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Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
15 years ago

Jack good show.Here in Missouri the CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT started what is called URBAN DEER SEASON this started because of problem deer inside city limits of bigger cities. Its a short season and you can only use archery methods and the meat has to be given to some type of charity or school.On holsters try finding a fanny pack holster most are made to hold the firearm and extra magazines or speed loaders.

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
15 years ago

For the fanny pack or handbags go to http://www.midwayusa.com and click on holsters and then fanny packs and hand bags

Canadian Nomad
Canadian Nomad
15 years ago

Jack, downloaded the show from the feed as opposed to the site, and I got the American Forum 2 hour show instead of todays episode. Maybe it was just me, but figured I would mention it just in case.

15 years ago


the only word on debt and forgiveness. right from the bible.

15 years ago

Another set of words on debt and forgiveness …

“Where’s the f***ing money you owe me?” – Headstones

15 years ago

I think serving our country is an honorable duty. One thing that should be considered when someone joins the National Guard is that they may be sent overseas for a long time. If a big crisis hits the States while they are over fighting a war, they will not be available to help their families much that are back home dealing with the emergency.

For a tiny suburban root cellar, I’m thinking about burying a couple of 31gal. metal trash cans that are painted with a good waterproof paint, keeping a few inches above ground level with weighted lids on top. Maybe I’ll throw an insulated lid or cover over that, and locate them in a shady spot in the back yard. Then, I’ll place my tubers in them at harvest time, sandwiched between some sawdust layers. I wonder what all would store well in them?

Good show!

15 years ago

I use the Comp Tac Pro Undercover:


I wear it with jeans and an untucked t-shirt all the time. It is MUCH more comfortable if you have an undershirt between you and the gun. It is nice since I can adjust the cant and location on the belt depending on whether I am sitting, standing or driving. It is also easy to take on and off when getting in the car or at home.

15 years ago

I looked at the Pager Pal, but they don’t have too many photos or information. Does it come with a cell holster or is it made to clip your existing cell holster on the Pager Pal? I am also not too terribly excited about the cross-draw aspect but it looks like it does have promise in certain situations.

15 years ago

I have had much success growing food from the organic market. Ginger, Garlic, and especially sweet potatoes grow well from produce. Pineapple plants can be grown from the tops, and certain herb cuttings can easily be rooted. I have saved seeds from heirloom tomatoes from the Farmer’s market as well. Do expect some failures, however.

There is a great out of print book about propagating plants from grocery produce. It’s actually quite an entertaining read. It’s called “The After Dinner Gardening Book” by Richard W. Langer.

15 years ago

I\’ve found that putting supermarket Sweet Potatoes in a bowl in the kitchen counter often gets them to sprout. It takes a few weeks before the sprouts start coming, but one potato may yield several sprouts.

15 years ago

I carry a Springfield Armory XD .45 Compact and wear a Crossbreed Supertuck tuckable IWB from the time I get dressed in the morning until I go to bed. It\’s a flat piece of leather against the skin with a molded kydex holster for the gun. The carry height relative to your belt is adjustable, but the cant is not. I do everything in this holster. I wear it when hiking, sitting at the office, mowing the lawn, working in the garden, walking the dogs, etc.. You can\’t wear it with sweats or gym shorts, but cargo shorts with a belt work well. Crossbreed even makes an IWB tuckable magazine pouch.

15 years ago


I know there’s several ISPs in Canada that offer mobile broadband off their 3G cell network. Prices range between $20 and $40 a month depending on the ISP and the speed you want (512Kbps->3Mbps)

Trying to find something like this might be a better option than satellite, in terms of cost and quality of service. It may be a regional thing, but satellite is still far too laggy for my taste (750ms round-trip pings to Google) it’s far more expensive ($100/month) and has much tighter transfer caps (5GB/month vs. the average 20GB/month of the cell-based carriers.)

Of course if your BOL is just that far outside the range, satellite is your only option.

15 years ago

I recommend any of the language podcast. You may find yourself in situations were you need to communicate with individuals who don\’t speak your language. Might be useful in where you are trying to ask for help or negotiating the price of something you are wanting to buy, or if you find yourself in another country and wanting to keep a low profile. Also any educational podcast. Just because you\’re not in school doesn\’t mean you have to stop learning. Would be useful in a situation as Jack described where he recommend having a set of encyclopedias at a bug-out location to help continue your child\’s education.

15 years ago

How about a Morse code podcast? It would be hugely helpful in a SHTF situation (given the receiving parties know it as well). Do they even teach Morse code anymore?

Jack, if you\’re having a hard time trying to find material to fill an entire show, you could podcast it in Morse code and it would use the same amount of time to say 1/10th of the words.

