Dan Ohmann – Former LEO – Added to the Expert Council
I am excited to announce adding Dan Ohmann to the expert council. I have considered a few different Law Enforcement Officers for this position, all were STELLAR. It was a hard choice in the end I chose Dan because he is no longer serving. I feel this leaves him the ability to be 100% honest and up front with his opinions and responses.
He is also free to be himself and not have to be anonymous so you know exactly who you are dealing with. Please welcome Dan to TSP and remember to send questions for him to me with “TSPC Expert” in the subject line, below is his bio that was just added to the Meet the Expert Council Page.
Dan Ohmann – Retired Law Enforcement Officer – Dan can answer your questions on all matters concerning law enforcement: officer-citizen interactions, constitutional rights, criminal investigations, traffic stops, internal police policy and politics, the criminal justice system (courts, prosectors, defense attorneys), and more.
Dan served as a law enforcement officer for 10 years in metro-Atlanta. Prior to being a certified peace officer, Dan was an intern at a municipal police department while finishing his bachelor’s degree in political science. The police department recruited Dan in 2004. After completing the police academy and being sworn-in, Dan was assigned to evening watch of the Uniform Patrol Division where he responded to every kind of 911 call from traffic-related incidents to shootings, stabbings, burglaries, and rapes.
In 2009, Dan was promoted to detective and was assigned to the persons crimes division focusing primarily on robbery/homicide. Dan later came to specialize in crimes against children investigation as well as crimes against the elderly. Dan was a court-recognized forensic interviewer for child abuse cases and also one of few experts in elder abuse cases in the state of Georgia.
Dan also has experience working with federal agencies such as the FBI, Secret Service, and the Office of Inspector General. Part of Dan’s work investigating crimes against the elderly also involved white collar financial exploitation cases which involved the Social Security Administration.
After receiving the “Distinguished Service Award” in late 2013 and the “Chief’s Special Award” in early 2014 for excellence in major crime investigations, Dan resigned in February of 2014 in good standing to pursue homesteading and homeschooling his son. Dan now practices permaculture while raising sheep, pigs, chickens, and rabbits on his 10 acre homestead. You can learn more about his current projects at GrassFedHomestead.com
Welcome Dan. Thank you for being part of this community.
Thanks so much Jeff! It is a honor to be able to contribute.
Glad to have you and look forward to hearing from you! Welcome!
Thank you!
Welcome, Dan! What a surprise! I watch GrassFedHomestead all the time and never would have guessed you had been a LEO.
Love your channel and looking forward to hearing you on the Survival Podcast.
Thank you for the support Maria!
Which zone did Dan work?