Episode-1127- Risk Assessments and Readiness Audits
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Time to take a real hard look at where you are, where you are going and whether or not progress is being made in your quest to be more self reliant and more self sufficient. Today we begin with a review of my concepts of the inverse relationship between impact scale and disaster probability. We then go into a look at assessing your most likely personal risk factors and your individual risk tolerance.
From there we examine quite a few potential disasters and how they might effect you, how you would respond to them, where your are really shored up and where you are weak. We discuss what can be done to plug the holes in your preparedness and how to prioritize what areas you address first.
Join Me Today As We Discuss…
- What is disaster probability
- What is disaster impact scale
- Why do impact and probability have inverse relationships
- What does that even matter
- Why focusing on the mega disasters gets you hurt by the “little” ones
- Considering your 6 primary needs for survival
- Food
- Water
- Shelter
- Energy
- Security
- Health and Sanitation
- Questions to Ask
- How would we and how long could we feed ourselves
- How would this effect our shelter (house)
- What would we do for clean and safe water
- What health risks would this cause if any
- How long would “recovery” likely take
- What specific regional issues exist
- How would existing health issues effect this disaster
- Would help be available, how long would it take to come
- What security risks might pop up beyond the normal
- How would we care for pets
- What would the impact be on our children (mental and phyical)
- How do we think we would respond mentally
- What phyical injuries might be incurred during the onset
- How would we get out if we were forced to leave
- How would we get along if forced to stay
- Several Disasters You Might Face with Thoughts About Them
- Loss of employment
- Local storms
- A house fire
- Death of a family member or serious illness of the same
- Economic recession (more severe then 2008)
- Economic collapse and shift
- Flu or other pandemic
- Nuclear power accidents
- Any true global disaster with long term total system failure
Resources for Today’s Show…
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- WalkingToFreedom
- Sawtooth Tactical – (sponsor of the day)
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
I would add to the disasters you face, more of a variation to number one: a cut in hours.
Furlogh can take 20% off your gross pay. Prepared to deal with that? I would put that disaster at a higher likelihood than layoff. Or like with my family, part time work has been cut at one job to no more than 28 hours a week with out special permission. (down from 38 – due to Obamacare)
Or not just layoffs but transfers to another place. Again my family is now facing a transfer on top of the hour cuts. Yeah 73 days of food storage to cover the cuts (and eating it means less to move? positive spin).
That’s a great point. My mom has a lot of friends that work retail part time (35-38 hours a week) and now they’re getting bumped down to 25 hours a week due to Obamacare.
I guess my mom asked one of the girls why she voted for Obama if she was so worried about her paycheck, and the girl answered “because he has swag.” Oh brother, we’re in trouble as a nation.
It’s a sad thing but too many believe (or disbelieve) that nothing bad will happen to them. The very idea of a larger crisis is beyond their scope to even grasp. If we ever experience a true SHTF situation, even short term, suicide rates will skyrocket, either by active suicide or passive suicide (folding up into a ball and rocking back and forth with a vacant stare, until thirst or semi-human scavengers end it).
I agree, most crisis will be localized and personal. Even the seeming SHFT situations could be localized events. Ask the people of New Orleans about this. They found out the hard way. Excellent splash of cold reality to the face, Jack. Thank you.
Jack, G R E A T podcast. Back in the day, The unit I was with planned for “continuity books” as setting up information as to if, for what ever reason, if one was no longer there, who ever “stepped up” or was “voluntasked” to do the job, things could continue,Granted there was a bit of cross coordination, Nco to XO/CO/ISG, etcetera, Thanks for all you do. and the message of fact versus opinion in what you podcast, and your observations as needed to be fair, balanced etal. Including the Home fire thing, having been through that twice and yes, I did communicate same experience with one of the folks back in the day from your podcast. I believe the interviewee was Marc from survivethefire.com around Oct 2011, around episode 757 from the podcasts, and as fyi, I was stationed in Germany during Cherynobol reactor as well, Call me a “cold war” Dinosaur 🙂
For those that get scared or feel the panic please remember that the fear you feel just thinking about what can happen is NOTHING compared to the fear you will feel during a real crisis. So please don’t let the fear stop you from being prepared. Look at the very ugly and hard stuff that we never want to happen and get prepared. I can tell you first hand I have been through things both ways and being prepared is a much much better way to face any of life’s crap storms.
Example: Hubby lost his pay check. No worries had a side business Great we can really ramp things up and take the business to a new level. Nope I broke my back after just recovering from a car accident. Hubby broke his hand. So no regular pay check no side pay checks. Now what? We were prepared savings and a list of things we could sell for fast cash, expenses we could cut and some stored food. We also had a list of the time frame of when we would have to take what action. We came through this time easier than any of the other times. This time we did not end up homeless. So yes being prepared can make a HUGE difference.
I can give you example after example where being prepared has made a huge difference for the better in our lives.
Job loss homelessness near death illnesses of children long term hospitalization of children and hubby ER surgeries snow storms ( yeah try being snowed in with family& medically fragile animals for 2 1/2 weeks no outside contact trust me don’t forget munchies and beer lol) ice storms volcanic eruptions being stranded with a medically fragile infant and huge ash fall out roads blocked bridges out . At first we didn’t know if it was Red Dawn or a nuke ( talk about SHTF). Tornados accidents with tools , fire, animal attacks, falls, wind storms. Not to mention being dragged into legal battles that are not even your fight. Don’t wait to find a lawyer when you need one get one NOW. Near drownings poisonings oh man the list is so long. Yeah go ahead an laugh we do I know we have bad sucky luck but we also know more than most why it is so important to be prepared.
Like I said been prepared and unprepared and being unprepared increases the suck factor enormously.
Under health & sanitation.. I was reading an account of the Bosnian war and the author brought up something I hadn’t given much thought to. Trash disposal.
Prep for this would be to imagine the trash truck is never coming. Ever. And you can’t go to the dump or shove it over the fence into your neighbors yard.
Another related one.. what are you doing with all the stuff in your fridge/freezer if the power isn’t coming back on? How about if you’re bugging out, what do you do before you leave? (The refrigerators left behind after Katrina were truly toxic waste)
You may have a generator, but that’s a band-aid. A plan would be better. =)
For the bug out.. do you have plans for the one minute, twenty minute, two hour and one day to get out versions?