Episode-1631- Personal Liberty via Business Ownership
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While many preppers seem to only focus on preparing for TEOTWAWKI; I have for 8 years now taught that we should prepare for life and that includes all the things that go both right and wrong with it. Failure and success will impact you at the personal, regional, national and even global levels. There are good times and bad, the key is those best prepared make the most of the good and mitigate the bad.
Additionally with all the talk of “the dollar becoming worthless” in our space have you ever noticed that all the people offering you a solution wish for your “worthless paper money” in exchange? It doesn’t matter if it is gold, silver, MREs, ammo, shelters, seeds or solar power in the end all of the people selling based on fear of collapse do business in what? “Worthless paper dollars”.
Want to know why? Because they are not worthless! So long as we have a dollar based economy, dollars have value. This is why you use them to pay your bills, buy your food, put gas in your car or buy a nice bottle of scotch an a fine cigar. In the end, money is a prep! It can’t be your only prep, but it is a huge part of proper prepping.
Into this comes business ownership. I personally feel the biggest step toward individual liberty a person can make is business ownership of some sort. Be it part time wealth building activity or a full time lifestyle business or any form in between, there is no step that brings more liberty to a persons life then a successful business.
Join Me Today to Discuss….
- The alternatives to business ownership
- Poverty
- The Dead End Job
- The Stressful Career
- The Path of the High End Professional
- The Happy Go Lucky Worker (few and far between)
- Getting Started with a Just Do It Mentality
- Blogging and social media
- What do you love, what are you good at
- What can you do with what you have
- Do you want a big business, or just freedom
- What do you suck at, what do you hate (even if you are good at it)
- Some Business Concepts and My Thoughts on Them
- Consulting (from A-Z)
- Farm, Garden, Food Production and/or Value Add
- Craft Based Businesses (from soaps to belts and back)
- General Handy Man
- Pool Service (specifically above ground)
- Deck, Fence, Driveway Maintenance and Cleaning
- Online Product Sales (affiliate, drop ship, etc.)
- Information Marketing, Book Authorship, etc.
- Pet Sitting and Walking
- A CSA or Organic Food Club (basically food delivery)
- Fishing Guide – Good Ones Are Always Busy, It Ain’t Easy Bro!
- What about a “restaurant club”
- In the end it comes down to this there is something you can do
- With what you have
- That will make some money
- That you won’t hate doing
- That if nothing else will teach you about business
- That will either become or lead to success
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1631
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- GenForward
- Fortress Defense Consultants – (sponsor of the day)
- Ready Made Resources – (sponsor of the day)
Bob Wells Plant of the Week – REDSKIN PEACH TREE – Adaptable from zone 5 to zone 9.
This is an off shoot of the old time Elberta Peach.Excellent quality, all-purpose, yellow, freestone. It is frost hardy and very sweet. It does not require a pollinator and ripens mid-July. This is Bob Wells personal favorite when it comes to peaches.
Bob Wells specializes in edible landscape, including: Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Nut Trees, as well as the hard to find Specialty Fruit Trees. Find this plant and more at BobWellsNursery.com
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council you can address your calls to. If you do this you should email me right after your call at jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with expert council call in the subject line. In the body of your email tell me that you just called in a question for the council and what number you called in from. I will then give the call priority when I screen calls.
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To answer Jack’s question on the podcast about how much the Wicked Bible or Adulterer’s Bible would go at auction: the opening bid in 2010 was $89,500.
I seriously doubt that it was the final price. It was the opening bid they stated in order to clear out all the window shoppers. Serious book collectors already had a reasonable idea of how much such a book was worth.
Here is a link to an article discussing how one calculates the value of a rare book.
Alex Shrugged
Great stuff Jack, can tell you put some thought into it, thanks!
-the best podcast to listen today 25/08/2015, the day i got fired.
Maybe just me but this episode still hasn’t showed up on my stitcher feed (8/26/15).
It hasn’t showed up on my stitcher either.
FWIW I have zero control over anything on stitcher.
Jack, thank you.
Been unhappy and seriously looking ahead at the future and what it will hold for my wife and I. Business ownership has been kicked around a few times but both of us drawing blanks on what to do and where to put our efforts.
Moved on over to your “‘five’ minutes with Jack” podcasts and will be taking notes. Possibly a blog about implementing all those steps and the pitfalls and successes.
Awesome Show and Song at the end of the show.
