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10 years ago

Alright, now I *know* you’re rhyming the names on purpose. Pity about the one little girl. I’m really enjoying these videos Jack, thank you!

10 years ago

Jack, Thanks for the videos my grandkids and I enjoy them. I was happy to see a cameo of your grandson in one.Thanks again……..Scott

10 years ago

hey jack,
ive got a question. what are “bluish eggs”? ive taken a look at the metzer farms site and i keep seeing them talk about what percent of “bluish eggs” the ducks will lay. tired looking it up and still not really understanding what it means. is this a good thing or bad thing to do with eggs. thanks for all that you do. and thanks for this awesome video series. i love it. you have got me really interested in trying ducks now instead of chickens.
thanks for your time.

10 years ago

oh ok. cool. great to know. lol thats a better explanation then anything else i could find. thanks alot jack. and sorry to bug you on your day off. i apreciate the info and the offer to show me what this “bluish egg” thing is the next time you get a chance. looking forward to more videos and learning more. congrats on all the business your getting, id rather be sold out of something then not selling any. hopefully i will have the same results. have a good weekend. thanks for your time again

10 years ago

Thanks for the videos jack. These are helpful a we prepare for our own flock from Metsger in March.
Question about pricing. Are you still selling your duck eggs for around 5/doz? Here in Athens, GA duck eggs go for 9-12/doz.
If I had your demand I would be very tempted to raise prices, but I know you have a better business acumen than I…Would love to hear your thoughts on pricing strategy ( in regards to eggs and other products)


10 years ago

Hi, Jack. When you have to Euthanize small and young animals what technique/s do you use and/or recommend? What do you do with the remains afterward?