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7 years ago

Is there a way to get the first chapter outside of Facebook? I don’t have a FB account and would love to read it and perhaps purchase his book.

I was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and don’t believe the offered treatments are the only solution. I did have surgery where the tumor was removed but was told I must have chemo for 6 months even though they only found one node with cancer cells.

7 years ago
Reply to  Caroline

Interesting. My iPhone requires a FB login but I was able to sign up from my desktop. Thanks.

7 years ago

Man, and I paraphrase “Jeff the Berkey guy Gleason is a madman about customer service but not so much on a Q&A panel…” That was some funny stuff there.

Suburban Steader
7 years ago

Great interview. Does anyone know if there is a directory somewhere with like-minded physicians so that we can find one local to us with similar values as Dr. Berry?

7 years ago

The best directory I have found is at http://acam.site-ym.com/. The doctors listed are educated in preventive medicine so their approach to health should be similar to that of Dr. Ken Berry.

Suburban Steader
7 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thank you!

Sarah in IN
7 years ago

The Paleo Physicians Network:

And Jimmy Moore’s site:

Suburban Steader
7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah in IN

Thank you!

7 years ago

Music to my ears to hear the doc take on Ancel Keys. Loved it.

Along those lines, you’ve also got to listen to this podcast from Malcolm Gladwell. http://revisionisthistory.com/episodes/20-the-basement-tapes

Here’s the intro: “A cardiologist in Minnesota searches through the basement of his childhood home for a missing box of data from a long-ago experiment. What he discovers changes our understanding of the modern American diet — but also teaches us something profound about what really matters when we honor our parents’ legacy.”

Might be the most important research discovery in history about nutrition.

7 years ago

Hey Jack JFYI you didn’t clip out the start and end of your Skype call in this episode. It was pretty interesting getting a behind the scene glimpse of the show. 😉

Stephen Wilkins
Stephen Wilkins
7 years ago

I reversed type II Diabetes in 10 weeks. The doc refused to believe that I did it with a 10 day fast and then paleo. He said it was ‘outstanding’ and ‘unbelievable’ (my sugar levels went from 400’s to below 100), but he refused to believe fasting or paleo could have been helpful. I should have told him I only took 3 of his pills and then tossed them.

7 years ago

Great podcast. I agree that changing diet and exercising can improve your health and make it so you don’t need help from a doctor. I’m glad you guys moderated what you said by saying that you should still see a doctor and not rely completely on health and exercise for everything ailment.

One thing that turned me off was Dr Mercola. I don’t know if he has moderated his stance on doctors or not. But I see him and people like him as part of why my mother-in-law died an early death (60). She would read articles like this one from Dr Mercola http://www.naturodoc.com/library/public_health/doctors_cause_death.htm about how if you go to a doctor it will cause you to die early. So, when she had sleep apnea she refused to use main stream treatment for it – like a cpap machine. Even though all of us were asking her to.

Her condition was partly psychological like the people that believed that they were abducted by aliens and there was nothing you can do to convince them otherwise.

Anyways, this always makes me wonder if we are making the right decision of not vaccinating our children. I think we might eventually do it when they are older at least for some of the illnesses. It’s hard to know what is reality. But I think going extreme like my mother-in-law is a conscionary story that I hope most people don’t live through.

Here’s the “full” story that I wrote up about her. https://github.com/jon49/blog/blob/master/src/post/the_high_cost_of_false_beliefs.txt

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon

Jon, don’t take this the wrong way but I read your post a couple times and I don’t get the connection between your mother-in-law and vacccinating your kids. Mind elaborating?

Please don’t think I’m challenging you or anything. I am just wondering why you made that connection.


7 years ago
Reply to  joshinga

The connection is about how our brains work. I can strongly attach myself to an idea and think it is true. But do I really know if it is true or not? After reading books on psychology I don’t know if I can. I try to figure out what truth is but there are always blind spots and cognitive bias that make it difficult to figure it out.

So, do I really know if going without vaccines is really the right thing or not? I see good arguments on both sides but I really don’t know. And since government interferes with the vaccine debate so much it makes me side against what the government says – since that is my typical bias – but that doesn’t mean that the government is 100% wrong.

Clear as mud? 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  joshinga

understood. I have said this a million times and I’ll say it again, I’m agnostic on the vaccine stuff, hell even GMOs for that matter. I’m open to evidence. Just seems that the pro-vaxxers and pro-GMO side are SO smitten by their argument they call anyone who questions a heretic. It’s weird man.