15 years ago

Jack, If you do get a Sprint/Verizon mobile card, you can purchase a router that will share the card out. They run in the $200-300 price range. I used this for about a year as my main/only internet at my home. Its great for the home and then has the ability to go with you if needed.

Chin Lip Kee
Chin Lip Kee
15 years ago

In Asia whenever there is a disturbance or riot, the currency would devalue drastically so only gold is used as a currency especially to barter for food. It is the most acceptable method of barter throughout mankind history.
A satellite disk with tracking system can be used to see most of the TV program around the world so in the event of major disaster some countries maybe still in operation so we can see the news, most of the server is in US so in crisis the internet server would go first. If still think that the internet is any possibilities than we can run the internet wire to the hone of the disk with a bit of tinkling we should be able to get google free of charge.

15 years ago

I grew up in a survivalist family, except my parents didn’t know they were survivalists. They being descendants of pioneer farming people, they just did what they had always done. The supermarket and saving seeds were my parents seed supply. Sweet potatos were easy to sprout for the years supply of sweet potatoes. Cut the sweet potato in half crosswise and put in a pot or in the ground. (put the ends up and the cut section down) The sweet potato will produce sprouts (slips) with roots. Detach the sprouts and plant in hills in the garden. Keep soil moist for a few days, then water as needed. In north central Texas, I start the sprouts about mid-April, and transplant the slips about the end of May. I have some nice sweet potato plants this year. Hope they produce like they have done in the past, as I havn’t done this in about 15 years. I also planted black eyed peas from the supermarket package as we had done many times before. The plants look good, hope they produce too. We will see.

15 years ago

Jack, great show again.

To the person who asked the question about defaulting on your mortgage payments (by intent, not by other reasons); by doing so, you lack integrity and honour. Without those, who can trust you (the person who posted the question) to keep your word in anything you do? To paraphrase Jack also, not paying your obligations doesn’t make you a survivalist, it makes you a thief and you aren’t therefore learning what it means to be a survivalist and learning the core tenets of being able to live within your means (whether times get tough, or even if they don’t).

That’s it on my rant.

15 years ago

Check out CompTac holsters. I was at the mall today in shorts, a T-shirt and sandals (it was 90 out) with my trusty Glock 19 at the 2:30 position. I have the M-Tac holster. http://www.comp-tac.com

Maybe someone could convince Mel Bartholomew to do a Square Foot Gardening podcast. Anybody know him? There are some organic gardening podcasts on iTunes, though.

15 years ago

You had asked about podcasts. I listen to this one about Appleseed. The episode for Original Air Date: 6/2/2009 8:00 PM starting about 15 minutes in does a great job outlining the program.

I have a Galco fanny pack. I like well for situations where it does not scream GUN! I have considered sewing a camera logo to the front of the bag to “camouflage” it. Good piece of gear just not for every day.

I carry a G19 every day in an IWB holster made by http://www.aholster.com I also carry a Keltec p3at in a pocket holster made by this guy.


palmbay lou
palmbay lou
15 years ago

I second that on the Crossbreed holster. I also use a super deluxe and I carry a PX4 Storm full size 9. I did adjust the cant a bit by lowering the front belt clip by one hole. That gave me just enough tilt that the back of the slide is half inch above my belt. No problem getting a full grip when needed.

15 years ago

I carry a 2011 STI Eagle 5.0 which is basically a 5″ 1911 with a double stack grip.


It is carried daily in a Milt Sparks VMII (Versa Max II)


For IWB strong side behind the hip carry there is no better holster made for me. I will let you read the details of the holster and why it is so versatile on the website. The 2 main advantages I see with the VM2 are the fact that the holster retention snaps are located to the side of the gun instead of on top of the gun. This removes two layers of leather and snaps from the top of an already bulky package. The second advantage is the metal form that wraps around the mouth of the holster. this keeps the mouth of the holster open for easy 1 handed holstering which is important for when the good guys show up.

Be aware of the policies of Milt Sparks before you place an order. My last order was placed on December 13, 08 and my card was just charged Friday. Yes, it took six months for my order to be completed. Yes, that is a long time. Yes, their leather is expensive, but the proof is in the pudding. Since I found Milt Sparks, I have not added another holster to the drawer labled, “junk holsters that dont work and were a waste of money.” Cows everywhere can sleep safe tonight.

Keep in mind that carrying concealed is more than just a holster. It is a system. Gun, method of carry, holster, belt, clothing and body style all must work together for successful concealed carry.

14 years ago

On solar screens,

A trick for night time privacy is to use area lights that illuminate the outside of the window at night. The lights are pointed down from the eaves just enough to cover the window, most of the light reflects back out and even if you have lights on inside you can see out and out can’t see in.