Episode-2679 – Disconnecting from the Psychotic Loop of Media Content
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Today’s show was chosen by open suggestions from the TSP Facebook Forum, the person suggesting it put it this way.
Disconnecting from the political/media insanity. You did a show a while back reiterating circle of concern, etc… recent news has brought tons of your listeners back into the psychotic loop of following politics and corporate news, getting angry, following more, etc… like it really is the most important thing to their personal well being (which couldn’t be further from the truth).
This resonated with me a great deal. Here is why, I can tell you the two stories that will dominate the next two weeks and what the angles will be.
- CoVid is spiking – It isn’t we are finding more cases because we are testing 8X more then we were less than a month ago. Hospitals are likely lowering the standard to admit patients because they are largely ghost towns and they know the bill will be paid. In the end they will try to keep the lock downs going, in some areas they may succeed in most areas, the people are done and will more and more just go back to living. If shit gets locked down or opened in your area, you will know, nothing the TV says for the next two weeks is necessary on this for you to live your life.
` - The protests – Some random bullshit bipartisan crap will be passed and held up as changing the world, not shit will actually change. The riots will fizzle out because they always do, some people will still march but it won’t really matter. Some cities will take some money from cops, no one is going to “disband the police”, this all may upset you but it will have almost no impact on your life.
Other than that unless you are trading stocks or traveling to an area where you need to know if something is going on there, bluntly just say eff it and take a break from this shit. The two points above are the exact narrative you will hear tonight and baring some huge event (that someone will tell you about if it happens) in two weeks when you turn the TV back on, it will be the same shit they will be saying then.
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- Some bullshit truth wrapped in lies I heard just today about CoVid hospital numbers in Texas
- What a fnord is, and why they only work when you don’t see them
- The way I think Americans should “protest the lock downs” – quietly and effectively
- Why you should just get away from the media for a while
- They have been telling you basically the same shit for 4 months now
- It is absolutely damaging to your psyche
- No good is being brought to your life from it
- It is likely holding you back from something you want to acomplish
- It makes you focus on obstacles vs. paths
- It is also likely damaging your phyical health
- It is probably damaging your personal relationships
- The formula for control of a society
- First make yourself look weak
- Allow your citizens to feel helpless
- Find an enemy or three, build them up
- Look weak in front of this found enemy
- Hope they attack you, create an attack if they do not
- Divide your people on all possible issues
- Call anyone who speaks out against government a terrorist, conspiracy nut, etc.
- Wait until your people beg for “protection” and demand tyranny
- Give them what they ask for
- Repeat as necessary
- The number one way this is currently accomplished is the news, turn it the hell off!
Resources for today’s show…
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- Sister Golden Hair – America
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I haven’t listened to this episode yet, but I am right there with you based on the topic headline. Coming out of last weekend into Monday this week, I felt downright awful. Very depressed. And extremely pissed off at all the stupidity which is going on. I already don’t have or watch TV, but on Monday I stopped checking the Internet news. I am feeling calmer & more balanced. And last night I actually made it through without two hours of tossing and turning.
I can’t imagine how people plugged in to the 24×7 Covid channel are handling it. Does their life lack such excitement that they need to get it through hype from the media? Or have they reached the point of having a chip implanted in their brain so the media can directly do their thinking for them? Has it become an addiction where their physiology is chemically dependent on whatever endorphins are generated watching the drama play out?
To be completely transparent Jack, if I am not close enough to smell the smoke then I don’t know there is a fire. I know you don’t want this to be the ‘Covid & Protest podcast’, but I am counting on you to keep me current on what I need to know vs. what the media wants me to believe.
Thank you!
I’d just like to state for the record that “Nate” and “Nathan Kirby” are different people.
And the 40% was just what my neighbor who is a teacher told me from her school, like I said in my original comment. I can’t prove the validity of it nor did I get it from the news. (I haven’t watched the news in years)
I’m also not trying to argue that taxation to fund school is needed. More like trying to get your opinion on how the difference in parental involvement would impact a child’s education in the system that you were describing in that first episode.
Carry on.
Very well.
What’s wrong with being Nathan Kirby?
You tell us.
I don’t see anything inherently wrong with being me. If it’s in regards to my differing opinions about some subjects, then I do hope it’s not expected that we all think alike and have to agree. We all come here for different reasons and we all take away what knowledge we see fit for our lives. That is all I ever do here.
“I don’t see anything inherently wrong with being me.”
No one knows you, your words are being judged not you, but the fact that you can’t see the difference says something about you.
Dirty Laundry. Don Henley.
nice that’s a really powerful quote