
Episode-256- The Hunting Shotgun — 16 Comments

  1. American Susan Cohen, who lost her 20-year-old daughter, Theodora, said in an interview with Sky News, “We don’t want to hear any talk of compassion. He’s a mass murderer.”

    ’nuff said.

  2. File downloaded as “epi-002556-the-hunting-shotgun.mp3” – numbering seems just a smidgen off to me. 😉

  3. @Chris,

    Good catch. I duplicated the file on the server and changed the linked file from the site. That way if anyone’s iTunes is cashed or anything they won’t have any file not found or anything.

  4. Part of me wonders if the guy was released from prison so that the state wouldn’t have to pay for cancer treatments. Part of being in a big house is the free medical care that goes with it, regardless of the crime. Best way to kill a terminally ill felon is to get them off of the dole.

  5. Haven’t listened yet (listen on the way home each day) but I have a question on reloading for the shotgun: I have been reloading for a few months with a MEC 600 jr. Really enjoy it and have been happy with the results. My question is: do you need a special setup to reload your own slugs? Is that even possible / advisable?

  6. @ChrisK the answer is yes and no. For the typical slugs we think of yes, if you cast your own with the “drive key” mold from Lee no. I don’t know if you can buy precast slugs like this or not. I have cast my own and they are just as easy to load as shot, you even use a wad with them, etc. Check out the drive key link in the show notes for more.

    @agentem for a POS like that I can think of a much more efficient way to solve the problem. Also since he is in final stages and terminal I am sure he doesn’t qualify for treatment in the ration system anyway.

  7. Jack i need a bib when you started going blah blah blah i spit up my coffie.Jack what do you think about rifled screw in choke tubes.Will these with a scope and a sabot slug make a smooth bore shotgun into a 125-150 yard deer gun.

  8. I started with a .410 single shot when I was 8 years old. My dad and grandfather would let me carry it hunting with no shells for 2 year, only allowing me to shoot cans after the hunt. I believe that’s the way it should be done. 1st teach safety, then how to shoot.

  9. @Dan Hunter

    You will get better results with a screw in rifle choke then with out it when shooting sabot slugs. You will not get as good of a result as you would with a rifled barrel. My personal view is either go smooth bore with fosters or rifled barrel with sabots.

    The big thing I don’t like about rifling is it ruins shot patters. So it is less versatile in an actual survival situation. Take one example say you were hunting with say a shotgun with a rifled barrel and got lost, even if you carried some bird and buck shot both would pattern like crap. If you get a smooth bore with sites you can easily use foster slugs or shot and both will shoot well.

    Once in a survival situation you want to be able to harvest anything editable. You could easily in this situation put a bird shot round in the chamber and a slug in the mag. The most likely shot will tend to be small game so you are ready for a wing shot. If you see a deer, bear, etc. quietly cycle the action, slug is up and ready and bang. A rifle barrel takes that away.

    So again and this is just a personal view I only really see the point to a rifled shotgun when hunting in a shotgun only zone. If you want to shoot over 100 yards and are allowed to get a rifle.

    On your tube it like it better because carrying an extra tube is easier then a second barrel but unless you expect to be shooting often beyond 75 yards I would not even worry about it. A foster slug is a big chunk of lead and does a damn good job a putting down game.

  10. ANOTHER great show Jack. One thing though, in a hunting situation, the one shot difference between a pump action and a double barrel isn’t all that great. If you can’t hit it with 2 shotgun shells, you probably won’t with 3. So I’d say the capacity is a much smaller issue than things like fit and price.

    I actually hadn’t considered rifled chokes until I saw Dan’s comment. On something like an O/U, the barrels don’t pop on and off quite as easily as something like an 870. So if I want to go to slugs in an O/U, will Sabot slugs and a rifled choke shoot better than just plain vanilla rifled slugs from an open/cylinder choke? It’s a lot easier (not to mention cheaper) to just toss another choke in the bag than to pack the extra barrels and equipment to mount it after all.

  11. New to the topic, but thanks to Jack, I’m developing interest in the subject of hunting and firearms. Great intro to the subject.

    Here’s a Wikipedia link that other newbies might find useful for the basics:

    Again, and again, podcasts like today’s are proof that TSP is an incredible resource of information, and real-life experience.

  12. @PistolWhipped,

    One extra does matter specifically on doubles and triples. Last year alone I scored 2 triples in the dove field and plenty of doubles.

    I have had only one double on grouse in my life but with out three shots it would not have happened. Numerous doubles on ducks too and even a double on Geese before.

    If more shots wasn’t an advantage there wouldn’t be regulations requiring use of a plug.

  13. Good point. But I usually figure after a double, I might as well reload. I can hit the regularly enough that losing one, or even two on a triple won\’t hurt my feelings too bad. I just like the lighter weight of the double if I\’m hiking through a freshly cut corn field on opening day. Plus I\’m the only one in my house who eats game anymore either, so nailing 2 or 3 ducks a trip or maxing out on doves might be a bit of a waste, even I get tired of them after a while. I really don\’t hunt much except doves, waterfowl, and deer. So an O/U suits my purposes a bit better as far as a light, easy handling weapon.

    Plus, the family is, how do I say, a bit inept with firearms. The simplicity of the break action means that I at least have them informed enough not to shoot themselves in the foot with it. I think teaching that on a pump might had them around the \"scary gun\" more than they liked. Now they can at least break it open, drop in 2 shells, and shoot vaguely straight if they had to. They don\’t want to invest the effort to learn anything more complex than that.