Episode-109- The State of the Economy in December 2008
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Today’s show takes a look at our current economic situations going into some issues you will probabally never here on main stream news networks and radio shows. There are real reasons right now to continue to prepare for tough times ahead, today we cover just a few of them.
Tune in today to hear…
- Goldman Sach’s issues a warning about the stability of 11 States including NJ, FL, WI, CA, NV, OH, MI, IL, MA, CT and HI. Suggesting that investors in their bonds purchase credit default swaps against them to insure their investments.
- Why does the government think Goldman Sachs is wrong? Isn’t failure to disclose risk what Ken Lay was convicted for?
- The Auto Bail Out goes down in flames, good news and bad news
- Today is a down day for the Dow, yes I will take bets on it (grin)
- Bank of America got a “bail out” but they plan to lay off 35,000 jobs, bail outs do not “save jobs”
- The Dollar is now lower vs the Yen then it has been in 3 years
- Gas may drop below a dollar, the good, the bad, the ugly and a conspiracy?
- Consumer Debt is in decline for the first time ever, isn’t that a good thing?
- Russian is in a major recession, why, oil and what will that mean?
- The Fed pumped 2 trillion into loans on our behalf, we asked where the money went and they told us to go screw off. Really? You bet they did!
Resources for Today’s Show
- Goldman Sach’s Forum Discussion on 11 States in Danger of Failure
- The dollar below 90 Yen, The G7 Says they Can’t Fix It
- The American Citizen is Reducing Debt
- The Fed Just Spent 2 Trillion of Your Money and Won’t tell you Where, How or Why
- The Fed Wants to Sell Debt
- BOA to Lay Off 35,000
- Gas Under a Buck a Gallon, It Might Happen
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show.
Please get involved with Stockings for Soldiers as well.
I just heard that it’s unconstitutional to bail out the Auto industries…and it was also the wall street idiots. This opens up the door to weaken our constitution don’t it. I know that when the covenants of our neighborhood are broken and go unchallenged it wipes away the covenants. Does this not happen also to our Constitution? I’d also like your opinion why this has not gone unchallenged?
By the way..today’s show was good…I agree that there is something going on with the fuel prices… I’m not sure it’s not our own government trying to control Russia in a round about way.
Sorry A type O.. I meant why this has gone un challenged. No one seems to care except all those bankrupt states that now can line up and get bailed out without as big a argument.
Is it too late to get in on the DOW bet today? Just kidding man, I don’t know any better than the next guy what is going on these days.
Here’s a total I found on the cost so far (keep in mind WWII cost an inflation adjusted $200 billion)
Federal Reserve:
(TAF) Term Auction Facility – 900 billion
Discount Window Lending
Commercial Banks – 108 billion
Investment Banks – 102 billion
Loans to buy ABCP – 108 billion
AIG – 122 billion
Bear Stearns – 29.5 billion
Term Securities Lending Facility – 225 billion
Swap Lines – 519 billion
Money Market Investor Funding Facility – 540 billion
Automakers – 25 billion
(FHA) Federal Housing Administration – 300 billion
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac – 150 billion
(TARP) Treasury Asset Relief Program: – 700 billion
Total – $3828.5 billion
Jack, I have to give you some shit about timing the market. DJIA is up 60 points today, not down 200 to 600 like you said. I’m back to my original belief that you can not time the market. You had me 20% convinced I was wrong until you dug your heels in and proved you were wrong today.
I’d say I loved you show today, but it gave me heartburn and caused me to be a loud, overbearing, alarmist to everyone I talked to after I listened to it, which was only 2 people really, but those 2 people now have heartburn too. Any ideas for action concerning the federal reserve $3 trillion debt issue? I’m at a loss!
Thanks for all you do,
Do you actually listen to what I say with each thought being its own thought?
I said so many times till I am blue in the face that when I say you must time the market I DO NOT mean daily or day trading and a 200 point move on the DOW is not the type of thing you try to time anyway it is way to small. I am talking about seeing a recession coming and many indicators and moving your investments into cash (at least part of them) before it hits.
My prediction today was not meant to be an investment tip. Just a guess and honestly it was not a bad guess.
Stein, can you lay the action with me now? Um no! You should have tried at least an hour before the close (grin).
So what happened, why did I get it wrong? Because the Bush Administration threw a curve ball. After the senate said no way, Bush is apparently going to use the other Bail Out money to do the deal anyway. Which I absolutely said was the game today, go listen to the show again.
Now once again, daily predictions are for fun, timing the market is the EXCEPTION not the rule, it is just getting conservative when indicators are bad.
I really hope ya’ll get what I am saying before I end up getting bored saying it. This isn’t hard in the past 10 years there were two time to bail and two times to get back in. They were really obvious too.
It must be nice to have such nice disposable cash to worry about timing the market. I just know that with our cash flow here the market closes everyday at 11pm so I can time the correct time 1130pm to see what they have disposed of before they go home that I can add to my preppers.
Happy Saturday all
Jack, I think I do get what you are saying, which is something along the lines of “when all the signs are saying the economy is about to tank, be ready for a big downturn in the stock market”. You were getting very specific “today the market is going to do this”, which is my definition of “timing the market”, and everything I’ve learned says it is impossible to do over the long term, try it enough times and you will be screwed. I think we are on the verge of beating the dead horse, huh?