
Episode-293- Economic Forecast 10-08-09 — 6 Comments

  1. I enjoy them, too. I pulled my money out of the stock funds in my 401k (put it in money market fund in 401k) a few weeks ago because I am not sure what to do with it.

    I’m going to have to do some research on what to invest in. I wish I had enough to buy something like a rental for the account. That would keep (in theory) its value and make a steady income, too.

  2. Thank you Jack for all of the indepth information you gave on this subject. Many of the items you covered are subjects of discussion for my wife and I. I have heard Gerald Celente and he is very discriptive of what he sees coming. I will be looking forward to next week and the follow up on these issues. I did need to take some time to digest what you said and move away from it for a time. I am looking at retiring from my present job in two years and my wife and I are presently making some big decisions to improve our home, financial situation, decrease debt and bring up our growing skills as well as build a pantry of food stuffs and needed supplies. The forum has been a great source of information and ideas.

    As you say, a person cannot cover all bases at all times but I look at the calendar and see time flying by. Got to get off the pot as they say and shake a leg.

    Thank you Jack

  3. Have to agree with you on Gerald Celente.
    Another person of interest is Adrian Salbuchi from
    Argentina,one that has “been there and done that”

  4. Hey Jack, I LOVE your economic analysis and and I think you’re spot on. I’d love to hear more shows in the future because I think preservation of capital and how to combat the ass clown policies in DC are every bit as much survival and sustainability as beans, bullets and bandages. Keep up the great work!

  5. P.S. Ditto on Celente. You guys probably recognize my handle is a \"celente-ism\". Dr. Salbucci would be a great guest because i think we are headed in a similar direction as Argentina and would like to know what to expect.