I’m not necessarily against these things, but for the love the Good Lord, I want to see evidence too! Crazy I know.

But then there are those on the other side that fall for every claim too. However because they don’t get the government funding they are a smaller bunch.

Oh and I 100% agree with your claim in the other post about just because people ate X 1000s of yrs ago we should too. I never understood how that is a selling point.

they did a lot of stuff many generations ago we don’t do now, thankfully.

7 years ago

I think Stephan Guyenet’s book The Hungry Brain is the most authoritative source for what causes weight gain and what can be done for weight loss. That is his main focus of study – studying the studies. On one of his blog posts he goes into the studies on grain and how it doesn’t really cause weight gain. I believe this is the blog post on the subject http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2016/07/nusi-funded-study-serves-up_6.html . His new website is http://www.stephanguyenet.com/

There are people that do high carb diets and lose weight, like Dr McDougall. I don’t agree with his diet but he isn’t fat. High Carb Hannah of youtube fame also lost a lot of weight on a high carb diet.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jon

I don’t know how each individual human body works when it comes to carbs. However, for me, I was 210 and was trying to get life insurance. My insuarnce company said my triglycerides were too high, my LDL too high and my HDL too low, never mind my BMI.
Now, I don’t drink or smoke mind you so there were only two things that could have caused me to be like this, genetics or diet.

There was a link to Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes on instapundit.com. I bought the book, read it in like 4 days and followed the ideas in it.

Just gave up most sugars, french fries, cereal and triscuits which I used to eat before bed. Ate shit load of bacon, eggs, whole milk etc. You all know the drill.

lost 35 pounds. went back to my insurance company for their tests, this time I had to pay for it as they ate the first one, HDL went way up, LDL went way down, Triglycerides way down, BMI was in normal range.

Not longer hungry either, lots of energy too and was sleeping just a ton better.

Now, I came across another book on Instapundit.com called Starting Strength and I’ve gotten strong. But because of that my BMI says I’m basically obese even though my HDL’s are high, LDLs still low, and triglycerides are still way down.
BMI is a joke. I know this is anecdotal but for me low carbs and high proteins have changed my life.

I’m still pissed though that for all these yrs those M’fers were telling me to avoid whole milk, eggs and bacon, which I love dearly. based on completely fake science.

7 years ago
Reply to  joshinga

joshinga, Your story reminds me of vegans that go from poor diets like fast food, etc. And then change their diets to more whole foods and they no longer feel hungry and lose lots of weight and feel much better. Maybe instead of doing such extreme changes they could have just stopped eating bad foods and would have seen similar results? I think diets like the Ketogenic diet can offer some relief in losing weight but just temporarily in the long run it probably isn’t healthy for you neither is veganism and vegetarianism – but there are people that live their whole lives on vegan diets and live perfectly healthy lives – I just don’t think it is a good idea for most people. I’m not a nutritionist and haven’t deeply studied these topic (AKA it’s not my day in and day out job) so take whatever I say with a huge grain of salt. These are just my current opinions on the subject from what limited reading I have done.

And I disagree with the notion that just because people have been eating one way for hundreds of thousands of years that means that it is the optimum way to eat. I think evolution creates niches but doesn’t necessarily mean that you couldn’t optimize diet even better. Or that a single diet for the masses is good either some people thrive better on different things.

From the book I mentioned that is what the modern science says on the subject as I understand it.

7 years ago

Great episode! This interview has a very similar theme to one I just listened to with guest William Davis who is also coming out with a book. Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor

Here is the interview.


Nick in Mongolia
7 years ago

Re: eating organ meats first

I’ve noticed every time my in-laws bought a sheep for butchering and cooking, the first night they will clean the intestines and make blood sausage from it. Now hearing you two talking about the quick spoilage of such parts it makes more sense now. At least in terms of spoilage…. no offense to the my in-laws cultural cuisine, but having tried it once I’d say this blood sausage seems to be an acquired taste that I have ZERO interest in acquiring :-p

John Paul Smajda
John Paul Smajda
7 years ago

Is there somewhere where Dr. Ken Berry is engaging with the audience a little more?
I have a question about the milk portion.
I’ve always struggled a bit with the “no other animal” arguments, that are usually espoused by vegans, raw-foodists, and other primal diet advocates.
Off the top of my head, other things that “no other animal” does are:
1. Cooking their food
2. ferment/culture/cure/preserve their food
3. intentionally fast when food is available and they are not sick

