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16 years ago

I believe we are entering a historic opportunity to buy stuff, land included. I just looked at rates on 15 year mortgages and they are around 4.8%. Several articles suggest it will go down, maybe even in the 3.5% range. This is coupled with motivated sellers and already discounted prices.

Bare land is probably something people will dump when their situation becomes tight (boats are another one I am watching).

It doesn’t hurt to make a low-ball offer if you have the means to afford it.

16 years ago

If the time ever came where we had to bug out. The old Trashmobile (1985 Jeep Cherokee Laredo) and the Trash retirement villa (1973 Coleman Pop-up) are in good shape and ready to go. While we are still looking for a fully contained mini-winnie as a the prices on this setup were great. The Jeep ran 500 and the popup cost me a 6 pack of Fat tire (actually 4 because I drank 2 with the guy). If anyone is interested in seeing pics of either they are up at my blog.

16 years ago

Jack, You are right on with the retreat , but then I am bias because I started 5 years ago. I am only 34 miles from my house but never thought about distance when we bought it. Originally got it because the storage cost was eating me up in these 12 x 30 storage places.

Don’t loose it when I say I want more Prep info “How to” because audio fills my 65 mile commute . Most importantly I don’t play the give aways but I win when you inpart some knowledge that will save me money , time ,waste or from a general mistake . That is what makes the difference in survival or quality of life.

So if I haven’t said so yet , THANK YOU .

16 years ago

than you Jack. You now have a few more listeners since I brought them into the fold out here in Denver and they are participating in the forums.
SInce you talked about the unconventional stuff how about going in to some more of Farmer D stuff other than the garden out in pasadena.
They are alot more than just the garden. The lifestyle they live is becoming more to the norm and one in which is becoming more of a necessity.

16 years ago

Another great podcast, Jack. Very interesting and informative.

I own my home outright. I paid it off a couple years ago. As for taxes, the town where I live (small town – pop. 3200) doesn’t charge real estate taxes. It’s a nice, usually quiet, town, friendly people.

Still, I hope to one day, move to Indiana (a “FREE” state. ;^P) I currently live in Illinois. (Yep! The State of Corruption!) I have many family members living in IN, (including my daughter) and have always loved visiting there.

If I am ever able to make that move, it would be to the “country” type setting that most of my family members live in.
I check out the R.E. sites over there often – hoping for that special place. No luck yet.

16 years ago

good for you sir!..liked the show.
have my cabin in the pines all set
up.I can be self supporting for 90 days.

working on improving to a year!!