The Duck Chronicles Episode Thirty Six – Breakfast Sprouts for the Chicks
In The Duck Chronicles Episode Thirty Six – Breakfast Sprouts for the Chicks we have a lot of updates. First we enjoy breakfast sprouts with the girls, I sprout three big scoops of sunflower seed every day for them, as you will see it is a big hit.
I show you my really simple set up for sprouting the seeds, if you want to see this system used for barley fodder and it used more in depth, you can see this older video.
Then we check in on our two broody muscovy girls, they are doing well enough.
I show you the progress from our recent work with Jack weekend and we are getting very close to the “big move”. The geese are going to the processor on Thursday.
Question: With your irrigation system, why did you go with a misting/sprinkler system instead of something like a drip system?
Because my water is too hard to make drip practical, drippers are clogged within a week.
On the irrigation will you go back and insulate the exposed pipes. Even here in GA the past two winter were cold enough to burst pipes. I have never had pipes burst like the past two winter even wrapped.
How many eggs are the Muscovies sitting on? How many for Buddy?