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Rob Droeger
Rob Droeger
14 years ago

You’re doing what you are meant to do.
Thank you for your time.

14 years ago

Wow. How alike we are………..of course everyone remembers what they were doing when 911 happened, but when you said Tombstone, I actually had to hit the button and back up the podcast for a minute. I can recite the conversation word for word from that scene as the impact it had on me was profound. I have always been a loner, not a joiner. It surprised me that I found the forum and I wanted to be part of it.

I believe in fate. Your path and all of ours were supposed to cross and strengthen us all in whatever we do. Many folks, myself included, need to feel some control over our lives at a point when we have none over so many aspects of our lives. Lost jobs, lost homes, being treated rudely, there are so many ways and places that we can’t control; it feels darn good to know that we have plans in place and are taking care of what we can.

Take care and keep doing what you do for us and for you!


14 years ago

Thanks Jack!
I will never be able to express that with more words.

14 years ago

Great ‘cast Jack! Inspirational as always. The song I’m working on should fall right in line “The Revolution is You”.


Jessica Sellers
14 years ago

Jack, you’re awesome!! Thanks for everything!

14 years ago

I sent you the lyric sheet the other day. Send me some feedback if you have any and I will incorporate. Rough cut drums are tracked… I hope to have the rest done (very rough mix and arrangement) by tomorrow!


“you don’t have to be a face in the crowd,
you don’t have to live the way they tell you to
just make your own way,
and the others will follow
the revolution is you…”

14 years ago

Jack, great show!

About your comment on aspergers. I know exactly what you are saying. My step son, who I love dearly, seems to have many symptoms of aspergers. The school hasn\\\’t had him tested but about 6 months ago the teacher and others have suggested screening him for it. Back then I firmly told his mother to never let it happen to him. I\\\’m afraid they will diagnos him and then he will always be treated differently. I want to raise him to overcome it, to be successful and happy in life in spite of it, and not to use it as a crutch or have selfpity. I\\\’m afraid that being diagnosed will mean that he misses opporitunities because our school district doesn\\\’t have special aspergers education. I don\\\’t believe it is a handicapp in anyway, it seems like he will have to learn differently than the other children who fit nicely into our \\"cookie cutter\\" education system.

I told this to my wife and she agrees. I told her that Bryce is our son and noone loves him like we do, no one is responsible for him like we are and therefor we can\\\’t trust the teachers (as good and kind as they are) to give him what he needs to be a great man. They have too much to do teaching 30 children at once.

So now we spend an extra hour or two every night with him doing school work and his grades are improving noticably. Its too bad that he needs that extra attention because we (bryce included) would rather play games and relax at the end of the day.

Sorry I went long. I thought it was something that needed to be said, and that you are encouraging to me because I\\\’m confident that my son will turn out happy and successful. Thanks jack!

Rob Logan
Rob Logan
14 years ago

First let me say this was the best podcast I have listened to since joining. Your heartfelt comments really hit home. My son in law turned me on to your show when I was up visiting for Christmas this last year. Words cannot express the impact your show has had on me and my family. Now my brother listens, sister, my 80 year old mother, and my two older sons. (Six kids and 8 grandchildren so far). They know that “paw-paw” is a bit different with all his survival stuff and have tolerated my rantings over the past thirty years. Now they call for advice and really listen because they know changes are happening in our country and culture. I have always been into preparedness and thought about “what if ” scenarios. What is different for me now is that my focus and determination has increased 10 fold thanks to you. I too know stuff and plan to do more in the way of contributing to the forum and by so doing learn along the way and become a better person. You have made me feel as though I am not crazy anymore. You inspire me to do more and do better. I also feel a new found sense of freedom. I get it. And you are right. Growing your own food is dangerous (To TPTB) because it liberates. I just wanted to say thanks. If you ever come to Amarillo Texas give me a holler. My house is your house. Should the need ever arise, I got your back Jack, and I don’t say that lightly. Your in my neck of the woods let me know and whatever you need and I have is yours.


No Prob Rob

14 years ago


In my heart of hearts, I believe this is the podcast that will be remembered as the point where lives are and will be changed. People will be passing it around and saying…”This is the guy I’ve been telling you about!”

When you described your childhood you could have been..hell!..you were talking about me. You took one direction of solitude…I took another.

I could ramble on here for a long time, as is my nature, but as I’ve learned tonight…life is short.

The whole podcast for me can be boiled down to just five words…

“You deserve what you want”

Now…I think I may have the courage to want it..

ps..those five words sound like a great book title..you might want to copyright it.

14 years ago

Hi Jack

My wife thought I was crazy, my kids thought I was crazy, and the neighbors, well you know… I’ve been listening for well over a year. You are the alarm clock that woke me up, and my wife, kids, and maybe the neighbors, someday. Today’s podcast is most appreciated. Thanks Jack, and congratulations on the 400th. Len

14 years ago

Thank you Jack.

