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4 years ago

Hey it’s Brian,

The camp thing you were talking about is called hip camp.  Air Bnb can also list camps but they are a little bit more picky on the amenities. Hipcamp Camper’s are looking for more like unique places or just a field to have a party.

Air Bnb can also list camps but they are a little bit more picky on the amenities. Hip campers are looking for more like unique places or just a field to have a party.

Here is the link to our hip camp called Camp SueNeeKee


4 years ago

JYJ. (Jack you jerk). What kind of rum??


I like rum too!


Chris from Canada
Chris from Canada
4 years ago

Really enjoyed this show. The back and forth banter brought a lot to the show. Perhaps once a month or even every other week you could nuke the expert counsel show and do a round table with one of the expert council members like you did with Nick. I think this would allow that expert counsel member to showcase some more or what they have to offer, their philosophy etc and also help revive some of that expert counsel that isn’t doing much for you.

Chris from Canada
Chris from Canada
4 years ago

To add to that make it something like Rum infused Friday!