
Episode-265- An Interview with Johnny Maxx and The Queen — 5 Comments

  1. epi-00265

    I was not able to get an option to “save target as” for this mp3 file. The mp3 will open in mediaplayer but I can not download it to play it in my vehicle CD player. Did you do something different on this one? How can I download the program to play it in my car? Thanks and I enjoy your show.

  2. What a fun podcast… the talk seemed to flow along very well. I loved hearing about the adventures of Johnny Max and the Queen…

    Thanks very much!

  3. I agree, fun show! Hey, I make beer for my husband too…it’s fun 🙂 I’d like to hear more about what people are doing on small pieces of land. Wish they had photos on their site of what their set up looks like.