
Episode-1545- Listener Feedback for 3-30-15 — 37 Comments

  1. I started gifting 2 Oz. of silver to the kids of my friends on their 1st birthday or baptismal. Even though silver is only $20 an Oz now, the expression on my friends’ faces is priceless.

  2. While I feel it’s a really bad idea for Joe the plumber to have nuclear missiles…

    I think I’d rather he have them than North Korea or Iran or China…..

    … or the USA.

  3. I’ll actually accept the extreme premise of allowing individual nuclear weapon ownership because it also means that I can then own any handgun, rifle, switchblade, cannon, or any other “reasonable” weapon I deem necessary for the defense of my life, family, property, and liberty. I would prefer no restrictions at all to so-called democratic/bureaucratic restrictions, and think that I am by natural law entitled to that. When the 2nd amendment was written, individuals (not just states) were able to own the most powerful weapons, explosives, and vehicles of the day without license or restriction, so I don’t think I’m alone in this thought.

    The day that it becomes a problem because individuals are actually able to manufacture or obtain “nuclear” or other powerful weapons, it will also no longer be a problem for me to have a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds when I cross an imaginary geographic line without holding the papers that the officer du jour deems required according to his interpretation of the law thus leaving me in legal and financial ruin regardless of the outcome. And it will no longer be a problem because the concept of preventing violent crime by enacting increasingly nuanced and nonsensical law will have been finally rendered moot by technology. So with that as the inevitable outcome, I’ll take my freedom up front, please.

    I also assume that by then we’ll have figured out how to be a civil society with unrestricted access to weapons and not have blood running in the streets. Or maybe we’ll figure out that we actually knew it all along. I’d like to think this could happen before we become subject to total tyranny by increment, but I doubt it…as a people, we’re past the point of ever turning this around and they know it.

    • Here is another way to look at it, anyone that can acquire a nuclear weapon, can’t be stopped from doing so anyway.

      • Jack

        what is the website for the guy you got your trees from.

        I used to have the link saved but can’t find it now.



      • I’m looking for mainly fruit trees apple, pear, paw paw and maybe even kiwi (I need to talk to someone about this one).

        The who is less important than one that will talk to me to verify I’m getting trees that I won’t have issues with more than selling me a tree.

        I talked to one and oddly enough it seemed like the only ones that would grow around me where 40 dollar a tree trees.

        I’m in western ky right on the time zone line. the ground where I’m going to start planting is Rocky but grass grows easily as do a few shrubs and trees I have around the same area. So I’m thinking I should have a few options on variety of apple rather than Nope only this one will grow there.

        So mainly I’m looking for someone I can do online ordering with and will let me know of varieties that may grow faster without trying to push something down my throat.. if that makes any sense.

    • Regarding the 2nd Amendment and normal citizens owning the most powerful weapons of the day… I suppose that is true, but the government of those days would feel perfectly fine in putting a cannon ball through your house if they thought you were a danger to the government or to your neighbors.

      The government can have a say if I decide to build my own Space X project in my backyard. It is not because they are worried that I am developing a secret missile program. It’s because rockets tend to blow up and my neighbors have a reasonable expectation that they won’t be blown to bits by something that I might do on my property.

      The same thing goes for gunpowder. I can reload, but I’m not allowed to store enough gunpowder to level the neighborhood or threaten low-flying aircraft.

      BTW, Tom Clancy wrote “The Sum of All Fears” where Arab terrorists join with German terrorists to blow the heck out of the Superbowl using an atomic bomb they made. In the afterword, Clancy says that he changed a few details in case anyone decided to make their own atomic bomb.

      I laughed.

      • I want to agree with you, but that slope seems so slippery. There are probably millions of Americans who think that you owning a firearm in the house/apt/lot next to them is akin to the Space X rocket and equally damgerous, if not moreso. Sure, not endangering your neighbors sounds like a good basis for lawmaking, but who’s going to be the arbiter of danger?

        • Well… all slopes are slippery.

