rotation. Just an idea to get even more storage space out of the unit.
Great show! Just what I’ve been thinking about lately. Many of the grocery store items are going up in price and lowering the content amount in the packages. We’re buying extras now, and have been, but we’re running into space issues.
I’ve got 6 of the Cansolidator Pantry units stacked together and put on the floor of my kitchen pantry. I love them, and my kids enjoy loading them up from the grocery store.
As I’ve been picking up more and more of the #10 cans, I’ve started having long term storage space issues and realize that the large rotation system would be best. My house doesn’t have an extra closet or room where I can put the Harvest, but I am probably going to buy it anyway and FIND space. Maybe I can sew a cover and leave it visible. I don’t know.
I can’t wait to see the cook book! The Thrive videos are great.
Hey Jack. Shelf Reliance does not ship to Canada, but I found the Cdn distributor
Maybe you can post the link for your Canadian listeners.
I just ordered the Reserve 72 (18.5″ wide)
Thanks for the Canada link Brent!
Awesome show, Jack! I love a good interview show. The Skype bugs were a little annoying, but that’s not anything you could control.
That was probably a good show, but I couldn’t understand half of what Steve said. Truly the worst audio ever, and a damning indictment of Skype. Maybe it was on my end, but…
Great show as always…one thing that peaked my interest was when Steve said something about the government buying large quantities of longterm food stuffs? What is that all about?
You forgot to discuss the biggest threat of all to future food production, and that’s climate change. But that’s because you have been brainwashed by corporate interests into opposing any action to mitigate climate change. You’re not as fiercely independent as you think you are, Jack. You’re still reading from a corporate playbook, only you don’t know it …. yet.
Everyone, as I wait to see if we are going to get hit by a tsunami or not I am glad. I have food, dog food, baby formula, diapers, means of collecting, storing & purifying water.
Watching news feeds of people rushing to get gas and food makes me sad, get your preps together!
Prayers for those in need in Japan.
Hope you and your family are safe Dave. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all in the Asia/Pacific area today.
Good show. Do you think some of the storage food shortages are due to panic buying from people eating up the 2012 hype? Steve tried to bring it up. I was curious about the government buy up of food as well.
Another Canadian distributor: