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Kenneth Konarik
Kenneth Konarik
14 years ago

Check out this video floating around the nets Jack


Nice Short and to the Point!

14 years ago

I have worn a thigh holster, but find they don’t hold up well if you are doing a lot of physical activity. I find it easier to use a “purse holster” (looks kind of like a clam shell) or put the gun in a fanny pack. If the skirt is long enough and you aren’t doing a lot of moving around, an ankle holster also works.
Truthfully, for me, it’s a purse or pack mostly.

14 years ago

I can understand why people like SB1070 but I still disagree with it since it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. We are only bandaging it. My dad said in the past the border with Mexico was almost non existent you could pass back and forth with no problem, without a birth certificate (and now days they ask for a passport!). This tells me that something the government did has caused this problem. What could it be? The war on drugs? Unfear trade agreements in NAFTA? In a normal immigration pattern (without the strict rules) we would see most foreign laborers return home instead of sticking around (most people enjoy living close to family and familiar landscapes). Who knows what else. All I know is that we have caused much damage to the Mexicans and others and are now paying the consequences.

I think this border problem has become way over blown and that the federal government is to blame. Is this bill the correct solution? I don’t think so. I think if AZ were to document the foriegners and give them temporary cards to work in the US would be a better solution.




Here’s my thoughts on the bill:
11-1051.B & 11-1051.E –> Which can be abused to jail law abiding citizens.

11-1051.F –> This section takes away my right to privacy and establishes a defacto national ID.

11-1051.A, G –> This is in conflict with local control.

11-1051.I –> Law enforcement shouldn’t be above the law causing abuses to the people that cannot then be reconciled.

13-1509 –> Duplication of law. There’s no reason to make new laws when there are already laws to deal with the problems.

13-2319.E –> Police officers should not be able to pull a person over for anything other than reckless driving and speeding (which reckless driving).

13-2928 –> This takes away the rights of people to freedom of contract.

13-2929 –> This takes away the rights of people to freedom of contract.

23-212 –> This takes away the rights of people to freedom of contract.

14 years ago

Here’s Will Griggs take on it. Just search for SB1070 halfway through the article. I know he can be a bit over the top but he still brings up good points.


14 years ago

@ Jon

He does make good points. As Usual you give up freedom for security when it comes to Government intervention. It sucks because we do have a problem with some of the people sneaking in here. I do like Jacks Bus plan though flood the streets of DC with them after rounding them up. The best thing we could do is take the Sugar off the Table. If you aren’t paying in you don’t get Free schooling for your kids or Hospital visits.

The School thing is really irksome here in Houston because they are starting to teach classes in English and Spanish (not separated)so your child is in there only being taught half of the time.

My little one will be home schooled because they no longer have our best interest at heart and they don’t teach survival techniques 🙂

PS meant to email that vid to Jack just wasn’t thinking straight.

14 years ago

Hi Jack,

I saw Food Inc. about two or three months ago. You should let people know that they can also watch it streaming on Netflix, if you’re interested and have a membership.

I liked it as a movie (it’s entertaining and has good production values), but I think it’s important to take the ideological leanings of the filmmakers into consideration. Forming an opinion on the overall workings of the food industry from watching Food, Inc. is like forming an opinion on capitalism or the 2nd Amendment by watching a Michael Moore movie.

The food industry is an extraordinarily complex mechanism charged with delivering essential nutrition to millions of people on a daily basis. And it accomplishes that critical goal remarkably well. It has it’s dark corners (occasional animal abuse, GMO controversy) and unappealing realities (few people like seeing sausage made), and I think Food Inc. does a good job at shining light on those. But I don’t think the filmmakers did much to propose realistic solutions to the industry as a whole.


This 2 minute video may be of some interest as a counter view. It is produced by Dow. Dow Chemical is a company that has purchased several large seed companies in recent years, although they still only have a fraction of Monsanto\’s market share.

Just my 2-cents.

14 years ago

@ Kenneth,

That’s another sympton of the problem too. What’s the core problem, socialized medicine and schooling. Private organizations and peoples could easily cover these two “public services”.

Check out this guy, he’s pretty interesting and has a good case for privatized schooling.
and this one by John Stossel:

@ Jack,

Well, hopefully I won’t prove you wrong. But I’ll keep my ears open. It can be hard regardless to tell if the bill caused the abuses or if it would have happened regardless. There’s always going to be bad apple policemen so it’s hard to know if they would have done what they will do regardless. My step mother was born in Mexico though she is a legal citizen (she finished the citizenship a few years ago). I’ll have her keep her ears open too.

14 years ago

@ Jack,

I don’t mean to say that I don’t appreciate law enforcement. I do appreciate them, especially since I would never be willing to do the dangerous work that they do.

Yes, I have been through Mexico, down to central America (total of 4 weeks) and lived in Argentina (total of 20 months). The only people we had problems with was in Costa Rica (where we gave the police $20 for “swerving” outside the line). So yes, problems exist down there.

You have to admit they exist up here too. When you see video of multiple cops beating up a guy for skipping to their horses. Or you read articles about people getting beat up by multiple cops for taking pictures or video of them. Yeah, when one cop does it, it’s bad and a bad apple, but multiple cops? That tells me there is something systematic that is wrong. Just like schooling the system is the problem. So is is the current system of the way we do police work. Everyone should have the same rights to do the same things policemen do, as we have historically but that is changing to cops have more rights than the people at large. When we are on a jury we should be able to nullify laws that we don’t agree with as we historically have been able to do.

Jack I think we agree more than you think, it’s just hard to discuss on a forum like this and not in person. I know when I read people like Lew Rockwell, Will Grigg, and the camera guy that reports on abuses from cops with people with cameras. I should take it with a grain of salt but it’s hard to see police men commit grievous offenses (including unnecessary killing) not get punished for the actions, which makes me believe the system is corrupt but that doesn’t mean that all policemen are bad. Just like the public schooling system is corrupt yet the majority of teachers and administrators are good people (just some or most of them are misguided compared to my opinions). Watching videos like this too (the whole video), make me weary of the government:

As for the abuse of the AZ law. There was a report of a man being datained until he showed his birth certificate (even though he showed his license) so his wife had to take off work to get him his birth certificate. I question how accurate the story is since it comes out at the same time as the new law was passed and since this law doesn’t even take effect for another 90 days after the legislators adjourn this session (which is April 29th, most likely).
How would you feel being handcuffed for no good reason? This is bull, especially if it’s true.

Jack, I just wanted to say that I enjoy listening to your show. It definitely helps to ground me and not become to “radical” in my views. That’s why I listen to you because you are able to look at things from a top level down. I have a hard time with that, so it’s nice to hear a voice of reason even though I may not agree with you all the time. It’s nice to hear about all the survival stuff to, it encourages me to get my house in order.