          The citizenship is not educated in rights, but they do understand “my home is my castle.” It’s in the Bible and they will mostly understand. But if enough innocent by-standers get killed by a fellow defending his home, firearms will be perceived to be a danger to the community and they will be regulated out of existence.

          So your objection does not apply. I am not defending my home with a space rocket. Your argument is more esoteric and thus the general public will not understand.

          Alex Shrugged

  4. Make sure you’ve used “paver sand” for your bricks. It will minimize the weeds. If you used “play sand” you’ll have weeds forever. I had huge expansion joints in my driveway that were always full of weeds. I bought self leveling caulk at the big box stores just for that purpose. No more problems!

  5. Jack takes me to task on the podcast regarding Russia’s wars and I feel a little embarrassed because I think he is right.

    I recall a recent press conference where the State Department was talking about how the Russians are creating conflict by invading Ukraine. A reporter actually asked a relevant question… Isn’t it correct that the Russians felt threatened when Ukraine was invited into NATO? Perhaps they felt like we are surrounding Russia?

    I was stunned. He was right. Even though the Soviet Union was famous for putting out propaganda, I think the United States is better than the Bear.

    In any case I am glad to be corrected and reminded of things I already know but have forgotten. What I want is for the correct information to go out and I want to thank TSP and the NoAgenda Show for educating me on some of these issues.

    And yes. Tulip Mania is on my mind… as well as Pet Rocks. And… Cabbage Patch Kids and those silly little stuffed animals that my wife used to collect by the dozens. What they heck were they called?

    Alex Shrugged

    • When I taught 10th grade global history I was leading my class in a compare/contrast exercise of the US and USSR at the end of WWII — how basically Russia had experienced multiple invasions from the west over the previous 250 years (Sweden, Napoleon and Germany x2), and saw Eastern Europe as providing a buffer against future invasion, how they had lost over 20M people in WWII and fought a war on their own soil with cities reduced to rubble, while the US lost about 620K people, hadn’t been invaded since 1812, and had a homeland untouched by the ravages of war. Was it really a surprise that they couldn’t see eye-to-eye based upon historical experience alone? A classroom of 15 year olds were able to see that pretty clearly.

      Then you add in the way in which James Baker assured Russia that NATO would not expand eastward after the fall of the USSR — after which NATO proceeded to expand eastward. Is it really that much of a surprise that Russia would see NATO in Ukraine as a threat? I see all of this as obvious as the sun rising in the east every morning. Then again, I also don’t watch TV for my news so I’m not barraged by the 24/7 propaganda that Putin is the second coming of Hitler.

  6. You can just use boiling water to kill the weeds in the walkway cracks, bring out the tea kettle !

    Some out here use weed dragons, propane flame for weeds on gravel paths

    Like the other responder, in my old house, I had a paving stone path that was set in sand, and then had a thin layer of grout over the sand in the joints. Never had a weed problem, and when I redesigned the garden area, it was easy for me to pull up, move and redo

  7. Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
    Guatemala 1954
    Indonesia 1958
    Cuba 1959-1961
    Guatemala 1960
    Congo 1964
    Laos 1964-73
    Vietnam 1961-73
    Cambodia 1969-70
    Guatemala 1967-69
    Grenada 1983
    Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian targets)
    Libya 1986
    El Salvador 1980s
    Nicaragua 1980s
    Iran 1987
    Panama 1989
    Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf War)
    Kuwait 1991
    Somalia 1993
    Bosnia 1994, 1995
    Sudan 1998
    Afghanistan 1998
    Yugoslavia 1999
    Yemen 2002
    Iraq 1991-2003 (US/UK on regular basis)
    Iraq 2003-present
    Afghanistan 2001-present
    Pakistan 2007-present
    Somalia 2007-8, 2011
    Yemen 2009, 2011
    Libya 2011

    Copied from

    Already have a lifetime membership, I will take internet dollars and sweet sweet pleasure in my google-fu.

    (Assuming this is the right episode/I am first..)

