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9 years ago

This was an awesome interview. Love your ideas for making a difference through farming.

9 years ago

What about a show on how to market directly to chefs? Maybe include Chef Snow from the expert council for tips/tricks to help small local farmers make contact with their local restaurants.

9 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Great question/request Adam.

9 years ago
Reply to  James

agreed. would love to hear an interview with Chef Snow or someone else who has a lot of experience in that.

9 years ago
Reply to  Adam

Hopefully its ok with Jack to post this — until we get an episode on this topic you may be interested in another podcast i listen to — the ruminant podcast, episodes 31 and 32 are about best practices in selling to chefs.

John "caribe"
John "caribe"
9 years ago
Reply to  BauerNick

Curtis Stone has already done exactly what you are requesting on at least Permaculture Voices and I believe on TSP.

PS: Jack, this was another truly outstanding show. My only hope even just one person makes the connection and difference between capitalism and crony capitalism/neo-fascist government control and manipulation of our lives for the benefit of government, multi-national corporations, the major financial institutions and the uber-rich.

Anarchist John “Caribe”

9 years ago


9 years ago

Another rocking show!!! I love it. Listening to this after planting 50 strawberry plants and my husband is off working at his new business.

Loving it!

9 years ago

Great show. Where can we see a picture of Curtis’ cute truck? I’m wondering what kind it is.

9 years ago

You know, … when I first saw the synopsis for this episodes I was like Rolling My Eyes and thinking “Meh – I can probably skip this episode.”
Then, for some reason, I had time to kill and so I played this episode in the background.

I was SHOCKED to learn that Jack and I are “brothers” on the whole “Actifed fiasco” that being wtf did they do with the anti-allergy drug that took care of ALL of my symptoms? LOL

I found the interaction between Jack and Curtis to be fascinating and a joy to listen to!
Good on you!

9 years ago

I’ve been told more times than I care to count, that I’m very picky when it comes to the people I like, or the media I consume. I’ve come to realize that I just don’t care to listen to people that don’t know anything that they are talking about. With that said, this was a great show because both of you clearly “get it”

9 years ago

Great interview. Curtis is doing great things. I hope to meet him one day. Maybe a road trip to Kelowna is in my future!

9 years ago

Great show. You two touched on many issues and it just wasn’t a permaculture promo. Well done guys!

9 years ago

Awesome show! Thanks as always!

9 years ago

Health Co-op.

Jack, These are already happening in the USA.

Most of these are Christian based because of a loophole in the Obama Care plan: https://mychristiancare.org/medi-share/


If I wasn’t on Tricare I would seriously be using one of these. They have some stipulations on vices but as you discussed it’s a co-op of people with similar values and beliefs that pool their money and help others.

I have several friends that use this and it works.

9 years ago

Can we clarify what the term ‘Purple Breathers’ means? Jack used it a couple times in this episode…

9 years ago
Reply to  229Mick

Never mind, found this:

Now if I could just calculate ‘the square root of fµ¢k-all’, I’d be all set!

Chris H.
Chris H.
9 years ago

“You can’t get into permaculture and avoid becoming an anarchist.”

Boy howdy, ain’t that the truth? I probably come at a lot of things from a starting point much closer to Curtis’s than Jack’s — but since embracing permaculture not just as a practice but an organizing principle for my whole life, I know that I’ve abandoned many of my previously held core beliefs as shibboleths, and instead work to change my own life first and then hopefully inspire neighbors and friends through that example. Great interview.

(The New) Mike Cornwell

For what minimal value it may be worth, I can definitely attest to what Jack is talking about being generous. I have experienced first hand his generosity.

I can see it the deeply embedded artificial scarcity I have inside of me. When you work a job, and your livelihood is barely in your own control, that is exactly what it produces.

(The New) Mike Cornwell

Great podcast. I already miss hanging out with you guys around the fire. It didn’t take but a few minutes of meeting Curtis to realize just how much we have in common. What a great role model.

9 years ago

Loved this show. Have him on again!!!

9 years ago

IMO breaking your DOLLAR addiction is the top thing you can do to promote your personal liberty.

The DOLLAR is a product, that you’ve been brainwashed into believing you can’t live without. How do you get it? By trading your LIFE for it.

Why do governments love money monopolies? They make taxation possible. Without a ‘standard’ yardstick to measure every value exchange against, there’s NO WAY to figure out how much ‘your contribution’ needs to be.

So.. seriously.. work on your ability to NOT HAVE TO work for dollars. If you stop making dollars, you stop paying (most) taxes.

Check out Mr. Money Mustache, Early Retirement Extreme or the classic Your Money or Your Life.

Working towards your freedom from the tyranny of the DOLLAR should be on your short list of ‘paths to freedom’.

Stop trading your time for dollars. Start trading them for WHAT YOU WANT. Starve the beast while working less! (true win-win)

9 years ago

Another thing that pops to mind is the idea of ‘enough’. Once you get out of scarcity mode and scarcity thinking.. there is no temptation to violate your integrity to make a buck.

It’s just not even appealing.

Nor are you going to work at ANYTHING that you DON’T GIVE A S*** ABOUT. How many of your are working at something that DOESN’T MATTER (to you)?

That’s ALL about your messed up relationship with the DOLLAR.

(I know.. yelling.. but this is SERIOUS stuff.. this is YOUR LIFE..)

9 years ago

What ‘who’s gonna do x?’ really means:

I want SOMEBODY ELSE to do x. (educate my children, care for my parents, plan for my retirement, protect me..)

the anarchist answer:

Me. I’ll do it.

But for me, not for you.

Because I do not exist to be a slave, and neither do you.

9 years ago

I hope you have him back. Good stuff!

Robert R. Russell
Robert R. Russell
9 years ago

What is the video on YouTube that Jack mentions in this show. Does anyone have link or a search term?