Duck Chronicles Episode Four – Massive Q&A In Store
Today we answer questions from the following folks…
- Toni – How to they get stuck and die in an brooder? What exactly do yo mean
- Walt lars – How is processing a duck different than a chicken?
- v – Will your ducks attract other water fowl?
- Tea Tina – What about brooding ducks and chicks together? If not can they ever go together?
- Inarainyplace – How do you protect them from avian predators?
- Alyssa Mennillo – What about cold climates like CT?
- Lor Farr – Is “excessive quacking” normal behavior? Why might one duck quack a lot more than all the others?
- SoutheastPasturedProducts – Could ducks ever work in an HOA? Are there quiet ducks that won’t fly over 6 foot fences?
- Handy Homesteady – Just a shout out that he will be doing the chicken chronicles soon.
- Serra Do Japi – How much water a month for 8 ducks?
- jason cavanaugh – Is it harder to get organic/natural feed with a small flock since you buy less quantity?
- AnCapSnek – Why did we shut down our commercial operation?