  8. Jack, I have always been of mindset that you vote for the lesser of two evils. But like you say, it’s still a vote for evil. Here in Georgia, if I remember correctly, you are given the option of a Write-In. I don’t know if this is an option in all states, but I am going to put that option to the best use possible and write in “None Above”. If you agree, I would ask that you put this out to the TSP community and spread the word.
    Now here is the big question – what happens IF enough people did this?

    • You see the thing is, I don’t think anyone will care when you do that, it might make you feel good and if so, you should do it. But my question is why?

      1. I won’t matter
      2. No one will even look at it
      3. It won’t be counted
      4. It won’t have any effect

      I look at this like drawing a doodle picture. It serves no purpose but if you enjoy doing it, go ahead.

      Personally my choice is to abstain from a rigged game.

      Think of it like a roulette wheel. The only bets you are allowed to make are Red and Black but even if your color comes up, you still loose. But you an claim victory or defeat based on the results of others, this is voting at the Federal level today. You are picking a team like a sports team where your victory or defeat has really nothing to do with your choice.

      Your idea is to go to this roulette table and in defiance bet on Green 00 with 37-1 odds of hitting. But at this casino the 0 and 00 have been removed from the wheel, but not the table. The pit boss knows this so he ignores those who do it, their chips are simply swept away with the chips on red and black and counted as “eligible gambler participation percentage”.

      Now they make you feel good you get a watered down “free well drink” while you gamble too. You are part of the crowd and you can wear your “I Voted” button with pride. But the house still wins. And you are still in the smoke filled, stinking, sad ass casino that we call American politics.

      While you are doing this, what am I doing? I am miles away from my local casino, talking to my ducks, working with my dogs, planting trees, etc.

      Again you should do what you want but I hope this analogy puts it in perspective for you. It feels good as a child to write a letter to Santa doesn’t it? But when we grow up it is better that we write a letter to a loved one far away that will actually open the envelope, read what we wrote and then have our thoughts actually count for something in the world. That still feels good, it in fact feels better, because we know it is real.

  9. Well… I have to come clean here. I’ve noticed that the elections were a rigged game for a long while now and the history segments are going to lead to two obvious conclusions…

    1. The American Revolution was an aberration and we are feeling the backlash today… of those aristocrats, oligarchs and bureaucrats who ran things in the Middle Ages and they want their power back.


    2. The educational system is the real problem, feeding our children facts but never teaching them how to evaluate those facts so that they can vote effectively.

    The two-party system in the USA today has one goal… to return power to the aristocracy which we call “the rich and famous” and to oppress the peasants which we call “those who watch reality TV”.

    We can go fast (vote Democrat) or we can go slow (vote Republican) but we never waver from that goal.

    The system went wrong when we changed the Constitution to allow…

    1. The popular vote of senators (thus making them beholden to issues of the day rather than to the long-term stability of the states they represent).

    2. Creating a fixed number of Congressmen (thus making them into princes who retire but are rarely voted out of office).

    3. Passed Prohibition, which killed the excise tax and granted to government the power to tax income which punishes prosperity.

    4. Creating the Federal Reserve which gives virtually unlimited loans to the government. (Actually, this is an reincarnation of the First Bank of the United States by Alexander Hamilton, and the Second Bank of the United States which was dissolved by Andrew Jackson… the guy on the 20 dollar bill… a Federal note… which Jackson would have hated with a hot, hot hate. )

    How do we fix it?

    We get off the idea that there is a magic bullet that will solve all these problems in one or two elections.

    A constitutional convention might help but I doubt it because the people are too ill-informed to utilize that system intelligently.

    So we make our children more informed. We teach them fewer facts and spend more time teaching them how to evaluate new facts as they come up. We teach them how to learn rather than teaching them facts.

    Frankly… learning how to learn is the wave of the future because the future is no longer like it was in the 1900s. Mostly, we no longer work in factories, mines or on the farm. We have jobs that didn’t exist 20 years ago! You can’t create an educational plan that will make our children ready for a job if that job never existed before you started. Instead you must teach your children how to think… not memorize facts.