That is just the food part, and thats just what I thought of in the time it took to write it. I’m sure I can come up with more, but my ultimate point is that human beings are able to fine ways to optimize their health through non-evolutionary backed techniques that I have mentioned above. If we start finding ways to get nutrition in a way that we are not quite evolutionarily familiar with, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives, why not go for it?
Now, Dr Barry said DAIRY, not milk. Jack seemed to talk a bit about milk specifically (or so it seemed,) focusing more on the blood sugar increase from the lactose in milk.
However, stuff like heavy cream, butter, and fermented dairies seem to have minimal blood sugar impact. Further, raw milk, (from my understanding) has some enzymes to help mitigate the impact on ones blood sugar.
As for me, I take my raw milk, ferment it (removes some lactose) then strain out a lot of whey (removes even more lactose) and I then have what I thought (still open to hear what the Dr. has to say about this) is a very healthy food. Further, I’m not sure what the negative health impacts of cream and butter are.

Thanks all!

Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
7 years ago

Shared this podcast with many.

I’ve been on low carb for 2 years now. My osteopath guided me to Atkins. Like Dr. Berry, he had become obese and didn’t feel comfortable treating his patients when he himself was in a sickly body. If I deviate even a little I gain immediately! Really tough to stay on, especially on a very low income ($100/mo food budget) so I eat a LOT of eggs.

I was really happy to hear him say to question your doctor. I’ve had 3 incidents where my doctors were WRONG. One incident was an issue with a knee replacement which required more surgery to fix. It took a year and a second opinion for my surgeon to see what the problem was. Another involved thyroid cancer where I was almost put needlessly through the gruesome torture of chemo and radiation. THANK GOD that didn’t happen. It was a misdiagnosis! My most recent is a post op situation where the surgeon says “everything looks fine…let’s just leave it alone and see what happens”. Um….I can barely walk!!! So off for a second opinion. The implant in the foot has failed and I likely have an infection in the bone. Oh boy..more surgery!!
So yes….always question!

I’d love to hear this man’s opinion on vaxing.
But that’s a whole other show.

Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
7 years ago

I’d love to see a show on Paleo for children. Could you possibly have him come back and discuss that?

Sarah in IN
7 years ago
Reply to  Ronnie in Iowa

There’s an incredible doc in Surprise, AZ who used to do Keto Talk with Jimmy Moore. He’s “Doc Muscles” on social media. Anyway, he’s said repeatedly that in his practice, if he just gets obese kids down to around 100 carbs a day (from primal type foods) that they have amazing results because their metabolisms are still a lot more flexible than ours are. My 15yo daughter hasn’t fully changed to keto yet, but she’s lowered her carbs substantially and she already looks ripped. (She’s very active and overweight according to scales but she wears a size 4 and she’s almost solid muscle.)

I always started out by just eliminating the no-no foods and not really controlling how much my kids ate. It made a big difference.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sarah in IN

Thanks for the heads up on this guy, Sarah. I’m going to check him out.

Mike Z
Mike Z
7 years ago

Is restricting calories and doing cardio and weight training only a bad weight loss strategy for some people? This summer I was 207 Lbs, 5’10 and I restricted calories and weight trained 3-4 times a week and also did 30-40 min of cardio (walking, jogging, biking) 3-4 times a week. I lost 48 lbs in 2.5 months and went from a 36 to a 32″ waist.
Seems like it worked. I cut out caloried drinks the entire 2.5 months and tried keto for most of the last 30 days. The keto made me have less hunger issues, but didn’t increase the rate of weight loss.
Just wondering if it doesn’t work because people can’t stick to it long term? That makes sense. I just don’t understand how the body can adapt to calorie restriction well. There were days I ate 800 calories and burned more in exercise alone, not counting basic metabolic rate calories – the calories have to come from somewhere. Certainly that wasn’t every day, I mixed it up.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mike Z

Good stuff man. Cutting sugary drinks in my opinion is the first step for anyone to take.
I can’t believe how many kids I see drinking coke and mountain dews. these are young kids too, like 8 yrs old and such. Boggles the mind.

Mike Z
Mike Z
7 years ago
Reply to  joshinga

Sugary drinks is a huge deal because it’s simply worthless calories. I see kids drinking apple juice, iced tea and chocolate milk and then barely eating actual food.

A large Mcdonalds coke is about the same calories as a 1/4 lb grass fed burger (no bun) of 85/15 with cheese and the burger is WAY more satisfying. The problem is getting off the sugar train in the first place because of the cravings.