Episode-416- Dealing With Violent Confrontations
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After spending a week with Val Riazanov on systema and Russian martial arts and filming the new DVD series I thought it might be a good day to do a show on dealing with potentially violent confrontations.
Join me today as we discuss…
- First a correction on my error from yesterday – the RRR is NOT a private army
- Real violence vs. movie violence
- The morals of the criminal, he has none
- Professional = death when it comes to killing
- The first rule is avoiding the confrontation
- If you can’t avoid it focus on deescalation
- If deescalation fails at times controlled retreat is the best option
- You should always appear relaxed and “harmless”
- When you do strike it must be with sufficient force for the situation
- Pressure points are useless in full speed combat, anatomy points are critical
- The “systema strike” – misunderstood and highly effective
- Dealing with an armed opponent takes things to another level
- The knife is the oldest consistently deadly weapon for a reason
- In dealing with an opponent with a gun 1.5-2 meters is “critical distance”
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- Members Support Brigade
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- Survival Seed Bank – (sponsor of the day)
- Silver and Gold Shop – (sponsor of the day)
- Opposing View on the Concept of a “Private Army” in the Health Care Bill
- More on the Ready Reserve Corps
- Ron Hood’s Survival.com Magazine
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
You need a damn TV show, Jack. You’re one of the most knowledgably well rounded and pragmatically reasonable “personalities” I’ve ever heard. I think you’d really get along with Phil Elmore of http://www.themartialist.com.
You should consider having him on as a guest.
Great show Jack.
What do the Russians think about pepper spray? I agree with you about the knife thing, pepper spray is a much better alternative.
I liked the insight into the criminal mind. My thoughts are that they may not have morals but they have values. They value things like looking good to their peers, being feared, quick money, and easy living.
I agree that most violent encounters can be avoided, as long as one doesn’t let their ego get in the way and risk permanent damage.
Awesome show, Jack!
What you said about remaining calm and relaxed while maintaining confidence cannot be emphsized enough. For one you are giving the opposition no reason to get more aggressive and thus avoiding the confrontation. second, when in a relaxed state one can generate a lot more power with their strikes. and last, body blows are much less damaging when absorbed by a loose and relaxed body. True greats of mma world posesse this capacity to remain calm under all fighting conditions. Case in point, Fedor Emelianenko (who also happens to be a Ukrainian/Russian fighter, and humble sportsman I might add)
marketingice returns!
Hey Jack, were this podcast not so comprehensive on what the average person should know, it could be considered an infomercial for your old work.
I stumbled on marketingice’s channel on youtube.
I’m almost sold… how about an awesome deal for the MSB eh?
Right now the MSB gets Val’s ebook on Striking free it usually sells for 12.95. Just log in, go to the benefits page and check out the free ebooks.
On the existing disks the best deal is found if you go here, http://www.valriazanov.com/myjourney.html
That gets you everything we have right now for 49.95 and I can’t drop it more than that. Once the new disks come out MSB will get a healthy discount on the new set.
Great Show!!
As a former cop, this is something that is near and dear to me. I still remember my first fight in uniform. I lost but was saved by a few bouncers. Guy was hopped up on booze and something else. I wasnt ready for the fight.
Its not going to be anything like you imagine.
Interesting knife discussion. People talk about firearms training all the time. You should also take knife training (empty hands vs. knife and knife vs. knife). There aren’t many places to get quality knifing training, but you’ll find it very valuable. If nothing else, it will teach you how bad you should want to avoid a knife fight!
I have yet to listen to this podcast (so I don’t know if Jack said it) but the most prominent quote with regards to knife fighting that sticks out in my mind is this one:
Q: Who wins in a knife fight?
A: The guy who dies last.
Awesome show! I plan to let my 10 year old son hear this one. We’ve tried to explain to him that REAL fights are nothing like TV/Movie fights, but he just gets that “yeah..yeah…” look on his face. You know, the one that all kids get when their lame parents try to tell them something…:)
If you are truly tough you don’t walk around with your chest out trying to make others think you are tough.I lift weights, work on my judo,jujitsu,and my boxing every day because I don’t want to fight.I agree that you shouldn’t want to look threatening but looking like a fighter usually is enough to not have to fight.Defusing a situation through appearance is also important.I haven’t had a fight in years and I’d like to keep it that way.
Have you ever heard of Commotio cordis? It is caused by a strike to the chest causing Ventricular Fibrillation and causes the heart to basically stop pumping blood. There are documented cases where this has killed football players.Any actual contact in practicing strikes or sparring could cause this and caution must be used!(http://www.la12.org/pdf/Ch29.pdf)A discussion of this. Thanks for all that you do!!!
After this show I spoke to a systema instructor and have arranged a course in my city later in the year. I have never trained in systema but have been in martial arts for over 25 years. Thanks Jack you confirmed what I all ready thought. Keep up the good work Can you get Val on the show maybe?
Great show! Now follw-up with a part 2 or discuss situational awareness topics (including color code of awareness)..
Thanks and God Bless…
Excellent show, Jack. I especially liked your emphasis on the threat of multiple attackers in fight, i.e., getting stabbed in the back while fighting the one threat that you perceive instead perceiving multiple threats.
I’ve been training in something or other since I was 4. I started training in a Aikijujitsu derivative when I was 15. So I have tons of training, but only about an ounce of been there done that (which is about an once more than I’d care to have – but that’s life). Everything you’ve said is the conclusions that survivors come away with.
In one of my cross training experiences, I was working with a TKD studio. They had a pile of boards about 2 feet high in the corner. I asked if those were for breaking and they said no because they were center of the grain boards and were too difficult to break. I asked if I could give it a try and the guy picked through the pile to find what he thought was the toughest. He was right in that it was harder to break than your average pine board. I knocked a 3″ wide section out of the middle. The way I was taught to hit sounds identical to the way you described. After showing them the mechanics of it (which took all of about 5 minutes), they were making quick work of 2-3 of those “unbreakable” boards.
Also the calm collected response is a life saver. Won’t go into that since this comment is getting too long already.
[…] like to encourage every one of you to get over and listen to Jack’s Podcast from yesterday. I feel this is one of his best and most applicable podcast’s to what we do here at […]