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15 years ago

Jack the first few minutes are not working and it starts in at about 4 minutes, no big deal just thought you should know

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
15 years ago

Jack good show i have a question about your Taurus 1911. When this firearm was built did they update it to feed hollow point ammo or did you haft to send it to a gunsmith.

15 years ago

Jack, the concept of multiple back-up guns comes primarily from the military and law enforcement fields. An average, gun-carrying citizen would seldom need more than one back-up gun, if that.

Usually, you’ll see this with people who conduct LE/MIL operations in heavily contested areas such places where gangs actively target cops or small units operate that target specialized military units.

The reasoning is that gangmembers will frequently jump a cop and take his/her primary weapon. Many cops generally carry a small back-up and gangmembers know this and will search for the back-up. A lot of cops who work these situations will often hide a very small handgun (say a derringer or NAA Revolver or even a small Kel-tec .32) in deep, deep cover so that they aren’t completely disarmed.

For a real-life example, do a google search on “Onion Field Gun” and read through what happened there.

IMO, three guns for an average, gun-toting citizen is a bit of overkill. A citizen generally isn’t targeted the same as either of the two aforementioned individuals and generally prevents these situations from coming to a head, if they’re smart.

Chin Lip Kee
Chin Lip Kee
15 years ago

Ants are very important for the Garden especially for those using compost. Physical fitness are critical in a survival situation, good training are jogging with weight & shadow boxing at the same time, swimming alternatively so that the strain is less on the joint. Alcohol & cigarette are good only in a prison to pass the time, in a crisis there is very little barter value, this are validate in all the crisis situation in Asia, even though there is a lot of smokers here but hardly any barter in cigarette during a crisis.

Daniel W
Daniel W
15 years ago

I Would like to know more about your plans to recycle your waste water in your BOL. Pro’s Con’s?

How do you plan on using it? Any other details you could share?

Thanks for the podcast

15 years ago

Jack you are spot on about Korea in this episode. I was stationed in Korea about the time you were in South America. ’91-’92. I was with the 2nd infantry. We had KATUSA’s attached to us. These were ROK soldiers who could speak enough English to act as translators for us in the field. They also served as part of our unit. Typically we would have one per squad. I have seen as many as 3 per squad.

I wound up rooming with one. This was somewhat unusual but he and I did not mind. His name is Oh.

At one point in my tour I wanted to find a map to send home to the folks to show them where I was. The only map I could find was from the local economy. It was in Korean and did not have the DMZ represented on it. Mind you this is an international border and this map of the whole Korean peninsula did not show it.

I asked my roommate to show me where we were and where the DMZ was. After he showed me I drew in our location and the location of the DMZ. He asked me “Why do you cut our country in two”.

This shocked me. They really look at it as one country that is just having a troubled time.

I also heard one KATUSA say that one North Korean soldier was worth 10 American Soldiers.

Needless to say we always wondered exactly who we could count on if things got ugly. Day to day they were just as good or bad as any of us. On the Big day we had our doubts.

Good show. Keep it up.


15 years ago

Great show, Jack. One thing about the alcohol that I *think* I may have read here in the forums. Instead of vodka, you can carry the same amount of everclear. It’s better (read more powerful) as a cleaning agent and can be cut 50/50 w/water to make vodka.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this.