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14 years ago

Another great show, Jack.
Also, a late welcome back.
It was great meeting you and Dorothy.
One quick comment.
At the end of today’s show you gave a little teaser for tomorrow’s show. I know you’ve done that before, but today I found it particularly effective in making me want to hear tomorrow’s show.
On an overall basis, this pattern that you have adopted with specific day’s for feedback and days for call-ins is also very attractive and effective.
I thought I would miss the randomness of your old “on the road” shows, but I’m actually liking how stable the podcast has become.
Anyway, enough rambling from me.
Keep up the good work.

Acrid Placidity
Acrid Placidity
14 years ago

The 86 machine gun ban (actually a freeze on new registration) was passed on May 19th 1986 as part of the “Firearms Owners Protection Act” which was signed into law by Regan with support from the NRA. It actually did quite a bit of good for gun owners but included a poison pill called the Hughes Amendment which was added.

After failing a voice vote, the Hughes amendment was voted on via electronic device with 124 ayes, 298 nays, and 12 not voting, easily defeating the amendment. However Charles Rangel presiding over the voting allowed it to stay in the wording of the bill and sent it off to the senate where they either conveniently overlooked it or just voted on the bill not noticing it.

The congressional records are here:



14 years ago

Great show, Jack. The question on jury nullification really peaked my interest as I am probably like many of the other listeners who do not trust the individuals who have been granted the privilege of governing this great nation. That mistrust even went as far as the jury system since I did not understand the true power that the jury wields. Thanks for the mention and links to the informed jury site. The next time I am served notice, you can bet I will be sitting on a jury somewhere instead of thinking of the inconvenience the summons has caused.

If the people are to take the country back, then the jury seems to be the best place right now to start.

14 years ago

Solio is cool for small devices, but not adequate for a laptop or netbook. Options for portable solar a laptop require at least 14watt panel, and battery pack thingy.

14 years ago

NPR giving a pass to GMO, no doubt. NPR likes is super-big-super-rich sponsor, Monsanto.

14 years ago

About 7-8 years ago I friend was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. She was asked what cooking oil she used: canola. The doctors asking replied that canola oil was a high corollary in breast cancers. She passed on within a few months.

14 years ago


The overwhelming majority of the data suggests that canola oil REDUCES the risk of breast cancer (and most other cancers as well).

14 years ago

Shorten the opening music and fade it out quicker. No offense, but I don’t tune in to hear music. Just don’t have the time to listen to it.

14 years ago

If you like a product why not just link directly to the manufactur’s website and not to Amazon?
We know you get a cut from every click to Amazon that buys the product thru you but the way you are doing it now looks like you are in it for the $$$ instead of promoting the product you like…
Folks can figure out where to buy it on their own. Plus the manufactur’s websites usually give more techincal spec and other details than Amazon does.

14 years ago

Observation about locating near a lake: make sure it will stay there.

When I moved to Georgia near the biggest lake in the state, I was comforted knowing all that water was nearby.
Until the drought.
When the lake nearby starts drying up, and news reports say there is only 30 days of water left, you start wondering what will happen when 4 million rednecks can’t flush.

No matter how wonderful your water source, stock some.

14 years ago

On the subject of the 1911 and CC, I have found that my disease, Dunlap’s disease, makes IWB a little less comfy, especially with my Browning Hi-Power and it’s pointy spur hammer. OUCH! I have resorted to carrying a Glock, but the Kholster (google it) or the Cross Breed holster has a thin leather back piece that will prevent hammer poking. It breaks in like good shoes, and works for ME. Like many others, I have a drawer full of holsters that don’t work as well, and others that I use for different reasons, but if you like IWB, you might wanna try one of those.

14 years ago

P.S. Hey Jack, If I click on one of your Amazon links, and buy something else entirely, do you still get a few pennies? If so, I’ll do that to donate a bit to the show!

14 years ago

Not looking to get into a pissing match about the merits of GMO (decidedly against them). HOWEVER, the minute anyone here can like a peer reviewed study that suggests Canola Oil is a factor in INCREASED cases of ANY sort of cancer, I’m all ears.

We may not LIKE something, but that doesn’t make it a provable fact.

14 years ago

I have degrees in Biochemistry, Chemistry and Medicine. It is settled science that the plasmids (DNA carriers used to modify the genes) can be transmitted between species, like a virus. Could you be ingesting these plasmids in volume? Yes. If you eat GMO food, you do. All GMO food is modified with plasmids. Plasmids are known to move between species. That is how we learned to use them. The plasmids from bacteria are modified to use them on GMO food. Effectively you are exposing yourself to the same genetic modification agents. If you want peer reviewed articles about cancer, you’ll have to wait until the incidence of cancer caused by plasmids to rise above the noise of the background caused by all the other carcinogens in the environment before it is even detectable, let alone statistically ‘provable’. The purpose of plasmids is to cause mutation. Genetically Modified MEANS Mutated. That’s what mutation IS. Cancer is a consequence of mutation of specific genes. It’s Russian Roulette to expose yourself to mutagenic agents, cancer is only one potential consequence.