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16 years ago

I’m not so sure. If you remember your history, the farmers of the Midwest actually had a part in climate change that resulted in the dust bowl before world war 2. A BIG climate change that resulted in disaster.

Now if thousands of farmers can do that, what can billions of people throughout the world do?

16 years ago

Fact remains, man has a hand in Desertification and major destructive climate changes in many areas of the world. To say that mans current activities have no influence on climate does not make sense in light of what we know.

16 years ago

Personally, I don’t think Global Cooling is as likely as Global Warming as a Climate Change scenario; that being said, as you, Jack, have noted, the show speaks to surviving and thriving “if times get tough, or even if they don’t”; nowhere in that do you specifically say if those tough times are hotter, colder, wetter, drier or the economy or politics.

What I will say is that (and I think you would agree) greater self-sufficiency, energy efficiency and homesteading can and will lead to reduction of either scenarios impact upon us all.

I do have a “bone” of contention with you though about nuclear power being a part of the energy solution; I agree in theory it’s nice; the biggest issue is dealing with the waste radioactive material. If we were to design reactors that could re-use their waste fuel bundles again and again to reduce the waste and also to reduce the usage of the limited resource of fissionable Uranium. We don’t have reactors that can use Thorium yet; and even if we did, there is less than 50 years worth at the moment of it or of Uranium.

But I digress, in the end, becoming more sustainable and self-sufficient can only help us all. Maybe one should add a greenhouse to the sun-facing side of your houses, that way, to both help grow food and act at the same time as a large solar air-heater for your home.

Great podcast by the way.

16 years ago

Mainstream media isn’t even all on the same page – at least long term. Here is the last fact-deprived climate change fear mongering. Time magazine reporting in 1974 on the potential for a coming Ice Age.


16 years ago

I will agree with you, Jack, that generally European countries (especially the Germans and Scandinavian countries) are years ahead of us in North America on renewable energy; I think that in part has to do with a) they governments support of it and b) less to do with nuclear power (France is an exception, with roughly 75-80% of their power being supplied by nuclear power) and more to do with their feeling that this is the right way to go (for whatever reason). I will though bring a point up, that from cases I have read and heard about (in this instance in France), in the massive heat-wave of a couple of years ago (where about 35 000 people perished in Europe over the summer) that at least one nuclear plant had to be taken off-line due to the location’s lack of sufficient volumes of water (that was cold enough) to cool the reactors properly due to the heat-wave.

As to the site with the petition, I thought I heard of them on other venues and thought to look them up (via a Whois statement via Internic and Network Solutions); in both cases, neither has a entry for http://www.oism.org/; I would suggest that you might be just as susceptible to being lead as I am for believing in Global Warming. I doubt that 31 000 scientists have signed the petition; or if they have, that what they signed wasn’t what was presented to them. I will posit that like the old pro-smoking lobby in the 1980s that then moved to becoming anti-Global Warming crusaders, that the OISM.org petition scientists and site are of those who have either dubious credentials, are speaking on areas they are not qualified so really speak on and offer opinions or were mis-informed.

I am sure they have valuable concerns; but to have a body of 30 000 accredited scientists not heard except by such a petition begs belief.

I will agree that emotion works in swaying people and I am not saying that Global Cooling isn’t a possibility. I am no scientist; but based on what I have read over the past decade or so, by people on both sides of the debate on Climate Change and even in the centre, I feel that the evidence is stronger on the warming then the cooling side.

But hey, friends often agree to disagree. We mightn’t agree on what the climate is doing; but the aim of this community and your work is to wake us up and start having us prepare for either way is could go.

16 years ago

I read the book “State of Fear” by Michael Crichton a while back. While this book is fiction, Crichton included footnotes to real studies done on the Global Warming phenomena. This prompted me to dig through the hype and really look at what the research indicated. After investigating many of studies, I have come to the conclusion that those who preach man’s responsibility for climate change today will one day be seen as we now see those who once preached that the world was flat.

16 years ago

Back in the 60’s schools taught of car emmissions being the #1 cause of pollution & global warming; lyndon Johnson squashed all efforts to use alternative fuels; he was an oil man; the “new” fuel cell was patented back in the 1930’s by Charles Lemke I believe the last name is; teapot dome scandal; alternatives to electricity the way it is set up today also squashed; many times stamped classified to prevent being used cuz this way it can be overbilled; our “politicians” work from corruption & greed; & nothing is done for social need here in USA or any other country they have gone to; there should NOT be any 3rd world countries at all; Haliburton owned Johnson when Pres per Rumsfeld who has contributed only lies & misery to all himself; environmental laws are ignored along with others on the books just for looks; it is TIME to change; & NOT the way our “lawless leaders” want to go; do away with “politicians” and get civilians with an agenda for the PEOPLE, the PLANET, which is the AIR, LAND & WATER: which makes up the “country” of every nation; instead of bribery & corruption & exploiting everyone which is criminal & a crime; NOT the “way” democracy works at all;

15 years ago

I take issue with the warming folks because it takes resources away from needed venues.
When the impact of a solar maximum event is felt, I imagine all these warming advocates crying and wringing their hands, asking why didn’t we harden our infrastructure.