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16 years ago


Interesting topic, you are definitely passionate.

It is my belief that third party candidates detract from the main Democrat v Republican race. While Obama and McCain were never my first choice, a third candidate could siphon votes and we would end up the loser.

I humbly admit that I voted for Ross Perot. Looking back, I believe that if all of us had cast our votes for George Bush Sr, the 92 election may have been successful.

Troubling times ahead, as you aptly pointed out we should throw out the current batch of politicians. In 4 years, repeat, until we begin to see change.


16 years ago

Not anywhere near the bottom. The downward spiral is going to take alot with it as it flushes down the drain.

16 years ago

Hey Jack, you used and example of someone buying more house then they could afford. You said they walked away, bought a place with cash, filed a homestead something, and then the property could not be taken. What do they file? thanks.

15 years ago


Just listening to the whole show from the beginning, so forgive the tardiness of this comment.

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