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16 years ago

DefCon 1 was nuclear war. DefCon 5 was situation normal.. You got it backwards in your show today.. 😉

16 years ago

Do you really think it will come back if (or rather when) it crashes? I mean take a look around. This isn’t the 30’s any more. The Fed is running massive budget deficits and the interest payments alone are beginning to reach military industrial complex porportions.

Our society is aging. The bulk of our workers are about ready to retire. Our major industry has been moved over seas. We are facing peak oil. We as a society are heavily in debt at all levels of government as well is individually. Our infrastructure is in shambles.

What exactly is it that suggests a recovery ever? To me this seems more like a slide down toward 3rd world status where we shall stay for at least several generations.

16 years ago

Something people forget…get rid of all your junk
and stream line your life…I found 2 old gold rings in my closet…going to sell them…buy a little ammo
and some storage food..and pay off some old bills
if the rings make any money…

Trusty Mutsi
16 years ago

The more I listen to these, the more I realize I need to learn. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. I’m going to do the drill soon where you see what your weaknesses are.

My main question is, how do I secure my money? My wife and I have no debt except for our house. We have a good chunk of money in CDs, and have money in 401k through work. We have almost no cash in the house.

Is there a specific episode I should check out to learn more? Right now I’m currently going through all of them. ALso, are there any forums or websites I can go to to learn more and educate myself?

Thanks for any help!

16 years ago

Jack, it’s ironic, though your podcast is always informative and eye opening; there are times when you also make me laugh (in a good natured way). As to this podcast, it is frightening what’s happening to the USA and both it’s and the world’s economy. I only caught sound bites of George Bush’s address to the Nation on this morning’s news (CBC radio in Toronto); but it’s scary that it’s taken him this long to finally say what you’ve and others have been commenting on. Well, he is a politician after all, he want’s to keep people calm and sedated…
That all being said, I agree that one has to tighten their belt and save. I’m trying to do so and though things in Canada appear to not be as dire as in the US, I’m planning and have finally gotten my SWMBO on my side with preparations for hard times. Will we see the 1930’s again, I don’t know; but this is one time where I wish my grandparents and parents were still around to give advise and tips on how they experienced life and lived through similar times.

14 years ago

Maybe a good way to describe the decrease in the value of money would be to say…
If they were to print new money and double the supply of dollars, It would be like trading in all your dollars for a fifty cent piece.