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Tim Covington
Tim Covington
14 years ago

A small correction. After Remington’s purchase of Marlin, H&R/NEF production was moved to Ilion, NY (not to the North Haven plant). I’ll be honest, the quality of the Ilion produced Handirifles has been well below the original factory’s quality.

Taylor Davis
Taylor Davis
14 years ago

I couldnt disagree more with your comments about the entertainment industry. Technology is killing it (or at least fundamentally changing their business model) faster than any other industry that I know of, and your show is part of the model that is killing it!

Content on demand (such as netflix, hulu, youtube, podcasts, itunes, etc) is replacing traditional media rapidly. Movie theater ticket sales are way down, as are physical media sales. People want it now and they dont want to have to drive to get it.

The great thing about it though is that it removes the power of broadcast media. No longer do a handful of people control every time of multimedia that the average american has access to. Now people have control over what media they choose to consume. Why do you think the MSM has become so much less relevant to so many people than they used to be?

No industry is safe, certainly not Hollywood.

Gerald Stephens
Gerald Stephens
14 years ago

I got tired of all the crap on satellite radio and started to use my smart-phone to listen to pod-casts while in the car. In that process I found your show (awesome work).

I am curious on your thoughts of securing remote property while you are away. If you have stores of food, solar equipment, etc… The first thought that came to mind was; I don’t know a hunter who has not had a tree stand stolen from some remote area. I know if someone wants something bad enough they will get it, but a well equipped BO shelter could have a lot of money and/or sweat equity tied up in it.

Just curious on your thoughts.

Keep up the good work!

Martin McFly
Martin McFly
14 years ago

I enjoyed the discussion about 6-figure properties falling in value to the 4-figure range when the business which built the town dries up.

I couldn’t help but wonder…. It seems the housing in Washington DC is rather expensive right now. I sure would like to see its value drop the same way as it did in Detroit! 🙂

Dene Brock
14 years ago

Being land owners was the best decision my husband and I ever made. We’ve never lived in extremely remote locations, but just being outside of big city life (and even outside the city limits of our neighboring small town) affords us the ability to grow a garden, build things without home owners associations butting in, etc.. We hope to eventually find a BOL that is remote, but where we are now works out well by being close enough to the elementary school and my husband’s job to be able to make the necessary trips in a reasonable amount of time, but still not be elbow-to-elbow with our neighbors.

Great show, Jack-

14 years ago

Maybe I missed it as I work while listening, but did you address tax issues of rural land? Getting agricultural status or something similar even if you don\’t live on it. etc.

14 years ago


If you’re not able (or don’t want to, and I don’t blame you!) to get up to Detroit, here’s a little photo-essay that got a lot of attention last year.


Yes, it does focus on the negatives, but sadly there isn’t much else in the metro Detroit area.

On the other hand if you are getting up to Detroit then I’ll meet you there. 🙂

14 years ago

Here is a photo essay of some of the decay in Detroit:

Gray Ghost
Gray Ghost
14 years ago

West Texas, the land is ridiculously cheap. Of course water is an issue, but still.