Thanks again
Awesome show Jack as I’m starting a survival subscription box company now.
Owning a business does give me freedom to make my own schedule, ie giving up more income on days I don’t want to work. And I do love my work.
However, regulations and fees are on a constant increase. Business owners, especially employers, actually lose fundamental rights of decision-making.
My tax rate isn’t much different over the past 10 years, but regulatory time, cost, and fees continue to rise. These hassles come from the city, the state, and the federal agencies. I can’t fully get on board with the idea that a business gives you “liberty”. I would particularly caution people to be very hesitant to become an “employer”. Once you do that, you are an unpaid tax agent for the government. You receive no compensation but you can receive large fines. If you add benefits (ie 401K plans), this effect increases.
I’m still glad I’m a business owner but it will be the government actions that will cause me to give it up someday.
Well as you may note I never told anyone to become an employer, business owner doesn’t mean employer though many are.
I have said over and over employees are problems.
Does owning a business equal liberty, depends on how you build a business, where you build it, how you structure it etc.
My statement wasn’t meant as a full-on disagreement but rather to add to the discussion. The regulations are something most don’t comprehend until they get there.
Yea I guess that is a valid point. May be something I should cover more, I have always structured my businesses to avoid as much of this as possible or built them large enough that it wasn’t my personal problem.
Thank you Jack, these are helpful tips. I was a sign painter before I was a caregiver for my parents. I have decided to come out of retirement. Not easy!
Sign painting is slow, but I am advertising that and using it as a selling point. To get some much needed practice I am offering to repaint old signs, and do minor copy adjustments.
The traditional job route isn’t working so far as I mentioned in my email. I m hoping my Un-Retirement, will at least supplement what ever I do find.
I hope it’s okay to post my website, if not I won’t be offended if you remove it. http://www.evecosigns.com, I am also learning some web design so I can offer some value added services. I already know desktop publishing and can layout ad’s and magazines for printing. I will ad video and audio as soon as I can.
Again thank you, your encouragement is uplifting. You think of things I don’t have the experience to consider. I appreciate that.
I am still going through your “5 minutes with Jack” podcasts. I love them, some I hit replay until I hear them loop in my head like a stuck song. I hear something different every time, especially as I learn more, things start to make sense so when I hear the same information a week or a month later I get a whole different take on it.
Thank you,
Did I say Thank you, Thank you
I had to pass this episode on to a friend who gave notice at her job last week. She is now going through the process of starting her own house cleaning business. One thing I told her she should think about doing is finding a few local CSA’s and asking them to put the word out about her business – maybe barter some house cleaning for some veggies. Then as a value-added bonus, put together some baskets from those CSA’s to leave in the kitchen for customers who are NOT CSA customers. The CSA gets some marketing and will hopefully market her more to their client base.
Hey Jack,
Perfect timing on the show. My wife and started s business in August 2013 with $40. About two weeks ago we passed 100k gross sales YTD. So jack, thank you for inspiring us to get started.
As for anyone else considering a bit, my advice is just get off your ass and do it. My field is very crowded, and I was not the first to the party. My wife and I carved out our victory by just outworking everyone else and being smarter. Don’t look at something and say there is no room for you. Look out for the big guys and see how they got lazy.
Victory comes to those willing to get off the couch.
Great episode, you mentioned your 5 minutes with Jack podcast in this one. I have listened to only a few of them. I recently started my business website and am really new to website/marketing stuff. Is there anyway to get those 5 min with Jack podcasts back on iTunes? There are only a few of them on there now. I know I can get them from the website but it is definitely easier to listen to them via the iTunes podcast app when I’m driving around for work. If not no worries, figured I would ask. Love the show.
Wow. This was a really great podcast. As I move further along in corporate life, many of the things in this podcast hit my deeply. I need to get going on my own business and build it. Thanks for all your knowledge.
A friend pointed me to your site. I am enjoying the podcast here. When you spoke about Adsense, and building your business model around someone else’s rules, it prompted me to send you a response.
3 years ago I was making $10k a month off Adsense. One day, one of my sites was the target of a DDOS which resulted in many unfriendly clicks. Even though I proved to them (with my server logs) that these were the results of a DDOS, they shut my account down. BOOM! Instant loss of almost 75% of my income. It was then that I decided to diversify my marketing efforts.
Glad to see someone else is sharing the importance of diversification and building a model that is not dependent on other company’s models.
Great podcast, BTW – I will definitely be back 😉