Episode-152- Dealing With Anti Survivalist Stigma
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Today’s show covers the anti survivalist stigma that modern survivalists must face in main stream society. Are you tired of being depicted as a “right wing militia gun nut locked up in a religious compound praying for the end or modern society so you can live off your cases of peanut butter while everyone else starves”?
Honestly I don’t care about how people think about me as an individual, I am who I am with my pholosophy out there for anyone to examine and embrace, ignore or criticize. I do however, care a great deal about many people that know something isn’t right about how we are living today as a society and want to know more but are put off by how the media and society potrays us.
Today’s show covers how to discuss modern survival philosphies with the uninitiated and get easily past the stigma and hopefully help more people live a better life, “if times get tough or even if they don’t”.
Resources for Today’s Show
- The Appleseed Project – We are giving a way a free spot at a upcomming shoot in the listener appreciation contest this Friday. Make sure you will be able to attend one before you try to win please.
- Forum thread about Anti Survivalist Mentality – God you have to read this article, how much peanut butter are you sitting on?
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show.
You also now can call in questions or comments for the host at 866-65-THINK, please read the suggestions for calling in before you do for the best chance of getting your comments on the air.
Can anyone confirm that this is not downloading properly? I’m only getting a 2k file. I seem to recall this happening once before.
I can assure you the problem is on your end. The file is on the server and available in its’ entire length both directly and on iTunes.
Weird. It’s working now. My work internet is acting really weird. Thanks!
Here is a great link regarding Monsanto that relates to todays show. http://www.organicconsumers.org/monlink.cfm
21 trillion dollars: if $1 is represented by 1 gallon how big a lake would could you fill? Lake Tahoe holds 39 trillion gallons.
Former GAO Comptroller General David Walker puts the unfunded liability on social security, medicare, and perscription drugs at $53 trillion.
CBS 60 Minutes interview with David Walker
Um, Gator, you might consider not listening to the podcast at work. Just sayin’.
21 trillion bucks, in $100 dollar bills, taped end-to-end, would go around the earth 798 times.
Oh, and that’s also about $64,000 for each man, woman and child in the USA. Of course, if they keep up the inflationary nonsense, a Chevy will probably cost 21 trillion dollars!
see: The Weimar Republic http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/ess_germanhyperinflation.html
or, Zimbabwe: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/zimbabwe/3453540/Zimbabwe-hyperinflation-will-set-world-record-within-six-weeks.html
There are numerous others.
How do you get out of your 401k , other than quit your job ?
I never said “get out of your 401k”. I said to get your money out of the stock market.
In your 401k there is a “cash option” of some sort that your can move your money into or contribute to if you get a company match and still want to contribute with out the risk.
See this is the problem millions of Americans with 401ks that have no clue how they even work. Tune in to today’s show when I publish it later, I will do a brief piece of advice on 401ks.
Thanks Jack,
Took your advise on the 401k on a “guarenteed account”.
21 trillion dollars could make 21 million people millionaires!