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15 years ago

Hey jack,
will this lesson include a “how-to” on identifying the snakes in our governement as
well as wall street/banking circles? their venom
properties as well as the “antidote” for surviving
a snake bite from these “brood of vipers”
thanks for the shows, enjoying them and appreciate
your time in bringing these to us.

15 years ago


Can’t wait to hear today’s show. I was bitten by a rattle snake a few years back. After three days of intense pain…the snake died. 😉 Seriously, this is information that everyone should know, not just those who spend time in the woods. I was bitten in my front yard inside the city limits of a town with a population of over a million, so people shouldn’t think it can’t happen to them.

15 years ago

Why no recipes for cooking snake.. survival eats.
Many parts are edible

15 years ago

I would encourage everyone to carry a 4″ ACE bandage as part of their snake bite first aid kit and to use it at once after a bite — and not take it off until you are in an Emergency Department that has antivenin on hand. I have seen a number of examples of how critical it is to slow venom absorption with the neurotoxic snakes.
–ER Doc
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snakebite#Pressure_immobilization

15 years ago

Just listened. Good show.

I’m not sure how solar panels on our roofs would reduce our dependence on foreign oil by that much. My understanding is that we use most oil for gasoline and diesel. How much oil is used for electricity and heating?

I have a feeling that most Americans including our leaders don’t understand that we have a “liquid fuel” crises brewing. You can’t just stick a windmill or solar panel on a car, jet, boat or train.

I do agree that the money would be better spent as you suggested though.

I know you’ve mentioned this before, but maybe do a show on what to do before/during gasoline shortage/rationing.

15 years ago

Hi, I can?t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. How can I do this?

15 years ago

Around here killing a snake is seen as inviting a curse upon your house. I think this is because they kill so much vermin that having them around is really useful in keeping the pest population down.