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15 years ago

Thank you for the show Jack. I appreciate you being honest with the medicine question. It is sad to know that people (like me) who are on IV therapy and other medications that we must have to live are SOL if SHTF but that is just the way it is. Your recommendation to speak with our doctors is a good one and you also mentioned some good ideas about tapering off drugs (when possible) and keeping a 30 day or more supply on hand. I feel a little more comfortable knowing that I have already taken these steps and am as prepared as I can be for a bad situation. Again, thank you for responding to this question.

Also, your article on lewrockwell.com about gardening was great! You are a very gifted writer and you convey things in such a way that it can be read by anyone and not seen as a crazy survivalist thing but as something we should all do to have a better life.

– Jenelle

15 years ago

Yes, thanks for answering the medicine question, its always nice to hear someone else’s ideas, or opinions on a certain topic.

I am currently on a low dose beta blocker, and have done some research on the topic of medicine availability, and emergency based medicine. Unfortunately medicine availability adds to the impact scale of a true threat probability matrix. Its something you have to be aware of, and you have to fully understand your medicine’s affect on your body so that you know what will happen if you have to stop taking said medicine.

Personally, my plan to help mitigate the impact of an emergency on my medicine intake, is this: I keep a 30 day supply on hand (and am working on increasing that), which means, when I get a new prescription filled, I effectively have 2 months worth of medicine, as the month wears on, that dwindles to a 1 month supply. If an emergency ever happens, I think its smart to evaluate the state of the emergency. If the emergency is short, then no problem, you have a 30 day supply. If you are looking at a long emergency, it might be better to plan on using the last 30 days to slowly wean your body off of said medicine. In doing so, that will also expand the amount of medicine you have. IE: If you are weaning your body, by doing half doses, your medicine then becomes a 2 month supply. It would be healthier, and wiser (if applicable) to slowly adjust your body, then to user all the medicine, then stop cold turkey. Even a low dose beta blocker like I’m currently on, could hospitalize you if you stopped cold turkey.

Another thing to always be aware of, and to always be researching are; natural ways to help with some of the symptoms your medicine is doing for you. IE: Insulin. There are some natural ways to help control blood sugar levels. IE: Beta Blockers, there are natural ways to help control heart rate. With natural medicine always be able to replace your drug, no, but they can help get you through a short – mid term emergency.

I’m certainly no expert! I guess I’m just sharing some of my thoughts on the topic, as its been on my mind the last few weeks.

As Jack said, there currently isn’t a good answer for those on medicine that can’t be stopped, and require administering. . . .Maybe someone with more knowledge could chime in? ? ?

15 years ago

Basil and Lemon Balm (Melissa) are awesome for medicinal uses, many other uses, and are very easy to start from seed. (Plant basils as a companion to tomatoes – you may never see another tomato hornworm, and the plants make each other taste better!!)
Also, don’t forget the medicinal uses of simple food! Beans lower cholesterol, local honey can help with allergies, peppers stimulate circulation and may help prevent blood clots, garlic is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, etc. And so on and so on…

15 years ago


Quitting TSP because of micromanagement on General News forums that do not reflect the values of the survivalist.


Sister Wolf
Sister Wolf
15 years ago

I think it’s too bad that you did not realize that the TSP forum was, in fact, a survival podcast forum earlier.

You say you feel that the political debates are being micromanaged? I whole-heartedly disagree. And since you have no experience moderating here at TSP, you really have no place deciding whether we are managing the boards in the “correct” manner or whether we aren’t. There are several (as in more than a handful) of people who have showed up lately with absolutely no clue that a podcast even exists in the first place. There are many, many, many politics-only or liberty-only forums on the internet (good ones, even!) where politics is the only discussion of the day. TSP is not one of them.

Let me put it this way (as gently as I can):
If you open your door, and invite in anybody who is of a mind to help you build and maintain a glorious homestead, with the understanding that you will feed them from your own pantry if they help, and after a while several hundred people show up, and take over your living room, but don’t know your name, have no intention of helping you do a damned thing, and start eating you out of house and home without contributing to the spirit of the homestead, you have a dilemma. (A) You can either ignore them and allow them to continue – which will, indeed, invite MORE of the same type of person into your home (mosquitos beget mosquitos, you see), or (B) you can throw them all out and be a complete dick about it, or (C) you can gently nudge them to work by not allowing them to put their fists in the snack bowl while their butts are on the couch.

We chose route C. I stand behind this choice 100%, and I think that once you calm down and have a chance to really think about it like the intelligent person that I KNOW you are, you will see likewise.

If not, as Jack said, Good luck and Godspeed. If you do, however, change your mind – you are always welcome back here at the survival podcast. But you will always, always, always be expected to pull the weight of the plow in order to taste the goodness of the harvest.

Be that as it is, I encourage you to take a day or two before responding again – if you do at all. For now? Sleep on it.

Thank you for your past contributions,

15 years ago


So you act like a child? Very well and good luck. Our forum has rules, community rules and if you can’t abide then leaving is the right choice. To post in the comments of this show as your last protest though is quite childish. I have to say with this action I and most of the mods are most likely happy to see you go. Good luck and Godspeed!


I am not protesting. I am giving you an opportunity to correct a mistake.

“But you will always, always, always be expected to pull the weight of the plow in order to taste the goodness of the harvest.”

I owe nothing to the community. I am a user.

“If you open your door, and invite in anybody who is of a mind to help you build and maintain a glorious homestead, with the understanding that you will feed them from your own pantry if they help, and after a while several hundred people show up, and take over your living room, but don’t know your name, have no intention of helping you do a damned thing, and start eating you out of house and home without contributing to the spirit of the homestead, you have a dilemma.”

This is collectivist nonsense.


Sister Wolf
Sister Wolf
15 years ago

I am a user.

Yes. You are. Users need not apply here anymore.

My response was in no way collectivist. You are pissed off, and lashing out. I forgive you.

I apologize for taking up any more space about this, Jack. I will leave the matter alone now.

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
15 years ago

Jack i would like to respond to people that think TSP is not for them.A friend of mine SUSIE POWERS was shot and killed in her home in OMAHA ARK on MAY 19th.Her boyfriend got mad because she cussed at him and threw a glass. So he acted like a coward and shot her in the chest while she layed on the floor dying she cussed him again and then he shot her in the head and ran. The stone County Sherrifs Department caught him in Galena MO on May 21.They extradited him back to BOONE COUNTY ARK and he is on a 2 million dollar bail.The really sad part of this a human life was lost and she always depended on other people to protect her.If you listen to jacks podcast he talks about everything self defence shtf you name it.Susies family is in a shtf ordeal as we speak.It will cost them a fortune in lawyer fees in cival law.Remember people survival is not about just one thing its about all things .