    I was in R&D and computer engineering. We built things that had never been seen before. There were no experts to consult. I WAS THE EXPERT! Yet I had no clue about the new hardware and how it worked. I had to learn how it did things and why. Then I had to make it work in our system. There were other guys smarter than I was. More skilled in programming, yet I got the job because I could adapt.

    This new generation needs to learn how to learn and they are ill-equipped to do so. The ghost of John Dewey has crippled their minds.

    The Middle Ages want’s its system back.

    That is why the news media calls itself “the Fourth Estate” and why WikiLeaks calls itself “The Fifth Estate”. Those are references to a Medieval system of division of power. The Founding Fathers split power between the Judicial, the Executive and the Legislative. The Medieval Estate system split power into three estates… the aristocrats (now politicians, and intellectuals), the clergy (now the judicial), and the peasants (now the voters).

    The Estate system collapsed after the French Revolution (probably due to the American Revolution). But the desire amongst the elite for the old system to return has not gone away. It has changed form, calling itself by different names, but it remains. The history segments will make that apparent as we approach the late 1800s and early 1900s.

    Just a heads up.

    If at any time I move in a direction that is not good for the TSP podcast Jack is free to dump the history segment. I will not be angry. I have told him so before and I state it publicly now. It is his show. Not mine. He can take it in any direction he chooses.

    Alex Shrugged

    • Alex,
      About your question on the American Revolution… it depends on whether or not you follow or research the more esoteric masonic conspiracy theories. The founders obviously borrowed quite a bit from the physical and metaphysical from their English fathers in constructing a new nation. Law and social matters both have similarities to geometry, in form and action (top down power structures, delegated compartments, agencies existing with their own spheres of influence, etc).

      The founders had to have known that many of the systems they created could be manipulated or corrupted eventually. The simple law of averages necessitates that it would be so. So why did they recreate a society based so closely on the one they had just rebelled from? Why did they feel the need to inject so much occultic nonsense into our national symbols and institutions? Just like the Confederacy did 80 years later, the founding fathers in America copied almost word for word the legal papers and writs that they had once spit on when held by British magistrates. A lot of questions, and any answers acquired only beg even deeper questions.

      Great experiment is right. Whether or not they truly knew it, the American founders created an anomaly… a civilization based on the concepts of freedom and independence of the individual, rather than a class or group. In my opinion the slave chains were only thrown free for an instant in time, then promptly returned once those in power believed that they had something great to gain from creating a new Rome with its own entire socioeconomic empire. The slave chains never really came off, they’re just occasionally made invisible… or painted gold, depending on the need.

    • Having studied American history in some detail, I have come to the conclusion that the American Revolution was not really a revolution at all, but rather a war of independence — and that much of what is bandied about today in reverence of that period is a national mythology more than anything based upon historical evidence.

      Keep in mind that the Founding Fathers were the oligarchy of their time, and the government they set up was meant to maintain that oligarchy. George Washington himself was perhaps the richest man in the country at the time he was (s)elected as President. Immediately after independence you had the former proponents of liberty moving to squash Shays’ Rebellion in Massachusetts — a rebellion against the seizure of property from war veterans and widows (who never received the pay and benefits promised them) in order to pay back bondholders. Then, just after the beginning of the Constitutional Republic, you had the Whiskey Rebellion in Western PA after that bastard Alexander Hamilton started taxing whiskey, which was a de-facto currency along the frontier — and then Washington himself led an army to squash the rebellion.

      The real father of the nation we have now wasn’t Washington, Jefferson, Adams or Franklin — it was Hamilton. It was he who put in place the kinds of oligarchic tendencies we are still dealing with today in order to spur the United States into becoming a world power.

      The game was rigged from the beginning — what kept it from exploding back into the open was the safety valve provided by the frontier. People had the ability to move to the edge of settlement where they could live mostly free from government interference. It’s hardly an accident that the closing of the frontier (which was official in 1890) coincided with some of the most violent contests between labor and capital — the safety valve was gone. In this sense, we are no different from the ancient Greeks and Romans, both of whom seized land through conquest to be settled by veterans of the campaigns and provide a release from the social unrest that inevitably results as wealth distribution becomes more and more unequal (and the politics become more and more corrupt). Once the frontier was closed in both of these ancient civilizations, then the farms of veterans and their descendants began to be swallowed up in the expansion of noble estates (worked by slaves), with the former landowners thrown into the streets.

