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7 years ago

I don’t think this problem is limited to modern man. I am even aware of research that indicates it is not limited to Earth. Leaders need to be rational, or they risk losing their role as leaders. Followers don’t need to be rational.

Our development on earth has passed through a stage where many more wanted to participate in society on a leadership level. The ultimate of that is for each individual to take full control of his or her own life. So there has been a push for everyone to get a college education – something that in the past was considered only needed for the leadership classes.

These aspirations of former “followers” to learn how to lead has probably been seen by the former leaders as a threat to their influence. And they’d be damn well right about that! Their “leadership” has almost ended life on Earth probably multiple times.

But there is more to making good decisions than an ability to think rationally.

1) You need correct information about whatever situation you are addressing.

2) You need a framework of ethics to sort how “good” your choices are.

3) You need to decide how much cultural traditions will be respected (morals).

4) You need enough confidence in yourself that you have some certainty that you can make things turn out OK.

I have learned these things from both teachers and experience. Taking responsibility for one’s own decisions is one reason some would rather someone else lead the way. The first decision is to decide to lead yourself.

Stephen Wilkins
Stephen Wilkins
7 years ago

Jack, another way the elite has dumbed us down is to change our values. We no longer value the important things, and that is evident in the lack of discussion here. This was one of the most important podcasts you have put out and it looks like no one cares.

7 years ago

I just listened to this one today(I’ve been binge listening to old gun episodes). I agree that this is an important episode.

I am going to listen to this one a few times to digest and get my brain wrapped around it.

When I found out that I was going to be a father, teaching my kid(s) to be independent thinkers was one of the first things I thought about teaching them.

Thank you for this episode.

Joanne Damon
Joanne Damon
7 years ago

Well done episode. Thank you.

7 years ago

I agree with Stephen that this is an excellent espisode and I’m surprised by the lack of discussion by listeners. I’m 66 years old and actually felt kind of embarrassed as I listened to the podcast that these principles aren’t already part of my modus operandi. I went back through the show notes and jotted down the main points, but will probably listen to the entire episode again. As always, thanks Jack for an enlivening and informative show!

Ronnie in Iowa
Ronnie in Iowa
7 years ago

I remember a LONG LONG time ago when you talked about buying a new chair. You and Dorothy looked around very carefully. You had saved up the money for a chair prior to shopping (hence, no debt) You found a chair you really liked. You did not buy it that day. You went home and discussed it and slept on it. The next day you made the decision to go get the chair. Loved that show. Stuck with me. So will this one.

John B.
John B.
7 years ago

Is there a flow chart for the decision making process outlined? found it great but don’t want to re-listen to write it all out.

Sammy G
Sammy G
7 years ago

I have only been listening for a couple months, but I love your podcast. I do agree that having citizens who can actively think and make rational decisions is a blow to industry and government.

However, I would argue that few (if any) governments in any time period wanted their subjects to think rationally. Consider the stranglehold the Catholic church had on most government during the dark and middle ages, and they certainly didn’t want variety of opinion. Even early America colonial governments were harsh with those who lived or thought differently.

Salem witch trials, native American relocation (and extermination), etc. So while this system of dumbing down is more easily administered through government schools, it’s been a common thread throughout the history of men who want power.

I have used your line of thought a few times to walk past issues that could cause irritation or offence. One time I was walking through a mall, and a saleswoman confronted me at a small booth and said “do you ever straighten your hair?” I replied “No, I do not.” And tried to walk on. She was astonished, and said “what, never?” Nope, never. Thanks but no thanks for whatever service or product you are selling. I have decided I like my curly hair exactly as it is, and therefore they can’t sell me the million things the hair industry wants to sell me.

Another time, my husband was describing how teenagers in the high school he works at don’t wear jackets anymore, they wrap blankets around themselves and drag them through the halls. For a tiny moment, I felt offended. How dare those kids be so disrespectful? Then I just laughed at myself and thought, what does it have to do with me?

I decided I couldn’t care less how those kids dressed themselves or kept themselves warm. I really CAN CHOOSE whether I get my panties in a wad over how someone else dresses or tries to sell me something. I can choose to move on and have a good day. Honestly, I’d rather save those brain cells for something important.

Keep up the good work, Jack.
