Episode-1754- Danial Lawton on Hand Tools for Land Management
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Making Hand Tools, By Hand of Course!
Danial is the founder of permaculturetools.com.au – the US version of the site is at USA.Permaculturetools.com.au a long held dream centered on offering quality hand tools to the permaculture community worldwide with on the ground education in hand tools use, earth works hydrology and rural skills.
His permaculture resources are freely available such as YouTube films on how to use, maintain and repair hand tools, permaculture related eBooks and a yearly scholarship.
Set in motion with a permaculture design course at the young age of thirteen in Tena, Ecuador, Danial followed up with a Permaculture Diploma in site development, site design, and research. At university Danial crammed in a Bachelor of Environmental science with double majors in ecology & conservation biology and Land & water management, a Masters in Environmental management and most recently a Masters in Environmental engineering.
Danial also completed many specialty courses during his tertiary studies including Industrial water and waste water treatment, hazardous waste management, Advanced water and waste water engineering, Renewable energy systems, Geographic information systems/remote sensing and ISO 14001 Environmental systems.
With 15 years experience in the Permaculture field, Danial has worked for international permaculture projects in Central and South America, as water systems manager for Tagari farm (PRI Australia) and later as farm manager for Zaytuna farm (PRI Australia).
Within this time Danial has taught and facilitated a variety of Permaculture design and hands on courses through Griffith University, PRI Australia and Northey Street City Farm. As a design consultant Danial draws on environmental science and permaculture principles to design sustainable systems worldwide and for local Australian clients and government organizations.
Danial’s research interests include water harvesting design, small space permaculture and appropriate technology. He joins us today to discuss hand tools for agricultural and homestead work.
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- permaculturetools.com.au -Main Site
- USA.Permaculturetools.com.au -US Site May Not Have All Items – (Use Discount Code survivalpodcast2016 for 5% off)
- Made By Hand – Andrew McKnight
- Cole Risner on Kick Starter
Sponsors of the Day
Bob Wells Plant of the Week – Navaho Thornless Blackberry This plant is adaptable from zone 6 to zone 9.
It needs no trellis (self-supported) and is late producing, extending the blackberry season to July or August depending on your climate. Since it is a late blooming plant, you don’t have to worry about losing your crop to a late freeze.
Yields are high with large sweet berries and above all it is thornless and great tasting.
Bob Wells specializes in edible landscape, including: Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Nut Trees, as well as the hard to find Specialty Fruit Trees. Find this plant and more at BobWellsNursery.Com
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The coupon code doesn’t exists 🙁
I can’t wait to get a few of these tools, I’ve been wanting a sithe or a sickle for a while now. Great episode, even with the few technical difficulties.
Hey on the site see where it says any problems or questions to email Danial? Why not try that option.
The coupon code should be working now for http://www.permaculturetools.com.au
the USA site will be updated soon.
Thank you
Danial, Did you got the Making tools Video recorded?
I remember you had a crowd founding..
Will be Awesome to learn how to..
Any Information about it will be great.
Hi Dave
No i never got it off the ground.
But i will be looking at it into the future.
The costs of production have come right down now.
Thank you for your interest.
Danial, Thanks for the reply.
Do you recommend any book or DVD that We can use to start into making our own tools.
Hi Dave
No i can not think of any.
I learnt by practice and trial and error.
I would say youtube there would be plenty of youtube clips on this stuff.
I have done some basic courses on this but hope to offer more full courses on it in the distant future.
Thank you
All up and working fine.
Thank you
Danial Lawton
My name is Aundrea Dugas. I’m the franchise owner of Permaculture Tools USA.
I have fixed the issue. The coupon code should work now.
Happy gardening!!
Great interview. I’ve not had a chance to finish it, but I’m glad to see another Lawton adding to the family legacy. Hoping to have a chance to finish this afternoon.
Re: Plant of the day: Navajo Thornless Blackberry.
I can confirm they grow and fruit in Zone 4. They may not be warrantied outside of the stated range, but I’m growing them just fine in much colder conditions. I would however recommend trellising for that cultivar. It doesn’t get quite as big as others, but canes easily exceed 8′ in length. To avoid trellising, it requires some pruning, which has minimal impact on fruit production if done in the late fall, and again in early spring.
If you’re on the fence about blackberries in northern climates, this one should work well for you. Mine flowers in early July, with fruit through to late August.
I’ve found thornless blackberries make great rabbit food. For wild rabbits. Heck, some particularly hard winters, even the thorny varieties were nibbled down to the level of the snow.
Sounds like an opportunity to learn trapping and wild rabbit recipes and turn the problem into solution.
You guys mentioned a froe at one point. Danial said he got a custom order on it. Just for any on listening this is a long splitting blade fastened at a 90 degree angle from the handle. Used mostly for splitting logs along the grain for hewing timber the traditional way. Just incase anyone was interested!