Episode-2151- Listener Feedback for 1-22-18
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Today on The Survival Podcast I take your questions on EMP, media, hunting, fishing, kegerators, narcissism, cast iron, situational awareness, dogs and more.
Remember to be on a show like this one just pick up your phone and call 866-65-THINK.
Make sure if you submit content for a feedback show that you put something like “comment for jack”, “question for jack” or “article for jack” in the subject line to assure proper identification for my screening process.
Please understand I receive several hundred emails a day and can’t get them all on the air.
I also do put out a lot of information on Facebook from emails that I can’t fit on the program though so keep em coming.
Join Me Today As I Respond to Your Calls and Discuss…
- I found the Harris response to prepping for an EMP
- Are you acting like an easily led moron, an exercise to break the cycle
- Early season fishing and poison pigs?
- Of kegerators and small kegs
- The narcissism of people shows up in stupid comments to a recent guest
- Getting paint off cast iron
- How to “case” a public place in case something goes wrong, it ain’t hard
- Dealing with a dog with a “Napoleon complex”
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
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- The Year 93
- Walking To Freedom
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- The Granddaddy’s Gun Club
- Bullhead Fishing Forum – A new little site I started
- Get Your Liberty Forum Tickets – Use Code tsp10 for 10% off all tickets.
- 2.5 Gallon Keg
- War Child – The Cranberries
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Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
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Wasn’t it a Hbomb that the only fat Korean lit off under that mountain? I suspect he got it from Iran but just saying…
Well first Iran doesn’t have any nuclear capability at this time. Next, I have it on very good intelligence that neither does North Korea, this is from a source I cannot reveal. The reality though is American intelligence believes the entire threat to be a fraud designed to keep America from invading the North. Basically a colossal bluff. The missiles this guys is shooting off are frankly so fucking old they are on the verge of not being reliable. They are not N. Korean made, they have N. Korean paint jobs is all.
The only “proof” that ding dong has any nuclear capability is monitored seismic activity. There are many ways to fake that. At best our intelligence is that he has very crude weapons, likely weaker then the first US bomb.
He also has NO intent of destroying or invading the south, as his goal and the goal of his family has always been reunification. The south is useless to him if he destroys it. Don’t get me wrong he is a shit bag but your neighbor that goes to church with you is more likely to harm you than Ding Dong is.
But but but the TV and the President says he has nuclear capability.
Yea and neither of those ever lie to you right?
EMP is the Dark Side, it will consume you. Harris is right.
Quick add, Iran claimed to still have weapons mass destruction before the second gulf war by the way. Yes they officially told the UN no we don’t but Saddam constantly inferred that they still had these weapons. Why?
Iran to the east, Jordan to the north, Saudi to the south, none friendly to him. It was a dance, a ploy, an attempt to stay in power. Make the lesser countries afraid to pick a fight but try to placate the US at the same time. And we fucking knew it, didn’t we, the entire time.
History doesn’t repeat itself but it always rhymes.
Suggested reading on this subject are the Art of War Sun Tzu
The Psychology of Revolution by Gustave Le Bon
Granted the later is a bit of heavy reading , it is comprehensive.
The main issue urbane contemporary folk have along with the George Soros propaganda machine is that if they start thinking for them selves and speak up about the problems they are ostracized by their so call friends.
If I could attach a photo it would be of Stalin’s statue in Seattle / Fremont district.
Suggested reading on this subject are the Art of War Sun Tzu
The Psychology of Revolution by Gustave Le Bon
Granted the later is a bit of heavy reading , it is comprehensive.
The main issue urbane contemporary folk have along with the George Soros propaganda machine is that if they start thinking for them selves and speak up about the problems they are ostracized by their so call friends.
For getting paint off of cast iron (or any iron) try Electrolytic Rust Removal. Not only will this convert any rust back to iron, it usually causes any paint to just fall right off. You do have to get something (like oil) on it right away as the metal is so clean and bare it will start to rust faster than you believe possible.
Getting paint off metal:
I saw a video on Permies Earnie Wiesner, where they made a paper meche’ type stuff to safely capture the fumes and to aid the paint in coming off. It seemed when the paper started to burn it was ready to peel, paper, paint and all. I don’t know if it would work on something so small as a skillet, but it seemed to work in the video on the steel drum. I got the link to the video on youTube. https://youtu.be/MpCu7aG3fgI. Here’s the link to the Permies thread the video was in, https://permies.com/t/19650/Paint-Gallon-Drum-rmh-barrel posted by Peter van den Berg
I thought I heard you say that the exercise to see if one is acting like an easily led moron came from some article and that you were going to post it in the show notes. I might be mistaken. If not, would you mind posting that? Thanks!
that easily led article is amusing..
Great podcast, great choice of song.
If I recall correctly, North Korea is a big believer in and practitioner of ‘maskirovka’ (Russian-style doctrine of military deception), so it is likely that the H-bomb claim is partially or fully inaccurate and meant to boost domestic morale and sow uncertainty abroad. But the way I see it, whether North Korea’s recent test was a boosted-fission (more likely) or actually a small, partially-successful thermonuclear one (less likely), it still doesn’t change the overall balance of power or give NK any realistic chance to strike the US without ensuring its own destruction. An EMP strike is as much a death warrant for them as it would if they carried out an actual direct nuclear strike.
As for EMP in general, I don’t think it’s a zero-probability scenario but I suspect it’s very low, like around the same chance of a limited or full nuclear exchange between the US, China, or Russia. Plus, the geopolitical and global economic world situation would first have to be turned on its head dramatically in order for any capable power (including NK if it ever gets that capability) to have enough incentive to risk it. I actually do expect that level of upheaval, but over a fairly long timeline. So a very low likelihood combined with a lack of imminence of the scenario argues for not wasting too much time on it. Though I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the scenario gets whipped up in the media to increase support for a more aggressive military posture against NK.
(Off-topic, but where did the ‘Reply’ link next to the date of each post go? Is this a side effect of the site revamp in progress?)
Are you on a mobile device or on a computer?
Painted cast iron:
If you have an automotive machine shop in your area there is a good chance they have a caustic soda hot tank washer for cleaning engine blocks. They may let you throw the pan in while they are doing a block. When it comes out you want to be there to thoroughly rinse it and spray it down with cooking oil as soon as it comes out. If you don’t, it will start rusting almost instantly.
With that said, Jerry’s Electrolytic process also looks interesting.
I’m using Firefox on a PC with Win 10. I get the same thing with MS Edge (or whatever they call it). That’s the only visible difference I’ve noticed. Well there’s some delay sometimes in getting the site to load, but that’s just been the past few days and may just be a function of being on the other side of the world once again 🙂
Actually, Yuengling is expanding to Arkansas.
Looks like you left too soon. 🙂
Suddenly I’m envisioning a reverse Smokey and the Bandit. “Oh they’re thirsty in in DF double yah (W), but there’s beer in (the east side of) Texarkana…” “Westbound and down…” 🙂 😀
PS Having the same “no reply button” as Nick above. PC on Chrome.
A beer run to Arkansas would be kind of fun for my old Pottsville Pisswater BUT sadly due to Arkansas’s stupid ass laws it seems they are only gonna have it on draft in bars at least at first.
I’m pretty sure it will NEVER be in Oklahoma, old Dick and his daughters will die before making a 3.2 version of Yuengling.