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Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
10 years ago

I dropped my co-worker off this mornign at the PEI airport and he is going Bow hunting with his brother in Coke County TX and at Balcony’s National Wildlife Preserve. (Especially if the Giants lose in Dallas)

Great timing Jack. I have to listen to this one

10 years ago

Broke my heart this Sunday, I got that 15yd shot on my first buck bow hunting, (this is my 3rd season as a 31yr old self taught guy), and I hit him behind the shoulder, but a few inches high I think(arrow didn’t pass through, but I saw good penetration). We followed a pretty decent blood trail for ~150yds after waiting an hr and the blood just stopped. Couldn’t find him. He wasn’t a monster buck, but I hated not being able to recover him.

But yea, the heart pound you get after being full draw for over a minute just waiting for him to make that half turn…shew… I’ll hopefully be back out this Sunday afternoon, and more mentally and physically prepared this time.
Thanks for another great show, I’d love to hear more on hunting.

Gary Minter
Gary Minter
10 years ago

Haven’t listened to this one yet, but you can never get too much advise about deer hunting. Especially bow hunting. I’m sure I will enjoy all parts.

Also still looking forward to your book on the .22 lr.

10 years ago

On stopping deer. What I’ve used for years and still use, in fact its how I got the first deer of this season, is the “Kiss of Death”. Making almost a cartoon kiss sound. I’ve killed a number of deer bow hunting on foot like that. I know there are tons of methods but that one is my favorite and has yet to fail me.

10 years ago

Perhaps it is not bow hunting specific but a small first aid kit can be invaluable.

Alcohol wipes
Antibiotic gel
Aspirin (or the like)

10 years ago

Thanks For the show Jack your a big help! Learning a lot.
Anyone see the 50 dollar hanging tree big game tree stand cabelas has on sale now ? Is that a good stand to start off with?

10 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I don’t know about that stand in particular, but like normal, it depends. If its your land and you don’t plan to sit in it all day it would be fine, but it’s probably not the most comfortable stand for that price. You also need some sort of steps. If its your tree and you don’t care about the tree too much you can go the .80 galvanized landscaping spikes that are like a foot long and drill holes for them.

10 years ago

Saw the episode title and actually said, “yessss” out loud. I’ve never hunted, but I’m hoping to start. This is the kind of info you just can’t find anywhere else, so I’m looking forward to the rest of the bow hunting series. Keep it up, Jack!

10 years ago

Great show. Lot of good suggestions. I have been bowhunting for 13 years, there is nothing close to it as far as adrenaline rush is concerned. Good work Jack.

Paul Floyd
Paul Floyd
10 years ago

I add a couple of glow sticks in my bow and gun pack. I’ve been very frustrated tracking deer and you can get focused on the blood trail and get turned around. Snap a glow stick and hang it near the stand. That gives me a reference point. The tp is great for marking, but when I have to do the tracking by myself I find a bright glowing marker at the last tp mark gives me a better ability to get back to last blood. If the choice is between toilet paper or glow sticks, pick tp! If you have room, glow sticks are a cheap luxury item.

10 years ago


Would you consider continuing the bow hunting deer series with a podcast on tanning the hide??

I thought I could teach myself to tan a hide last deer season from some YouTube videos, and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Would love some pointers, as it would be awesome to be able to use as much of the deer as possible! (Would really love to hear about brain tanning in particular.)

10 years ago

Skinning deer: Gerber EAB with hooked carpet blades.

Joe n TN
Joe n TN
10 years ago

Wow, you’re Audie Murphy re-incarnated the way you say you’ll drop a deer with a rifle!

10 years ago

Thanks for the great episode. Your gear list is invaluable. It should be added to the MSB. I use the Wyoming saw for pruning. It also has a bone blade. The saw breaks down for packing, and the replacement blades are cheap.

10 years ago

A few things I would add. First, if you want to leave your stand in the woods, a bike lock can help make sure it doesn’t walk away when you are gone. Second, having grown up in northern MN I used the arm guard to keep my bulky winter clothing from interfering with the bow string. Third, a lighter to start a fire if needed. I never have actually used it but figure that is because I had it with. Fourth, a means of communication. I bring my iPhone with (on silent of course). That way any help I need is only a phone call/text away. Trailing, gutting and dragging is easier with an extra set of hands. Last, you might mention it when you talk about tree stands in a later episode but a harness to keep you from getting hurt if you fall out.