  10. Hi Jack,
    On POOLS…
    …what is your opinion on using a “salt” filter system for emergency drinking water? (instead of chlorine)
    Is the salt at “safe” drinking levels or not? …and for how long?
    I have searched high and low, and cannot find any actual facts of the topic. Only “yes” and “no” opinions.

  11. Feedback: your “off day” show was a great episode. Timely for me at least. I’m sharing the soliloquy between 15-25 minutes on political participation with a few folks who have started listening to me about the false choices of voting (in Mississippi at least).

    If that was an “off” show, keep ’em coming.

    Thanks again for your work.

  12. One consideration that everyone seems to forget regarding the .22 vs “duty caliber” (9mm, .38, .40, .45, etc) as first gun choice.

    What professional defensive training is available for .22 shooters? None that I’m aware of. Not Tactical Response. Not Fortress Defense. Probably not even your local CCW instructor. Seriously. Look in to that before you pull the trigger on a .22 first trainer.

    Unlike rifle training where you can get high quality training through the Appleseed Project that will be happy to teach you to shoot your 10/22, I just don’t see any of that in the handgun community.

    If you are truly interested in defending yourself with a firearm you should be seeking as much high quality defensive training as you can afford.

    • I think if you showed up to Fortress Defense with a GSG 1911 in 22 and wanted to shoot with Frank he’d shrug his shoulders and say, okay, not what I would recommend but lets go. Yeager would call you stupid for having anything but a Glock, one reason though I like him on many levels I don’t work with him at this point!

      • Noted on both counts.

        I don’t know anything about Mr. Sharpe’s program except what’s stated on his course description for DEfensive Pistol Level I, II and presumably III. They specifically state a min caliber of .380. In my research, even that is unusual. . .most defensive handgun instructors specifically state a min caliber of .38sp or 9mm. Cool for him.

        One may or may not be able to work out a special arrangement on the side. Hard to tell. That will vary from instructor to instructor, but I would )guess( that such a compromise would be rare and not to be counted on. I don’t know. I haven’t asked.

        My point being, I would guess having a .22 as you “training gun” will actually limit your proffessional training opportunities. If The questioner is interested in pursuing pro instructors he might want to research that aspect with the instructor(s) he is looking to work with before going down the .22lr road to find it a dead end.

        This is but one aspect of the decision which may be outweighed by other factors, such as those you mentioned in the podcast. Cool. But it remains a factor that I believe is usually neglected.


        • Again, I don’t think anyone would prevent you from taking a class with a 22, I think trainers state what they want and prefer but if you showed up with a GSG, you think he is going to say no here is your 500 bucks and go away?

        • I did weapon instruction at a civilian range when I was in the marines. I started everyone off with an airsoft to get them used to safety and stance.

          after they got comfy with safety and the motions of the basic drills we moved to a firearm.

          I can’t recommend an air soft for at home training enough. target train with a fire arm but practice clearing your house and run drills with air soft… you can find airsoft analogs of most firearms

  13. A few thoughts on the use of Roundup… First, WHO has officially taken the stance that it is a cancer causing substance. Until now I’m not sure any group has taken a firm stance (although I could be wrong) and I believe they were all couching their statements.

    Second, your comment, Jack, about UV breaking it down is legit, however the use of this in a walking area would worry me even more. If it’s sprayed/used and walked on it stands to reason it would then be tracked into the home where the UV rays aren’t likely to reach it, thus remaining in an environment for much longer. Also, now being on the floor of the house where you walk it’s also where kids and pets play. Your alternate suggestions (fire, vinegar, etc.) would, in my opinion, be the much preferred and really only option I would consider if pulling by hand isn’t doable.

    BTW, for an “off” episode I found this to be one of your better Monday shows lately!