14 years ago

@womule Sorry this is long, but maybe something out of our experience will help you.

I’ll agree, I won’t call aspergers a learning disability. My nephew has it, he had a very difficult time with school. He now lives with his grandmother, does volunteer work, but has a hard time supporting himself, mainly because he still misses too many social clues. There are different degrees of aspergers, some can be more independant than others. Or just a name someone made up to describe certain types of behaviors they don’t understand.

My oldest son most likely has it. I knew something was different about him when he was little. My first clue may have been when he dismantled his crib and was sitting there checking out the pieces. Several years before I’d ever heard of the term.

His kindergarten teacher called me every day first week of school. What is with this kid? He doesn’t want to sit in his seat, wants to touch and explore everything. Another teacher asked if he had a skin condition, he’d flinch when the other students touched him. His first grade principal called me, most stubborn kid he’d ever seen in his years of teaching. (Son jumped off side of steps instead of walking down them, didn’t say he was sorry, said he liked jumping off the side. In office whole day. You told me not to lie and I’m not sorry. Principal should know better than to get in a power struggle with a first grader!)

Later, the school asked if I’d have him tested. They believed him to have ADD or something related. I could believe that, I probably have it and so do most of my kids, why test?

I was in no hurry to put him on medication, which would be one reason to have him tested. How are his grades? All A’s and in our gifted and talented program. How did he do on the IQ test you gave him? He maxed it out. Is he happy? yes. And you think he has a learning disability? Well he is always moving around, he might learn better is he could be still. Knowing I think better when I’m moving, sit still I fall asleep, I disagreed. Did lots of doodling in college classes.

Now homework in gradeschool was a nightmare. We finally worked out a system, I’d sit in the car with him, he had just homework to work on. I’d be reading a book or something else. Homework got done and he could play on a computer afterwards or build something outside. Later he did homework on his own in the house and no longer took hours.

He loved orgami, I think that is what got him through school. About the time he discovered orgami was the time homework was no longer torture. He made paper dragons and many other mythical creatures in grade school. His teachers learned (and I talked to them) as long as his fingers were busy he could stay in his seat and focus on their lesson.

In middle school he was picked on horribly by other students. We had many talks about sticking up for himself, avoiding fights, etc. His older sister wasn’t sure she wanted the other high schoolers to know he was her brother, she was concerned when he was about to move up. He barks like a dog!

He was given an end of year Algebra test. After 10 minutes he turned it in and started making more orgami creations. His teacher was concerned. This test is important. Please check your answers. No. I don’t need to check them, they are all right. She pleaded, it was a very important test, quickly learning how stubborn my son could be. He sat there and made more orgami items. She checked his test, perfect score.

I talked to him. How he was taller than many his age, yet on a social level he fit in with those 3 years younger. I explained that I had nothing wrong with him playing with younger kids. Just that others when they pictured him as older than he was, acting younger than he was, made people think there was something wrong with him. I suggested that if he did a few things such as not barking, he may fit in better. I also told him anything important, he should still do what he thought was right even if everyone else was doing something different.

I learned that when I explained social skills rest of us took for granted, he got it, changed his behavior. Things most people didn’t need pointed out. He made many friends in high school. His sister’s friends all wanted to go out with him. His classmates voted him most likely to succeed, and most studious (he never studied for his classes but always learning something.)

Today he is almost finished with a college degree, long process. Meanwhile he is working part-time for another university making $70 hr. He gets great job offers on a regular basis. Speaking at 2 java conferences this summer. A few places won’t hire him because he has no degree. He still loves to be outside and play with kids, which his two little ones love.

14 years ago


Just listened to this podcast-a little late, as I’ve been trying to catch up with everything at work. I just wanted to tell you that I have felt for quite a long time that I had a certain amount of Asperger’s growing up, and thank God no one ever thought to have me checked for it. I now have a normal relationship, a few actual friends, and more functioning relationships than I used to with everyone (coworkers, relatives, random people I meet doing whatever activity I happen to be in). It took me a very long time, and I still have occasions where I act entirely weird, but instead of surrounding myself with people who pity and tolerate my “quirks,” I have people who really do appreciate me for who I am. (My boyfriend actually thinks it’s cute when I get zoned out and refuse to focus on anything practical. I am not sure what disorder he has.) I also finally totally appreciate myself for who I am except for one thing: I have a hellish time making eye contact. No matter how hard I try, I still have a hard time communicating face to face. I cannot make eye contact with anyone for longer than one second, no matter how hard I try. I have often thought about going to be diagnosed now that I am older, just so that I finally know part of why I had such an incredibly difficult time as a kid, and because the disorder seems to be genetic.

It has taken me forever to finally admit to myself that maybe I’m just made out of a little different stuff than most people, and I really just want to thank you for sharing this. When you began talking about your childhood, before your word came out of the headphones, I knew what you were going to say. So, Jack, thank you for showing me that I can become hugely successful doing what makes me happy! Hugely rewarding feeling!
