Episode-511- Ten Wild Edibles to Consider Planting on or Around Your Property
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Today it is time for a bit of a change up, we haven’t discussed either foraging or gardening/permaculture in depth for quite a wile, so why not today. Looking to make things interesting though I decided that today was a good day to come up with 10 edibles that you can find in the wild through out much of the country, in fact I bet you can find a few in any of the lower 48 easily enough if you get out and look for them.
These ten plants have more than availability and edibility going for them though. They all also offer nutrition, ease of growing, ease of cultivation and can be grown mostly unseen in either a back yard or on a back 40. These crops are crops your can largely get going and forget, once established most will always be there if you need them. They are all either native to the US or highly adapted aliens that are now so common in the US we need to start calling them naturalized vs. alien.
Join me today as we discuss
- Reasons to Plant “Weeds”
- Covert food
- Easy to grow
- Self propagating
- Highly adapted
- Good to eat
- Learn Positive ID
- Ten Great Candidates for Back Yard Cultivation
- Aronia – (Plant Source)
- Chickweed – (Seed Source)
- Ground Cherry- (Seed Source)
- Ground Nut- (Tuber Source)
- Purslane- (Seed Source)
- May Pop- (Plant Source)
- Miner’s Lettuce- (Seed Source)
- Sorrel- (Seed Source)
- Sumac – (Seed Source)
Resources for today’s show…
- Members Support Brigade
- Join Our Forum
- Safecastle Royal – (sponsor of the day)
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
- Green Dene of Eat the Weeds – Website – Youtube Channel
- One Year Anniversary Show
- Ron Hood’s Survival.com Magazine
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
Unbelievable, Jack. After a summer of difficulty trying to control two “noxious weeds” in the landscaped areas around my house (I grow produce on the south and west sides, by the way), I decided last night to ID the “weeds.” I found out that they were chickweed and purslane. I promptly went out and picked some pursland, and guess what…tastes about like any other green leafy vegetable. Uncanny that this was your topic today. You’re right…you’re audience is in sink.
Great show – we’re exploring some things along this same line.. looking at what grows naturally on our property and then figuring out ways to capitalize from those plants. We have an improved variety pecan orchard, but have left many of the native pecan trees along the boundaries and have even taken some natives and grafted with improved varieties. We are doing the same thing with wild grapes, taking advantage of their established root systems and grafting on other varieties. Black walnuts grow along the creek, but the nuts are so hard we can barely crack them. So my husband grafted a few with English walnuts as an experiment and we are getting a small production this year. It’s exciting to see the results..
Thanks for some new ideas – I’m now thinking I may need to start an edible weed garden.
Pingback:Episode-511-TSP- Ten Wild Edibles to Consider Planting on or Around Your Property | Survival Collective
There are a lot of plant that can be easily grown & served as both food & medicine in Asia. The mulberry tree can be grown into a huge tree without any care, its leaf can be both medicine & veg. Its fruit can be eaten. Its bark can be used in medicine. The sweet potato can be grown even on very steep slope without any care. Its leaf can be fry like any veg. Its root bulb can be dug up & boil to be eaten. The Ageratum conyzoides Linn can be used as tea or veg. Used as antiseptic for ear infection.
Fantastic show. I’d love to hear about more “weeds” that are great for food or nitrogen use.
By the way, in my botany classes, we defined a weed as an UNWANTED plant growing where we don’t want them. By that definition, even roses can be a weed.
Great show, Jack. The only thing that didn’t sit well with me is the part about guerilla gardening on street/highway medians. I don’t know how much those plants will absorb toxins from runoff/smog/diesel fallout etc. Every wild edible plant book I’ve ever read has warned not to harvest plants any closer than 100 yards etc.
Jack, thanks for the show. I started checking into some of the plants you mentioned I wasn’t already familiar with. Turns out I’d been mowing off a nice stand of Purslane all summer! It tastes great, and I will baby it from now on. Thanks for the heads up.
On the Purselane, I don’t know if it is just our local variety of purselane or what, but here in Idaho, we have already had a frost that killed a lot of stuff in my garden, and the purselane wasn’t affected at all. You mentioned that it was very sensitive to the frost. Any ideas on why it is still doing well? Just an observation.
Thanks for everything!
I think the Nobel prize winner that was the Vitamin C researcher was Dr. Linus Pauling from
what I remember in early copies of The Mother Earth News.