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Matthew Talicuran
11 years ago

Is there any one that is attending the workshop or knows how I can get ahold of the Marine that is retiring? I am doing some strategic planning (Marine) towards my eventual retirement(In 4 years) for my eventual career in permaculture. All I need is for somebody to get him my last name and tell him I am a Gunny in Pendelton that wants to get ahold of him. He will know how to get ahold of me by my last name. preiously posted in the last Q&A Comments.

11 years ago

Audio too bad to listen to, gave up after 49 minutes……..

11 years ago

I Love the format and think you should do more of these when you have workshops. The only thing I’d say is make sure to test your mic levels before starting. From today’s show it seemed like you either only had one mic or the other mic levels were much lower.
You might even consider doing a recorded Q&A session at some of the other events you attend. It’s like a call-in show, only better.

11 years ago

I have problems listening so we download it into a folder labeled podcasts. When it is on the puter we can then play it uninterrupted. You go to where it says download, right click and then click ‘download as’ and put it where you want it.

11 years ago

Thanks, that was fun and informative. I was smiling when you guys were talking about what to do with weeds. I forage so I’m thinking it’s a good thing. If you nurture a couple of lamb’s quarters plants, they will grow up like about six feet and provide all the wonderful greens you can eat for a year, just by dehydrating leaves along and along. Just pinch off the dusty ends and where you take one, two will come back. Get to know what edibles or meds are there and you won’t have to plant something like them for a garden. It’s guerilla gardening without cost. I harvest curly dock for the fowl on my place. Amaranth, maypop, sunchokes, purslane, to name just a few are great extenders to our garden. I have some dandelion wine aging, wild mint tea, and other things that titillate the taste buds, without leaving my yard. At least, if your problem was my problem, I’d be happy. Good luck.

Dave Vecchio
Dave Vecchio
11 years ago

I found the audio to be bad as well. Fortunately audio is what I do, so I made a better version of it. Jack, feel free to use it if you like.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dave Vecchio

Dave, upgrading the audio was a cool thing. Thanks for looking out!

Ron Parman
Ron Parman
11 years ago

Please give Charlie (attending & featured in your Q & A) from Woodstock, GA…my name and email address. I was originally planning to attend the workshop but couldn’t work out. Was thrilled to hear of a like minded tsp’er from Woodstock. Would love to get with Charlie and share ideas. We live in Woodstock also. I also completed Geoff Lawton’s PDC course thanks to TSP.

11 years ago
Reply to  Ron Parman

Yes. On my way to Atlanta now. Would like to hook up with you guys and the gentleman who talked about the vacant lots in Atlanta.

Rick Allen
Rick Allen
11 years ago

I really enjoyed the Q and A session. Just a side note, but it sounded like somebody was already tasting the adult beverages just a bit. 😉 Im now an official Nick Burtner fan. That guy is awesome! I was on the Permaculture Design and Earthworks forum, on Facebook, and had the pleasure of chatting with his intern, Nichole Fausey. Ignore the green skin, as thats just me burning with envy. lol. This is a saver to be sure, going into the podcast repeat listen file.

Grats to all the good folks who were able to sojourn down to Texas land and take this course. I know it will serve you well. Cheers!

11 years ago

Jack, Nick and the others at the work shop. Thanks for producing, answering and asking questions.

I work hard not to be a dick, especially on the internet, but the audio wasn’t perfect. Get over it. I am sure Jack would have loved for it to be studio quality. It wasn’t… tough shit. We got prolly 120 mins of back scene, on the spot, NSA birds eye into some Q&A at the work shop. That gives 2+ mins to lost audio and that is greatly generous. Did I say get over it?

If the audio didn’t fit your audio perfectionist ears you should have just clicked that “Listen to Random Podcast” link. I mean Jack could have re-run 2 shows Thurs and Fri this week but instead he gave us a back pass look in the workshop. I am glad to deal with some shitty audio for this access to a workshop I could not get to.

Hope e’ryone had a good weekend.

11 years ago

Thanks for putting this up, I find it great and interesting. Yep, had to go back and listen a couple times, but that just makes me learn more.

Jack and Crew, thanks so much for doing this.

Wish I could have been there in person, I am sure it would have been better, but so glad you were able to give us a peek into it.

11 years ago


I saw your comment about being a fellow Woodstocker… My last name is Fairchild. Hit me up on Facebook if you’re a user. Would be more than happy to share what I learned!


11 years ago

Thanks so much Jack for doing these two podcasts so we can get in on some of the questions and answers. This was just great and we feel that we benefited from it all so much as we are about to do earthworks in the next few weeks on our one acre. I can get past the lower quality to be able to have this available! Please keep on offering this to those of us who can’t come when you have workshops on various subjects!

11 years ago

can Joe provide a link to the Plants Flickr group he mentioned. went to Flickr and there are dozens.. great podcast BTW. agree with all who requested making that a part of future events

11 years ago

Hello can someone put me in contact with the couple in manhattan? I believe the womans name was Lori. I live in Jersey City and have a backyard and some land behind my house if they would like to help “permaculturize” it. If so email me at dennis.whittinghill @ gmail

Either way its great to see another ant in the area

bloody rich
bloody rich
11 years ago

great podcast. To Manhattan person who asked about apt dwellers – does your neighborhood have any community gardens? My wife & I live in brooklyn, and assumed the local garden had long waiting list [it does] but i scavenged some great slate for them, and by bringing it by & just wanted to say HI, we were given a plot on the spot! They had to make room by taking one of their plots, but by giving before taking, they were impressed. So start by offering to assist. try to get o know them. We also have a small yard & that has been a great boon. btw, I’m looking to start up a small NY area meetup – i have met up with another brooklyn TSPer, and soon hope to have a weekly permaculture night, where we watch a lawton dvd & discuss our growing. You’re welcome to join up – if interested [and any other ny area-folks] richard at bloodyrich dot net

11 years ago

I really liked both of these Q&A sessions, lots of great info and lots of laughs!

Thanks Jack, Joe, and Nick!

11 years ago

Poop isn’t really that gross.. it washes right off (gray water comment). And you can always soak your vegetables in vegetable wash/diluted bleach before eating them if your worried about contamination (worked fine for me in the 3rd world).

The only problem I could see is if there was something in your water that could be taken up INTO something you were eating, like mushrooms growing around Chernobyl. =)

(Not sure what could be taken up that you’d be washing down your drain.. heavy metals?)

11 years ago

This event was a blast. Big thanks to Jake from TN for producing both of the Q&As. This truly was an impromptu round table that turned into a great show. I think the format worked out really well and I hope this gives Jack the confidence to try a live call-in show, (well screened of course).