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14 years ago

Great show as always, Jack.

I have a questions about longer term storage. In my long term storage supply I want to have some sort of cooking oil. Does anyone know the best way and the best type of oil to store and how long it can be stored for?

Also as part of homesteading and self reliance I am curious about ways to make my own cooking oils. Any suggestions for plants to grow and methods and tools needed for pressing oils?

I’m north of Ottawa Canada in growing zone 3 and know that Sunflower and Canola can be grown up here but how do I make oil with this on my own or in my community?

Thanks again for all you do.

Shirley W.
Shirley W.
14 years ago

A great thing to look for at the grocery store is Chicken legs. I got 3 ten pound bags from my local store for 29 cents a pound. I brought them home, cooked them up and then deboned the meat and canned it. I just polished off a bowl of chicken noodle soup using my canned chicken. YUM!

English Dave
English Dave
14 years ago

Thanks for today’s show Jack.
Really good timing as my wife and I were going to re-evaluate our store system this week, copy canning sounds like a really good idea and should help us.

We’ve made sure to store condiments, spice and oil (see above) I’ve know you’ve spoken before about the value of salt.

I’m interested about how you managed to improve or “spice up” the long-life ready meals.

A. Wiggins
A. Wiggins
14 years ago

RE: cooking oils
Google safflower sunflower oil press for possible useful information.

14 years ago

Great show..Thanks!

Chin Lip Kee
Chin Lip Kee
14 years ago

I have worked as an engineer in palm oil factory. I have also retail oil & store oil as prepper. The best oil to store is olive oil, in temp of around 28 degC can be kept for more than 10 yrs. Buy a small sugar cane press(use in Asia by hawkers), squeeze out the oil, pass it a few times over a sieve of 500micron, heat it up to boiling for several minutes to take out any remaining water & pasturize it for long keeping. Chicken feet is a delicacy in Asia, fry the chicken feet at high temp then stew it for any hour that should make de boning easily then dry it for long time keeping.

14 years ago

Great show Jack. This is exactly the kind of information I needed to get my food preps in line. Lots of great, reasonable “ammunition” for when we are talking to friends and neighbors. Helping to build a better community through food!

Thanks again for everything!

Dene Brock
14 years ago

RE: Opportunity buying: You are so right about this! When you first start out, it’s difficult to get into this, but once you get a little bit of a buffer, you can really get started on combining sales, loss leader items and coupons to get outstanding deals. If you have a local newspaper that offers coupons (I get the Dallas paper), I recommend purchasing multiple copies- like 1 for every family member just as a rule of thumb. This way when you find a great sale, you have MULTIPLE coupons for those items. I normally buy our Sunday edition, check the coupons that are inside, and if it is a good week with items I use a lot, I go back and get 3 or 4 more papers. Our store even bundles two papers together at a discounted price which makes it even more affordable. Then when I find an item on sale, for example, paper towels, I pull out my coupons (I have at least 4, sometimes more..) and buy as many of those items on sale as I can with my coupons. It’s even better when I catch items on sale at a store that doubles or triples coupon values.. I’ve gotten a number of items for pennies or free. It really becomes a game after awhile.

14 years ago

Hi Jack,

Great show. Just keep telling us. Repetition is key for adult learning. The only thing better is youtube.

We need a biltong vid!

How thick should the slices be? What’s the best cut of meat to practice on?

14 years ago

Jack does have biltong videos in MSB area.

14 years ago


Thanks for the tip, I’ll head over there and watch them.

14 years ago

Good show as usual.
This touches me close to home. I’m nearly 58 and have lots (getting more)home storage foods.
Most have a 20-30 year storage life.
My plan is to buy now while my earning power is the greatest. I’ll possibly use this storage food when I can not meet my physical work requirements any longer? Living in a remote location, I would be forced into a lower paying job.