Decentralized, Distributed, and Disruptive Tech Summit (D3) – Resources
This is a list of resources mentioned in my talk for the Decentralized, Distributed, and Disruptive Tech Summit (D3) Summit given on April 24th.
Bullet Points….
- The crime of 1873 teaches us what we need to know about crypto today
- If BTC is digital gold, what will be digital silver, LTC? FedCoin? Privacy Coin?
- The Three Best Things Satoshi Ever did For Us in Order
- Create Bitcoin
- Stay Anomoyous
- Went the F Away and Never Came Back
- What is an actual privacy coin – if it is optional, it ain’t really private IMO
- Please understand in any war if you don’t build counter technology you lose, and this is a fing war!
- The best work being done right now is though the BPSAA
- Blockchain Privacy,Security & Adoption Alliance Members and What they Do
- Pirate Chain – The Ultimate Privacy Coin –
- Sentinel – dVPN (decentralized virtual private networks) –
- Turtle Networks – Dex Exchanges, Decentralized Governance –
- Ether-1 – Decentralized Hosting –
- Ergo – Decentralized Finance –
- Komodo – Smart Chains, Security, Interoperability, B2B, Atomic Swaps –
- Burst – Proof of Capacity, Social Media, Market Place –
- DragonChain – Decentralized Identity, Fraud Compliance, Intra-chain Operability –
- BitTube – Censorship Resistant Content Platform –
- Blockchain Privacy,Security & Adoption Alliance Members and What they Do
- Moving Forward – The Virtual Nation
- A second identity that can be trusted
- A parallel internet that can’t be censored
- The ability to leave and enter the matrix at will
- The ability to privately do commerce in a trusted/trustless environment
- The keys to making this work will be
- Simplifying the user interface
- Education of how, what and why
- IRL relationships extending trust to virtual relationships
- Real world products, across the fence yet in the virtual world
- I don’t think we need a coin for everything, let’s use what works, resist the temptation to print money
- The good news, bad news and worse news – It can be done, it won’t be easy, we have not other option
More Resources for this Talk
- My Three Interviews with Draeth from Pirate Chain
- The Crime of 1873 Explained
- My Podcasts on the Virtual Nation Concept
- Getting Started with Crypto Podcast
- DASH School – the first half of this series is the easiest tutorial on crypto basics I have found
- Lite vs. Full None Wallets – Video I did on this Subject
- CryptoCurrencyCheckout – WP Plugin
- Our Telegram Group
- Our MeWe Group for TSPC
- Our MeWe Group for Crypto Currency
- Our Discord Server
- Follow Me on MeWe
- Follow Me on Flote
- Follow TSPC on our Telegram Channel (announcements only, no chat)
- My Odysee Channel
My ARRR Challenge here is an ARRR address tell me the ballance or anything meaningful about it and I will give you the ARRR inside it – zs1saja5rg45pmshz5axuk4uakmsll834ykk7sl33v8j6nurfsclj8y8veu25l2wrvphkhazhrnqhx
Hi Jack,
Great Info! Presentation and Education!
Keep it Going! and Keep ’em Coming!
Hi Jack,
I enjoyed your D3 presentation, really empowering.
Given the WEF are already table topping a “Cyber pandemic” (see cyber polygon), govs are preparing their own private ledger DCs for rollout by mid century, I think it’s easy to forsee scenareos they can use to get everyone to accept their legal tender fiat DCs via Universal Basic Income as a ‘solution’ to a cyber pandemic induced global financial system collapse, possibly accompanied by loss of utilities for a short time to really induce panic in populations.
The UK’s fiat DC is touted as being called “Stablecoin” which to me indicates the globalists plan to destablize the crypto markets, and control them by legislating the exchanges can no longer exchange .alt crypto into legal tender.
Given we will have to pay for utilities, property tax etc. in legal tender, how can you be “over it” when it comes to worrying about this?
I must be missing something! Can you please direct me to some further resources that would help see a clearer picture of how the globalists can be prevented from controlling anon crypto with globally co-ordinated legislation to prevent exchange into legal tender?
I can tell that the state your are in, nothing I can say is going to matter right now.