Episode-2709- Eggs the Back Yard Protein that Fed Americans for Generations
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Bantam Hens are Well Mannered and Underrated in My Opinion
Yesterday I had to be in my car for a bit and so I listened to part of one of Nicole Sauce’s recent podcasts on meat chicken raising. She covered it all from getting new chicks to butchering them. It made me realize I have not talked about poultry recently and that hey I wanted to.

Function Stacking at Work, Our Free Range Ducks and Chickens Cleaning up Spilled Song Bird Feeder Over Flow
Not wanting to redo the great work Nicole just did I thought, well lets talk about the other side of bird keeping, eggs. I grew up at what I kind of like to think of as the end of the great era of back yard eggs in America. Happily it seems to be coming back strong, and we will talk about the why behind that today as well.
Join Me Today to Discuss…
- The method that my grandparents and almost everyone used in the 70-80s
- What really killed the back yard flock, yes regulations but not the ones you think did it
- Just like our grand parents to make chickens/ducks pay off we need to function stack them
- Don’t over look quail they are the most productive dual purpose poultry in the world
- Thoughts on procuring birds true local, local stores or by mail
- My brutal ass brooding method and why it works so well, yea some die, I am okay with it
- Strategy is a good idea as to weather and timing here is why I like brooding right now and in early fall too
- Balancing free range, coop and run and tractoring with needs of birds and needs of humans
- Different Birds to Consider
- Production Chickens
- Heritage Chickens
- Bantam Chickens
- Mallard Breed Conventional Ducks
- Runner Ducks
- Muscovy Ducks
- Working with neighbors
- Culling, don’t do this if you are not willing to cull or don’t know someone to take them 100%
- Some good ways to cook roosters and stew birds
- Believe it or not young roosters are often good fried old school style
- Coq a Vin
- Stew
- Soup
- Ground (many options)
- Feed the best, the good and the good enough
Resources for today’s show…
- Follow Life With Jack on Instagram
- Parley with Me – It’s Pretty Awesome Really
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- Walking To Freedom
- TspAz.com
- One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer – George Thorogood and the Destroyers
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Thanks for the episode, good information. How many generations of inbreeding can a duck flock handle? I raise Peking-Rouen crosses obtained locally in 2014, we are on the third generation (in the layer flock). When should fresh genetics be introduced?
Great episode. The song of the day could have been ‘The Chicken Song’ from the Dominic Frisby Comedy Videos channel on Youtube.